
Saturday, 14 September 2024

Friday, 13 September 2024
Black Friday, and it’s raining.

We used our bus pass to the Maritime Museum, which was in an old large gatehouse, repurposed excellently. The highlight of many was a rediscovered and restored Cog, hanging from the ceiling. The exhibits are in chronological order, starting with the earliest at basement level, to the modern day on the 4th. The other highlight is a roof terrace on the 5th, providing superb 360° views. Many pictures taken! After a very nice coffee in the cafe, we walked up Piik St, the Royal Mile equivalent. It has lovely architecture. We arrived at the main square to find thd Beer House still closed, so a beer in Mikeller before taking the bus to Pohjala Brewery, where we (well me) had a fab time. We ate there too, Texan BBQ style. Stuffed, we got a bus back to the hotel, no trams today. No other food needed. We sat beside a nice couple, she Latvian with English, he German without, so probably an Ossie. They were drinking Schwartzbier. Another good day, if damp. Bed before 9! My left knee is suffering after a lot of walking.

Thursday, 12 September 2024
Left after breakfast in plenty of time to arrive at the ferry terminal. However, the traffic was horrendous! Still OK for time though. Our ferry was the Viking XPRS, the flagship of the fleet. A “bit” bigger than the Isle of Lewis, with multiple bars, restaurants and even a casino. There are loads of large ro-ros around, flitting to and fro. Tallinn port has about 10 million pax per year, about 3 times that of the airport (which is nearer the centre than the port).

We arrived pretty much on schedule, got an expensive taxi and checked in. The hotel is a basic Accor, not as good as yesterday’s, but fine enough and much cheaper.
After the usual getting used to the rooms, we took an Uber to the tourist centre, where I bought a couple of 24hour travel passes. There is a Mikeller bar next door, so of course I took advantage of it, having a couple of flights whilst sitting outside people – watching. Annie was complimented by a Nisei, she was like a dug with twa tails.

After, we ended up in a superb restaurant, the dinner plus wine around £100, so we will probably return on Saturday. Then back to the hôtel and rooms for 21:00, after nightcaps.

Wednesday, 11 September 2024
After a good breakfast we took a tram to the Design Museum. This was fantastic, and although not a large building, very informative. I learnt a lot about Finnish design. We had a coffee in the cafe, and then took a tram tour using the HSL app, cost 9€. After, we stopped off at the Helsinki Brygerri, which beer wise was disappointing, but we did have chicken wings and chips, which we totally overorrdered.

After a period of digestion, we took another tram to a dockside near the One Pint Pub, which was much more the thing. I had a flight of 5 beers ; most enjoyable! A delightful Finnish couple sat beside us and we had an interesting chat. The man spoke good English, the woman more uncertain (she was actually Dutch). We were stiil stuffed with wings, so our planned dinner was a no. We took an Uber to the hotel for several nightcaps. And I had a sandwich. Bed before 10, and a great first day.

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Up early. And Annie noticed what appears to be water dropping from the extractor in the bathroom. I hope it isn’t a leak! I’ll ask Bill to keep an eye on it. (It disappeared later, so wtf.)

And I was able to book seats for the Mockava – Cracow train, due to a site upgrade. So, all ready to go.

First, a farewell to Teuchter’s. Bill joined me for a couple before I returned to take a tram to EDI. After the trek through the system, we arrived at the Fever-Tree bar about 16:30. Fizz and a charcuterie platter, with balsamic onions, a new thing to me. Our Plane currently 25 minutes late, and ended up 35 late. Not a huge problem.

It was a long trek to arrivals though, and I was grateful we’d booked a hotel transfer. We arrived there after midnight. I had a beer, Annie fled for her bed.

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Up early. And Annie noticed what appears to be water dropping from the extractor in the bathroom. I hope it isn’t a leak! I’ll ask Bill to keep an eye on it. (It disappeared later, so wtf.)

And I was able to book seats for the Mockava – Cracow train, due to a site upgrade. So, all ready to go.

First, a farewell to Teuchter’s. Bill joined me for a couple before I returned to take a tram to EDI. After the trek through the system, we arrived at the Fever-Tree bar about 16:30. Fizz and a charcuterie platter, with balsamic onions, a new thing to me. Our Plane currently 25 minutes late, and ended up 35 late. Not a huge problem.

It was a long trek to arrivals though, and I was grateful we’d booked a hotel transfer. We arrived there after midnight. I had a beer, Annie fled for her bed.

Monday, 09 September 2024

Cold weather arriving tomorrow, as we fly to warm Helsinki! No haar today though.

I parked my car at Bill’s, and transferred cash to my travel accounts. I went to online check-in only to find that the seats I’s paid for had been changed.  Not happy, I phoned Finnair and was told that an aircraft change meant my selected seats were now in Business Class, hence the change.  After we arrive, I’ll seek a refund.


After Annie arrived, we went over to the Redmonds for drinks (yes, several of Anne’s lethal dry martinis, but didn’t get drunk!)  I admired their lovely new sofa, which has drink holders, compartments his ‘n’ hers recliners etc etc.

We got talking about Dick (in connection with our travels), then Annie said she had a Dick story, so I quipped it was as well it wasn’t a Dick pic.


We headed for a fine dinner at Domenico’s, which neither of us could finish!  Home  and bed for 21:30 zzz

Sunday, 08 September 2024

Drizzly, dreich, for the last shop prior to leaving these shores.

Clothes etc selected for packing tomorrow.

I am leaving my car at the Redmonds tomorrow morning, to allow Annie my space whilst we’re away. So I took it out for a run this afternoon to ensure the battery is at peak. I went to the Air Museum and a coffee at Fenton Barns, where Liz loved to go, as it has numerous small shops. Memories, and mixed emotions.


Home for 4, swift insertion of meat in oven, then to the Shore and joined by Bill. Far too much, home for 19:45…

Saturday, 07 September 2024

Today is Liz’s 70th birthday. I had messages from Liz C and Pamela. Touched.

The haar is not as dense as yesterday, I hope it breaks up.

I was summoned to the Malt and Hops by the Fortunae, and finally finally a smidgen of sun. The sisters were going to the Bowlers for a leaving do. I went up to do a survey on the Mash Tun, only to find it closed.  I ended up in the Persevere for a toilet stop and Ossian.

The sun waxed well, so I put a  washing out, curry ordered, that’s me done.

But the sun didn’t last long.

Friday, 06 September 2024


To Teuchter’s where Bruce was early with Bill after meeting Jim Woodhead.  Lawrance OTOH was late.

I fixed parking with Bill. George had called, he’s not too great.

An Italian couple who come in for the rugby were in, I hadn’t seen them for a while.  I told them where I was going, and they waxed lyrical about Bologna food.

Leaving, Bill and I saw a Wedding party, then passing the Shore and Ship, more parties there.  Quickie in the Malt, and no sunshine until 4pm.

A good result for Scotland’s women against Wales.

Lee, a new film about Lee Miller, starts 13th September, hopefully it’s still on when I get back; I’m a great admirer.

Thursday, 05 September 2024

I was trying to close an RBS ISA online.  Impossible! In the end, I went to the bank, which is closing next month!  It’s the first time I’ve been in a branch for years.  Anyway, a lassie did the bizzo.

Then, uptown for the holiday haircut, and a beer in Bennett’s.  I ran into a Yank couple,

Trevor and Veronica from Florida.  A very pleasant couple, into  Fine Dining.

It started raining, and I and missed the first bus so went back for another beer.  Off the 16, I popped into the Malt and had a blether with Julian, who is looking for new jobs.


Later, another exercise in self-immolation by Scotland’s male football team.

Bad news about Scott Hastings’ wife.

Wednesday, 04 September 2024

Time to put awa the shorts and tees, methinks. Six days before I flee these shores; by the time I return there will have been a decisive weather change, and time to put the electric blanket back on the bed, with the winter duvet!

Later however, a glorious afternoon.  Bill and Mark went to watch the Scotland cricket match. I still went to the Shore, and chatted to the staff.  

Danny had been to Falkland, and was raving about it. I’ve never been.  I had as much wine as I would have had with Bill. Bad. Lovely afternoon nonetheless

Poured myself a Chardonnay at home 19:15: a mistake.

Monday, 02 September 2024

“A grey mist on the sea’s face, and a grey dawn breaking.” But the promised downpours did not arrive.

Ironing and bits and pieces.

Sunday, 01 September 2024

And so we enter Autumn, with a Yellow warning of thunderstorms! Grey but dry, in the event. A slow day, with another call from Kenny, he sees his stroke nurse tomorrow.

Saturday, 31 August 2024

A glorious morning, if chilly.  Frosts in the glens! A quiet day in prospect, given that bad influence, Justice, is away.

However, after lunch, a message from the Aitkens. They were heading to Teuchter’s.

So I went over, and the place was heaving, with no seats free outside.  Our usual rugby table was however free, and I secured it, in time for Nigel and Tash to come in and join me.  The Boks-Blacks game was on so we started watching it.

The Aitkens finally left the Ocean Mist and deigned to join us (Jim had been expecting me to go there). Graham and Lynn were also with them.  Then Bill came in!

The Aitkens lunched, the rest of us watched the brutal game, and then we chatted.

A  great result for the Boks but they had some very noisy supporters in the bar!

Afterwards we went our ways, The Aitkens came along to the Shore, ostensible to get a tram..  Which after a few drinks outside, they got. Fabulous  weather, I was home for 19:30, not the day I had thought of…. A good day to finish summer with.

Friday, 30 August 2024

To Teuchter’s, Bill, Bruce and Lawrance present, and an early finish.

Thursday, 29 August 2024

Not as lovely as yesterday to start, but a busy day in front of me.

BandQ Boots, and I successfully finally fixed the washing machine and took much effort in putting it back in its slot.

I printed out all the paperwork for Europe Extravaganza, and relaxed

A Kenny call.  He’s not currently weaving (waiting for thread). His incipient cataracts, like mine, show no change worthy of attention.

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

A glorious warm sunny morning, as I headed out for what was a short shop.

I ordered a (hopefully) final part for the washing machine from B&Q, and will pick it up tomorrow (as well as a wire brush per Fergie).

The last Wednesday for some time, with Bill at the Shore. Talking piss and a surprising amount of soccer! 2 1/2 bottles…

Tuesday, 27 August 2024


I did a washing, and a Hamburg hotel booked, AND my Minatur Wunderland experience in Hamburg, as it’s always busy.

Teuchter’s won Best Drinks Offering at Scotland’s Bar awards.

Monday, 26 August 2024

To the Guildford to meet Bruce and Bill prior to Fergie’s train home. No call from Dr J, Bruce pointed out it was a bank holiday. We had 3 beers and relaxed.

But then she called, very pleased with bloods. So we all went our ways.

I had my Saturday curry tonight.

Sunday, 25 August 2024

Shopping as per, followed by wrestling with the washing machine to replace the wiring harness.  I discovered it was beyond my technical skills, as the harness wound its way well within the works.

I had a prescription to pick up so we walked to Boots OT only to find the pharmacy bit  closed! He went up town, I to the Malt and Hops. Rain arrived.

We had an early dinner and then went up to the Playhouse for my final festival frolic: the Grit Orchestra.

We were sufficiently early to manage a glass of white at the Little Picardy, which used to be the Habana, but a few months ago was taken over by the theatre.  Anyway, it’s very pleasant, reasonable prices and very pleasant staff.

Into the auditorium then, for the show.  It was everything I’d expected, a superb musical experience, not all Martyn Bennett’s stuff but all bore the influence.  Karen Matheson was one of the vocalists. A most enjoyable 2 hours, and given the standing ovations, everyone agreed.

After, we reprised our visit to the Picardy, where we got chatting to Sam, who was one of the theatre staff, snd had an interesting amount of info on the venue.  A great night out, then homewards.

Saturday, 24 August 2024

I took the Scotts to Waverley, Fergie stayed to see Pamela off home, then back up to meet him and go to Valvona and Crolla, initially for food, which I didn’t get, and then for a coffee.  But the coffee bar was stowed so we  walked down to another one followed by a quick venture into the Windsor. A mistake, full of Hibbees.  I’d forgotten it was game day.  Then I had a bad pint.

I’d contracted to meet the Gibsons at the Pleasance, and we got a bus thereto. It was heaving, no seats, and the Gibsons broke 3pm contract!

But all was OK in the end; they came out of their show (Tom J, Isla and Paula), and we actualy secured a table, and had some drinks.  Isla started running around with some children belonging to an adjacent table, at which a couple were sitting, the female of which Tom recognised as an actress, and the male had Paula all hot and bothered.  Needless to say, I didn’t recognise them, but they were very pleasant, in the Pleasance.

We walked up to the High St, and then went our separate ways.

Steak for dinner, followed by Vienna Blood.

Friday, 23 August 2024

A visit to Printworks; my first for some time.  Fergie and I had cheesecake; massive portions, I was well stuffed afterwards.  A wee visit to the Malt and Teuchter’s, before coming home for dinner.

Thursday, 22 August 2024

I went up to pick up the Scotts from Waverley.

After settling in, we took a tram and Fergie and I went to the Abbotsford, whilst Pamela went shopping; a reasonable trade-off.  Indeed, she bought me some groceries in MandS!

I’ve made a mistake about Pamela’s departure; it’s Saturday, not Sunday.

They took me out to dinner at the Shore,  next to an Italian couple deeply unimpressed with our weather.  This did not spoil our dinner though.  And on top of that they’d brought me a birthday present of a  Scotland Training top, very nice.

A late night, much music.

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Fergie and Pamela tomorrow. So, shopping and chill.

I watched Joseph Stiglitz on TV (from last night), chaired by Andrew Wilson, my last book festival event of the year. Interesting, informative, but not really stuff I didn’t know before.

I read an Economist article on Gaza. Truly depressing.

Then another washing (the machine hanging together), put it out on the balcony until the wind got up. It’s getting noisy out there.

Tuesday, 20 August 2024

One of my random night thoughts: is Oh Come All ye Faithful anti semitic…


A message from Liz, John’s cataract op has gone well and she’s away to pick him up.

After lunch, I started on the WM door.  The screws were different to anything I’ve seen. I went to B&Q, and it seems I needed a Torx driver, of which I’ve never heard.  Then I bought the wrong size! Eventually I got the right one and I was able to get the fitting off and took a look at it.  The problem was actually with the wiring harness, and I need another part!  However, It’s still a hell of a lot cheaper than the alternatives, and meanwhile, I have actually got the thing to work, pro tem, sort of. It’s still got a red warning light but hopefully it’ll last until the replacement wiring arrives.

Then I broke a serving dish.  It’s not been a good day.

I’ve decided not to go to my final book festival event this evening, I’m far from in the mood for it! Instead, I watched Vienna Blood.

The nights are drawing in.

Monday, 19 August 2024

First order of the day after breakfast was to reserve train seats for Riga to Vilnius.  (A number of reservations open only 30 days before departure.)

Contrary to expectation, when I left for my first event today, the weather was warm, calm and dry, if overcast. I don’t expect that later. The transit was easy today, in fact the bus arrived early.

New venue  T, today. It’s quite large, but no cambered seating. First, Karl Ove Knausgard: his book Written in the Stars is about a fellow-countryman not too dissimilar from himself.  He’s obviously an interesting chap, and of all the events I’ve been to, his book is the only one I’ve been tempted to buy.

I ahd a beer in Sandy Bell’s before departing for my next event, Billy Kay, and the rain started.

Very interesting; it was a two-hander, with Kay reading from his book (Born in Kyle) which is a memoir of childhood, and the singer Robyn Stapleton, who sang songs referred to in the book.  Mostly Burns of course. It wis aa in the Scots leid, sae whit ither fowk made of it I dinna ken. It wis braw, though.

Nae hinging aboot after, got a 35 immediately, home just after 6. My washing machine part had arrived.

Sunday, 18 August 2024

An early start on a grey day. After breakfast I headed off to the Book Festival for a 10:30 event with Jennifer Saint: Mythical Women; in this case, Hera. It will be interesting to compare her with Pat Barker, whose Trojan series about Briseis I’ve so enjoyed.

Waiting for the 35, the Redmonds and Graham Hooper came along, looking for somewhere to have breakfast. The bus arriving from OT already had quite a few people on, and shortly it was standing only, along with quite a lot of young children. Only at the Bridges did the numbers start thinning out with quite a lot getting off at my stop.

It’s more an early spring day today, cool, blustery  but plenty sun.

A new venue today, the NW ((whatever that stands for), within the main building.  (Yes, it stands for the obvious : North West.)

The book is written from a certain feminist perspective, placing Hera as a wronged woman(despite her goddess-ness). The classical Greek writers were all male of course, excepting Sappho, and I don’t think she commented on the Gods, so the comments on a patriarchy are reasonable.  Also, the “top gods” are all male. The female ones however, are all within a nurturing role, even Hera to a certain extent. (The key work here of course is Hesiod’s Theogeny.)

To my question on whether or not she’d see the Star Trek (OS) about the gods, she said she hadn’t (the episode is ”Who Mourns for Adonais?”).  An enjoyable event, but I wasn’t tempted to buy the book.

I got a 35 quite quickly, and went to Sainsbury to shop, before joining the coven at the Malt.

Liz and John H arrived with my birthday present(s) and stayed for a while, before Geoff arrived.

I left at 16:15 shortly after the Hintons.

After putting the dinner on, a swiftie in the Shore.

Saturday, 17 August 2024

Still can’t get over yesterday.

I decided against Richard Holloway, and passed the ticket to Bill.

I went over to the Malt later. Alan, Elaine and Brian (from Cupar) were in and I didn’t stay too long. No pop-ins on way home.

Friday, 16 August 2024

Friday, 16 August 2024

Trying not to be too depressed at turning seventy (it looks less intimidating written, than numbered, imho). Plus, soixante-neuf can be said with a leer, whilst soixante-dix is just sad.

John Hinton’s cataract op today, hope it goes well. (Later, he replied to my good wishes saying it was on Tuesday!)

A birthday call from Fergie; he’s relatively happy with the Don’s deal. 

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t touched by the birthday cards, and messages…

I got a WhatsApp call from Issie Astbury, and Paul was there too.  He looks pretty good, especially considering he’s just had a major spinal op to remove a crumbling vertebra. Their granddaughter Brooklyn mad a brief appearance to add piquancy and noise. Nice.

A plan for the day is assembling vaguely in my mind, not affected by the lack of sunshine. It’s supposed to be dry.

Later in the morning, the door phone went, saying there was a delivery.  It turned out to be the Redmonds, with a card and bottle. They stayed for a glass, and when I poured the chilled white from the fridge, it transpired it was in fact red!  However, it tasted fine.  They didn’t stay as they were off to meet a friend off the train at Waverley. And the sun started making an occasional appearance.

After lunch, I stopped off at the Malt and Hops at Alan’s behest, where I found him and Lawrence. They each bought me a beer, as did Mikey the barman. Unfortunate, as I missed my planned bus and when I went for a tram, discovered I’d left my bus pass in another jacket.

Anyway, a dash home, retrieval of pass and a  tram got me to my planned show in time. The show, She Burns, is held at a room in the Johnnie Walker Experience (former Frasers) at the east end of Princes St. It’s a 4-hander of women singing about Robert Burns, with a focus on the women in his life.  It was most enjoyable, with the women calling themselves witches, and a coven, which is doubtless why Julie recommended it to me, given the link with the Malt.

After that, it was off to Ryrie’s to meet the Redmonds.

Well, when I walked in the door, I was astounded and bemused to find Paula and Annie there!  Bill and Anne had organised a surprise party.  I was certainly surprised, and humbled, as well as totally fooled!

Then along came the Hintons, the Sievwrights. And Mark R.  Bill said they’d booked Ignite, which was ironic as I’d planned to go there after meeting the Redmonds.  After a few beers, we arrived there to be greeted by Tom jnr Alison and Isla, and proceeded to have a lovely meal.

A mixture of joy and gratitude.

Some time later, we all went our separate ways. Annie had driven down and drove back, a heroic effort. The Redmonds and I took a tram down to the Port of Leith for a nightcap. No ale, so I had a ½ of Beavertown Gamma Ray.  We were joined by the Redmonds pal Graham, who is up from London for the festival. Also in the pub were Natalie behind bar, Alan Massie, Kenny and the Moans. A whisky arrived from Kenny, but it was beyond be.  I took a tram home and a welcome bed, after an unexpectedly lovely day. (See Gallery)

Thursday, 15 August 2024

Bloods and Seaths, so far, no rain.

Julie messaged me about an event she was at, at the Johnnie Walker place, called She Burns.  4 women and Rabbie.  She was very impressed, and I do have a window tomorrow, before I meet the Redmonds at Ryrie’s…

On the way up to the GP, I saw a snail trying to cross the road.  On the way back (BP fine) it hadn’t moved much so I placed it on damp ground.  Will there be a third animal rescue? And a call from Liz, John goes in for a cataract op tomorrow. Hope all goes well.

I avoided the promised downpours and had a late breakfast.

Then, as I was about to leave for the Abbotsford, the heavens opened. Joy. The heavy stuff passed quickly and I gambled on staying with my summer clothes, which I regretted whilst I waited at a damp  gusty autumnal stop. Even at my stop the tram was very busy. And of those joining, only one had taken my gamble.

An amusing sign at Omni about ostensibly male mental health, was in fact an advert for male underwear called Wonderbro, doubtless a deliberate reference to WonderBra.

I was 10 late for the Seaths, who were in fine form. Stevie still alas a Tennents drinker, but he did buy me a birthday lunch. Margaret ageless as ever (as is Stevie tbf). I hate them both.

The first two pints I had were off, and I had to send them back. Honest! The best was 71 Halo, the problem being it was 5%. A very enjoyable afternoon.

The Seaths left to go for their train, unwilling to accept my assurance it was more than 20 minutes late. They’d brought a card, which Stevie insisted I open.  Within in it, was the famous Stewart House Tenner. Briefly,  when we were relatively poor workies, we used to borrow a tenner off each other, which became the aforementioned sobriquet. It was both hilarious and moving,  bringing back many happy memories. So thank you.

Foolishly, I had another 71. I moved to the bar, where I heard the amusing exchange between a customer requesting a sweet mix with a whisky, and the barman who said, “We don’t do cocktails, we are a simple bar”

When I left, it  was clear my gamble had paid off. The sun was out. However, the tram was so busy I had to stand for a few stops. Home for 5:45.

Big sale for the Dons. 

Wednesday, 14 August 2024

A pleasant morning for the shops.  Welch’s had herring so I bought some.  Salt or fresh?

Another two cruise ships in port today, one again away from the usual berth (Azamara Quest). It seems the first was not a one-off as stated. Possibly Edinburgh is getting over cruised now.  If so, it couldn’t be a worse time for the infrastructure.

An email from the factor; it transpires this expensive work is likely not going to be needed after all.  Phew.


Today’s event: Jeremy Bowen: Making the Middle East. After arranging to meet Bill earlier than usual, I discovered it was an online event, therefore no travel required.

And thus, the Shore outside, joined by Mike as the sun beat down on us, and the world (tourists and cars) passed by with differing levels of noise.  The Redmonds have had a triad of misfortunes: first their small TV broke (that was a couple of weeks ago) then their main TV, and finally their iron.  My washing machine issue seemed quite trivial. Then, Bill off to party on their decking with some neighbours, Mike homeward as he has COPD and can’t stay too long.  I reminded him that my cousin Tom was 90. Curiously, it didn’t help. Great craic nevertheless, covering the political spectrum (too much about the USA for my taste). They are more optimistic about the future than I.

Home to find, among cards I did not open, a copy letter from my Liver consultant arrived. Usual meh, but nothing out of the way.

Jeremy Bowen has put on the beef. His interviewer was another bright and beautiful woman I’ve never hear of; Hind Hassan. Like Yuan the other day, she’d come to the UK as a child, but is of Arabic origin.

An excellent event, but nothing about the future. It wasn’t long enough, and more a romp around what Bowen has covered over the years; conflicts, many and bloody. His book: The Making of the Modern Middle East.


Watching TV after dinner when a pigeon flew into a window. I went out to find it standing on the sill, stunned. I picked up, and soothed it, and after a few minutes set it down, whereupon it scuttled next door. I think it was chased, perhaps a hawk? And I have discovered I’m allergic to pigeons. Anyway, my neighbour came out and it flew, away, so a happy ending.

I must remember not to eat anything before bloods tomorrow.  And after that, the Seaths at the Abbotsford.

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Annie’s birthday. It’s greyer, wetter, cooler. The bus up to today’s event not too bad, I got a later one and was still in plenty of time, thus avoiding temptation for drink.. I was offered an Access seat just as the rain got heavier… Thus works the Stick of Power!

Rickie Demarco (or Rico, as he said) is a force of nature. At 94, still.  Neither Roddy Martine nor the Chair got much of a say. He’s quite bitter about the lack of a building dedicated to the history of the EIF, and his archive. No time for the luvvies in charge, which was amusing.

Despite a swift pint in Sandy Bell’s, I was in time for my Specsavers appointment .  No problems or changes with my eyes, apart from an increase in cataract encroachment in the left eye.

Monday, 12 August 2024

Thunder and rain, as I lay in bed. Interestingly and unusually, I heard an aeroplane fly overhead, and when I looked at Flightradar it’s clear that a bit of storm-cell dodging is going on, with a number of ‘planes routed differently on approach and departure.

I arranged bloods for Thursday. Then up to the Festival for my second event, Yuan Yuag talking about China.  The journey was stress-free, and dry. I was not in the mood for a Sauvblanc, but I went over to the Speigeltent. This iteration is event-only, a disappointment.

Anyway, my event was as well-attended as yesterday’s, And as interesting. I didn’t know of this woman before.  Not untypically, she came to the UK as a child with immigrant parents, from Sichuan province.  A journalist with both the Economist and the FT, she just got elected as a Labour MP. Bright, bright. Again, the theme was socio-political change.  Whilst Africa has a wide number of countries and polities, even if there are far too many str0nfgmen, China of course has Xi.  Her book follows the lives of 4 women, who are disguised for obvious reasons.  They are not typical, as most of China and Chinese is rural, and frequently backward.  But nevertheless…

In hindsight, the rain jacket was a bad idea: I was sweltering. On the way home, ESF (Edinburgh Street Food, beside the Omni) for my first visit, for relief.  A couple of pleasant snacks, and a beer, then home with no other stops; temptation avoided.

Fergie picked up my pill-dispenser.

Sunday, 11 August 2024

The bloody washing machine has broken. (I had spilled red wine on my top, soaked overnight and put on a wash.  It failed at the end.)

After breakfast, I saw Graham off on the airport tram and went to pick up a prescription.

I looked at the WM issue. It seems to me that it’s a door lock problem. I think I can fix it by ordering a spare part and DIY. IF so, I’ll save ££££££.

I took a 35 up to the new Book Festival venue for my first event of this year. Traffic chaos, blood pressure elevated!!!

The new venue is a definite improvement.  For one thing, mush more outdoor space, not unlike the Charlotte Sq. days. Grass even. And wine👍

So, Zeinab Badawi in the Courtyard Theatre, an outside one, which seats around 200, in a narrow-wide format. Sell-out crowd. Hot though.

An excellent event;  the interlocuter Fiammetta Rocco, was interesting: a Kenyan colonial background and  Zeinab from Sudan (I’d thought of her as coming from Pakistan). The festival theme is the future, so this was speaking about the future of Africa mostly socio-politically.

Afterwards, I pooped into Sandy Bells (which is next to the bus stop,  followed by too much in Malt, speaking to  Julian.  A woman recognised that we were speaking Gaelic, and asked us about it as her sone (a young adult now) had been to Taobh na Pairce.  I went over to speak to the family, on of whom was Samoan!

Home for 21:30, late dinner!

Saturday, 10 August 2024

Prepped house for Graham. A call from Fergie, he’s obviously still with us as I’d been trying to contact him for a couple of days. I asked him to pick up my pill dispenser which I left behind in the Park Inn. Ditto a call from Kenny. I went to Boots and Market followed by the Malt and Hops for a chat with Justice.

On the way home, a wee duck into the Shore where I found Mike from across the water.  

Sunny and gusty, and home.

A call from Graham shortly thereafter, he was in  the Shore! I joined him before heading home for dinner.

And he’s stayed with me before which I don’t remember. Embarrassing.

Friday, 09 August 2024

A message from Liz, Katie has had a baby daughter, Ella.

I watched a Sky Arts “Discovering” on Michelle Yeoh.  She is gorgeous of course, but also a strong woman (in all senses).  I was impressed with her in “Crouching…” but can you imagine anyone else playing Aung San Suu Kyi?

 On my way up the town, I stopped at Teuchter’s to meet  Bill and Bruce.  I wasn’t drinking, but John handed me over a  mispoured pint of Jarl.  Bill struggled with “mispour”; he didn’t understand it.  Funny how a new word can cause problems.

I missed my 16 to Cloisters, ended up on a 34 which took forever, meaning I was about ½ hour late to meet the Aitkens.  Anyway, so far, so dry.

Gregor was in good form at the bar, and I had an  enjoyable few beers and chat with Jim and Frances. Charlie (CAMRA) and pals sat next to us; it took a while for him to notice!.  Then Stuart Campbell came by and sat with us until we left for Bennett’s, where the barmaid from Blazer whose name I forget was on. Beers there all went off at same time! A very good afternoon blether as always with the Aitkens.

Got the 16 down and the rain began. Traffic horrific again.

Thursday, 08 August 2024

A light breakfast (no coffee allowed) and bus to the hospital. I hadn’t appreciated quite how far out it is. It’s a wee walk from the bus stop and it’s bloody big! At least it was dry.

They took 4 goes to get a cannula in, my veins are shot. The whole thing was done and dusted by 10:45. No nasty after-effects, report goes to cardiology in about 3 weeks.


Nice wee bus trips there and back. A lot of derelict land around, but some nice views also.

BAE Systems poking through, along with the top of one of the new frigates.

I resisted the temptation to stop off at the Three Judges, et al. The forecast is poor later anyway.

I just missed a train, so popped into Dow’s and MandS food for supplies, got the train and tram from Haymarket, and home for 14:40, avoiding any wet weather (and tourists).

I got an email from the Book Festival explaining the new venue(s).  Interesting.

Wednesday, 07 August 2024

After breakfast, shopping.  PM, off to Glasgow for my angiogram tomorrow. Rain jacket too, given the forecast. There were a lot of dark clouds to the North, better to the South. We’ll see.Arriving in Glasgow, there was a shower in the short distance from the station to the hotel.

After checking in, I went to Rab Ha’s for one poor Jarl and both beers went off. A good bit of banter with a couple of local Tennents drinkers! Then to Blackfriars to check, which was OK and improved from my previous visit, followed by Babbity Bowster, where the Sunshine in Keith was merely OK. Ah, Glasgow…

An email from the factor  with bad news on the flat front. Expensive works possibly needed.


And my restaurant decision, after much indecision, was the Atlantic Brasserie. I’ve been before and have liked it.

Gambas flambées and Sauv  Blanc  to start, Poitrine to follow with a Pinot.

It’s busy. Service is swift, and I splattered the prawn sauce. Still, a spoon supplied to assist.


With Accor, no room upgrade but a free drink. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don’t normally have a drink, so prefer the room. However, after returning from dinner, a wee nightcap went well.

Tuesday, 06 August 2024

The cheek of that nazi fuckwit Musk!  He obviously supports these knuckle-draggers in England.  Let’s hope they get their just desserts.

A wee session on the bike, before a call from Dr D to check up on the knee.  Quite happy.  To think about left knee before Europe.

Monday, 05 August 2024

Hot, almost tropical with humidity as I went to Sainsbury. For the rest, nothing.

Good result for the Dons though, first league game, and away.

Sunday, 04 August 2024

After breakfast (buffet today), I found an excellent article by William Keegan in the Observer.

A call from Ron B; he would not be joining us at the Grill.  Early, I went to the Stag, only to find all cask off! I nursed a ½ of fierce until opening time and crossed over to the Grill, where Fergie joined me.  Just the two, and I left Fergie there, in plenty of time for my train, which left on time.

Lots of people got on at Stonehaven.  The train busy throughout in fact. We arrived Haymarket 2 minutes early, I hopped on a tram and home before 17hrs.

A Curry ordered; not my usual Sunday fare.

Disaster for Hibs, and light rain started.

Early bed I think.

Saturday, 03 August 2024

A decent breakfast, waiter served surprisingly.


I met Fergie and Pamela for coffee at Michie’s at midday.  Land syne I was there.

I’d considered a curry for lunch, but instead went into the Stag, where Chris Simmonds blanked me! A couple in the Grill and back to the hotel via the Co-op.


Later, I got the bus to the Abergeldie Bowling Club.  I’d forgotten the dress code for Aberdonians on Saturday night: scanty.

Arriving at eight, I was just in time for the group photo. Damn. A great night, well attended, and I knew plenty of people.  I sat with Annie, Jenny, Phil, Cwti and Andrew.  The booze was ridiculously cheap.  Fortunately.  I ended up dancing!

At 23:30 no buses.  Poor. I walked back to the hotel, arriving after midnight, sweaty and shattered. No rain; thank god for aircon.

Friday, 02 August 2024

Up early, and got ready to leave.

For once I took the bus to Waverley, rather than the tram to Haymarket. A pleasant day, but some rain forecast in the course of the weekend, so I have packed my rain jacket.  Hopefully it won’t be needed. On the way, I downloaded the new LRT app. Too soon to say if it’s better than the old one.

The train was surprisingly busy, even in 1st class. As we left, the 7:52 from Aberdeen passed us on the other track. And relax, with a white wine and sandwich.

Quite a few got off at Leuchars, and we were stuck at Stonehaven making us nearly 10 late. Offshore wind farms in the far distance. I don’t remember seeing them before.


I walked up to the Park Inn. As per usual, a room upgrade with a small tray waiting. Nice.

Later, a wander around, I had a coffee at the coffee bar beside the Wallace statue.  Expensive. Then to the wee bar in Ma’s, which was very bright. No real ale though, one has to go to the main bar and take it through. The snug still the same. No McCormac plaque 😢

Finally, to the Prince to meet Fergie and Pamela, who were in at the back of me.


At Moonfish, the Buchans joined us and we had a convivial dinner, which was very good, as was the drinks. At the end, the girls left and the rain came down, as we walked to the Lampie for one poor pint. Oh well. Fergie and I took the 11 and I was at the  hotel for

ten-ish.  Zzzz   

Thursday, 01 August 2024

Lunasdal, or the Celtic harvest festival, today.

I went to Turing Trust to finally drop off my old (2018) PC, followed by a visit to Costco.  There I discovered that they have instituted a policy of not allowing non-trade customers in before midday, only they didn’t tell anyone, thus leaving their staff to pick up the flak!  Very poor customer service.  Anyway, after having to visit the front desk, they allowed all in.

 Hardly a Lunasdal celebration, but what would you have.


I watched a fascinating 4-parter on PBS about the USA in 1968.  Fascinating. And I remember living through it.

I’m meeting the Scotts and the Buchans for dinner  in Moonfish tomorrow. Should be fun.

Wednesday, 31 July 2024

The last day of July.  It was cool, as I went to the shops, but hopefully I’ll be able to sit out at the Shore later with Bill. Booked train for Aberdeen this weekend.

Later, outside indeed.  Bill and I discussed the Winter Fuel decision by Reeves.  He was against; I was supportive, strangely.  He is a fan of universal benefits, whilst I am not so much, especially given the ability to synchronise IT (OK, yes, I know UKGOV IT projects are basically a disaster)Beardie and Lara came by with an entourage; they had just got married!  In the Carrier’s back room as it transpired.  Linda Irvine Fitzpatrick was with them; we chatted briefly.  She was in good form and keen to meet up soon if possible. She is away when Annie is down prior to our departure for Europe, so that’s not on.  Must look at my diary for gaps, of which there are few. A kiss from Lara is always lovely, but she didn’t wait for me :-;

Gigolo Jim joined us: it was he who told us the wedding location. He and Bill ganged up against me on the trams.  I still hold to my original view that ’twas better not to have started. Also, I learned more about Jim under his questioning from Bill than I knew before.  He was in the music business, and estate management.  And he paid £21 for a Cosmopolitan at the NB! An enjoyable session as ever.

I left before 6.

Message from Annie, Tom still in hospital, but hopefully will get out and be OK for Saturday.

Tuesday, 30 July 2024

I didn’t sleep very well last night. I got a message from Annie first thing  She’d been in contact with Tom Snr who was in better form, the application of Oxygen having worked wonders. So fingers crossed.

I took a tram to the National Gallery for the Gaelic talk. I suppose the first event of the Festival for me, if it is part of the EIF. The tram was exceptionally busy. Sure enough, there was a cruise ship in. Interestingly, it had docked in a new part of the docks, a deep-water berth just outwith the lock gates. I wonder how they got out of the area?

Anyway, time for a coffee at Contini’s before going to the Hawthornden theatre. It was pretty quiet inside (the cafe), the tables outside however, had few seats, with people making the most of the summer weather. Of those attending the lecture, there were few younger than me, which is a shame.

People behind me were talking nonsense about lexicography; bha mi duilich.

Anyway, it was a very interesting talk about Celtic interconnectedness in both the physical and spiritual world vis-à-vis the arts.

I took a tram back home, to drive to the RIE for my liver consultant. The discussion went a lot better than I expected. “See you next year.” He told me that Atorvastatin was OK with booze. No bloods needed, as GP will do. The usual caveats however.


I went home via the butcher to celebrate with a BBQ! (Incidentally, a stream of buses coming out from the Edinburgh Dock casino entrance demonstrated how some passengers were getting out from the cruise ship.)

And a pleasant couple of glasses of Sauvblanc on the balcony to finish off the evening.

Hopefully a better night’s sleep tonight. I have to decide tomorrow on the Aberdeen details.

Monday, 29 July 2024

7 okta of cloud, but warm, as I went to the GPO, the Lunarpalooza has been taken down. I got some Swiss Francs and headed up for a haircut.

Bad news for my local foodbank from Labour, they won’t be getting £300 from me this winter, pace Rachel Reeves’s announcement.


A late message from Annie; Tom is perhaps being taken to the ARI. 🤞

Sunday, 28 July 2024

A pleasant start to the day again.

An early visit to the Malt; mostly Slime, but a beer to finish before heading home early.

To the balcony to sunbathe in the hot sun. No wine!

Saturday, 27 July 2024

And breathe…

A quiet day followed by Uruguay Scotland game. Hopefully they will follow on from the Dons and Hibs results.

A poor first half again. Horne had a shocker.

Duhan beat the record, thanks to Rove’s unselfish pass. The second half was slightly better, but these boys have to improve considerably and cohere.

Friday, 26 July 2024 

To Teuchter’s with Bill and Bruce but no drink for me as I was going out.

Back to Teuchter’s at 17:30 on the bridge with the guys before heading over to the

Lunarpalooza at Moonwake.  I was the oldest there; another occasion when I realise it.

It was fun nevertheless, and a good selection of beer and live music.  They ran out of food though!

Not sure how successful it was, but the neighbours won’t be happy!

Thanks John. Well done Fin

Home back of  9, John will be up to Teuchter’s West End until dark o’clock

Sleepy… so sad I can’t do it any more.

Thursday, 25 July 2024

To the Port to drop off POV then tram to Ryrie’s to meet John and Stuart before heading to Linlithgow for curry, via Platform 3.

Given the forecast, I took my rain jacket, but hopefully I shan’t need it. Princes St was very busy.

Ryrie’s was fun, and the train only took 18 minutes to Linlithgow, where Willie was waiting in the pub.  It’s a great wee community bar, and we were all in good form.  Willie mentioned about Katie being pregnant again.  It’s another girl, which I hadn’t known. Willie and Robyn are going camping in Yorkshire.

An excellent curry and very  funny especially the multilingual waiter.  I went onto the wine.  Finally, a swift train home with Stuart omitting to activate ticket Haymarket thus delaying everyone apart from John who was going to Waverley. As I emerged, a tram was pulling up. It did rain, but we dodged.

Most enjoyable.  Home around 22:30.

Wednesday, 24 July 2024

Looks like another decent summer’s day. It is!  I went to the shops early, but in Aldi buying wine, I forgot the 10 o’clock rule.

Then, up town again for a Haircut, but no-one in, even though marked “Open”. I had a swift ½ in the Hanging Bat (Stones), but the barber was still closed. I had Mobile data  problems with WiFi  gone. Not a good start to meeting the Aitkens at the Conan Doyle before going to  the Bistro Coco.  Although they’d booked it, none of us had been there before.  A real find; we had a delicious 3 course meal with wine for about £50.

Leaving later on, we saw a new wine bar just across the road called Goose 73 (73 Broughton St). It seemed fated… It’s a very nice little place; does food as well.  Broughton St is awash with lovely small businesses like this.

After a few glasses, I was getting a bit pissed. Just in time for my GP to come in then.  We exchanged some pleasantries before we staggered out .


The fires in Jasper are a tragedy.

Tuesday, 23 July 2024

 I have booked to go toa see Streetcar named Desire in the Lyceum, for October.

I ran into the Redmonds out for a wander, as I was on my way to Valvona and Crolla on a lovely day. and as it was so pleasant, dropped into the Shore on the way home.  A message to Bill, and he was swiftly over.

Lovely evening.

Monday, 22 July 2024

I went over to visit Alisdair.  Parking yet again a problem but got there.  His sister Nicola’s partner Kenny was there.  They have a meeting at 2 with various PSMs (Professionals supplementary to medicine).

As I was there, “my” Kenny finally phoned! Still breathing.

I told Alisdair to leave a message on the Coven chat on the outcome of the meeting and do exercises! On the way back, I popped into a B and M to buy some stuff for the house.

And there was an update from Alisdair, he’s getting out! Initially to mum, then hopefully supported accommodation.  So goodness knows when we’ll see him again.

Sunday, 21 July 2024

As I walked to the Malt, I noted that there was a pointless road closure for waterworks.  No workies to be seen.

Colin the barman is off to Antalya for a week tomorrow. The pub was quite busy, and Jacqui and Neil arrived to join Justice and I (the Fortunae will be involved with Formula 1, doubtless).

And home before 3, to the news that Joe Biden has withdrawn from the presidential race.

Saturday, 20 July 2024

A grey day again, if warm. I booked a (cancellable) hotel for my planned visit to Aberdeen for Tom’s birthday party. And my new shorts have arrived, I’m pleased with them. In fact, wearing a pair. Apart from that, a quiet day, and I did not venture forth, this avoiding licenced premises.

Rain arrived late afternoon. And later I watched the Scotland Chile game. I was surprised there was a pipe band for Flower of Scotland. Probably expats.

An easy victory for the Dons too. Hibs, otoh…

Friday, 19 July 2024

A very strong speech by David Davis in Hansard. It repays reading in full.

To Teuchter’s with Bruce and Bill.  It was very warm if somewhat overcast.  On return home, I received an Angiogram appointment on the 8th August and my new >70 driving licence. So that’s good.

Microsoft have created a worldwide débacle. My PC is ok though!

Thursday, 18 July 2024

Grey today, and it’s Iain Canada’s 70th.

I received an eLetter re a rearranged Pre diabetic course; I phoned and made an appointment for November, the first available in my area.

And a few online purchases.

Wednesday, 17 July 2024

A hot day, as I did my shopping.  Some fresh herring at Welch’s which I bought as a breakfast treat tomorrow.

Hopefully the weather will allow Bill and I to sit outside the Shore later.


No adverse effect from my jag yesterday ; in fact the knee seems improved. To celebrate, I had my first session on the bike since my various setbacks. Good.

However, we had two bottles again   🙄 And yes, sitting out, although the sun was fleeting.

Later, a text from Bill, who’d forgotten to pay his bill(!).  So I joined him for a glass.

Tuesday, 16 July 2024

A Yellow weather warning.  Will it come to anything?

I got my arranged call from to Dr Davidson, he can do a knee this afternoon if I’m up for it.  I was, as Elaine cancelled again.

I did my Road tax and >70 licence renewal and a lot of paperwork disposed of.  It strikes me that there’s still no word from KNMD.


And so to the GP, and the job was rapidly and painlessly done.

I went over to the Port to do a survey, but it was closed.  The King’s Wark was friendly, it’s the first time for a couple of years I’ve been in. I had a ½ of Stewart’s 80 which was VG, Pentland IPA about to go on. A quickie in the Malt before home and a Chinese carryout.  An occasional raindrop but nothing much; so much for the warning.

Monday, 15 July 2024

After feeding Annie breakfast, I saw her off  home via Greenock.

Then the day was spent booking; all hotels now booked.


Later, a call from Stevie Seath.  He plans to be down soon and we agreed the 15th, when I have no festival events.

Sunday, 14 July 2024

Out early to shop, nicer day, no ill effects.

After breakfast, we discussed out trip to Europe and made the various decisions required.


In the afternoon, I left Annie in her PJs, and went to Aldi, followed by the Malt where Justice was recovering from his wedding debauch. Jacqui R arrived, full of the joys. She and Neil CM have booked a fortnight in Kenya.

Then we were joined by Julie, Elaine, and Massie, but in fairness to Annie, I left for home at 14:15 (no Shore). Rain arrived, but cleared to leave a lovely finish, and we sat out on the balcony with some white.

Alcaraz won Wimbledon, and later, Spain beat England. Two out of two for Spain today. And a great result for Bob MacIntyre.


I booked our flights home from Europe.

Saturday, 13 July 2024

Annie arrives later, so the morning spent in cleaning etc.

There was not much time between her arriving and heading out for dinner to ASKR. It was spitting as we went, and remained damp for the rest of the evening.

Unlike the restaurant, in which the food was fully of Michelin star quality.  We went for a tasting menu with paired wines. It was great; 10 courses over  a 3-hour period.  As usual, we were stuffed by the end.

Leaving, I popped into the Port to check on the beer.  None!  I’ll have to revisit and speak to Craig. It was too noisy and busy tonight.

Friday, 12 July 2024

After breakfast, off to BuT to meet the girls. I ran into Ian Barclay again! He’s going to Selby in a week or so.

Unfortunately Wendy couldn’t make it today, a bit below par. 

Arriving, we joined Rachel outside the Leaping Salmon and we sat very pleasantly until it was time to move on.  This time, we made the Barrel, which is a great wee pub, with nooks and crannies. We only had the one, and in a convo with the barman, Jim learned he had 17 guitars. (Jim was wearing a shirt bedecked with guitars.)  He was well outdone!

And so to Atelier, where we had a very pleasant lunch, and beer, before heading eventually to the Curfew.

It was a lovely afternoon, but I was feeling tired so left early.


At home, I discovered that the Scotland – Japan U20 game was on Alba.  I got to watch the second half; a good result for the boys.

And so ended the inglorious 12th. No orange or drums noted, thankfully.

Thursday, 11 July 2024

Feels like I’ve lost a day again.

I picked up Lawrence, and we went to visit Alisdair.  Little change, or sign of getting out. After, we popped into the Malt and Hops, which was sans Justice (at a wedding).  However,  Bill and Anne passed by on their way to source a TV at Asda.  Bill, less than gallantly, let Anne go on herself, and joined us!

Tomorrow, Berwich upon Tweed.

Wednesday, 10 July 2024

The bad weather seems to have subsided. Aberdeen’s turn now. It’s humid though.

The Dump: I refer of course to the recycling centre, and not any recent affliction, to get rid of stuff.


Later, a most enjoyable session with Bill   A white  bottle then a 2nd! Home. And I watched The Human Jungle TV series, fascinating and of its time. I’d heard of it but never seen it as we didn’t have TV at that time.  

Tuesday, 09 July 2024

A lovely sunny start to a day that is going to get very wet.  Before that happens, I have to be up and doing; the rest of the week is busy.

First, up town inter alia for a visit to Boots. I met Ian Barclay at the tramstop, on his circuit

The bright sunshine is gazing over as high cloud started spilling in from the south, preparatory to the heavy stuff in a few hours.

Jobs accomplished, but instead of a visit to Valvona and Crolla as intended, I popped in to MandS food hall, leaving by the rat-run and getting the tram at St Andrew Square. The cloud was thickening, but still warm.

As I finished unloading the shopping, I received a call from the Golden Jubilee hospital.  They have received my CT scan referral and are looking to see me late July/early August.  Good news! (When they identified themselves, I initially thought it was about my joints.)


Later, I watched the inaugural flight of the Ariane 6. Amazing. Some goal by the 16 year-old Spaniard…

An unpleasant late evening, rain and gusting easterly. I had to shut my bedroom window. Summertime in Scotland, in sharp contrast to yesterday.

Monday, 08 July 2024

Hoping for a better week! A good start, I booked a trip to Hamburg in December with BA.  £2 with my points and companion voucher.

As have almost recovered, I restarted my Ramipril capsules.

Time to catch up with my website, before a call from Judy Hickson. No revelations or demands, fortunately.  We agreed I’d restart my statins at ½ the dose, monitor for a month and redo bloods. I said I was thinking about steroid jags for the knees, and Dr Davidson is to call me next week.


I see I have a personal reminder to renew my road tax, but I received nothing from the DVLA and as is usual with UKGOV, no way to actually speak to a human.

After spending too much time on front of my PC I found I’d wasted a warm sunny afternoon on the balcony. So, I poured myself a glass of white ( first for a while) & took my hat and book out.

Saturday, 06 July 2024

A great tip from Kenny Brown on Facebook; a video of Dolly Parton doing “Southern Accent” as part of a Tom Petty tribute album. I bought it.

My recovery continues, albeit slowly, I think. I had Pizza for lunch.

I have started rereading the Lymond books and bought Queens Play to fill in a gap (book lent, not returned, which I hate), and the Dorothy Dunnett companion volumes.

The first Scotland game is on tonight. Wish I was there.

Friday, 05 July 2024

My sleep pattern is poor.

Anyway, the first order of business, a shower and book a reservation on the Glacier Express for 6th October, thus bookending our European trip. I did this successfully, and now we have to fill in the blanks. The trip is going to be a couple of days fewer than first thought, which is good.


Now to catch up with the political news! And the headlines are sore; the big losers are the SNP. The Greens did well, and the English voted for Reform, as well as Labour.  There’s irony in there.

Turnout was well down, indicating the lack of trust in politics. And Deidre lost, as did Jo Cherry, both big losses.

The SNP have paid the price for obsessing with trivia. On the plus side, a lot of these useless SPADS  will flock to the Labour lot, like the parasites they are. And one useless Dougie has been replaced by another.

Appetite coming back? Omelet for breakfast. A bit more energy, allowed me to wash my sheet.

Soup for lunch and a wee walk to Sainsbury for milk gave me the first exercise and fresh air I’ve had this week.  Hopefully this cup is passing from me. But I tire easily.

Poor Germany. Cheating Spain, McCoist furious. (I just watched extra time.)

Tommy G got home! And I am the most active I’ve been all week. Although, so still is my colon unfortunately.

Thursday, 04 July 2024

Election day dawns: my indifference is near total. Ditto US Independence day. Still breathing, as is Tom G.

As I lay in the recovery position, my thoughts turned to tripping (pun intended). Turkey in Twenty-five?

I saw a squall across the WoL.

The fish pie I usually devour quickly,  looked intimidatingly large tonight. Happily, I managed it. But 5 minutes later, pints of brown liquid rocketed from my rectum, thus seemingly disproving various natural laws.

A lovely tribute to Andy Murray at Wimbledon, very poignant.

Wednesday, 03 July 2024

My fever subsided. Wiped out, no wine with Bill today.

A message from Annie; Tom Snr has been taken into the ARI with gut problems. It never rains…

I finally emerged at 11-ish, and a shower made me feel better, then made soup.

I got a call re car, it’s made its MOT, but I’m £500 the poorer. I struggled to the shops after picking it up, and made it to the loo on return. Phew. (Or omit the h…)

Still, feeling less lethargic than yesterday. Later, temperature elevated, but not feeling too bad.

Tuesday, 02 July 2024

A MOT and asthma review, which I struggled out to do.  I was an hour early for the latter, so went home. On reviewing, I found I’d made the appointment on Norway; it was a TZ issue.

Little came out of the review eventually, apart from a discussion on medication change to a  long-lasting b-agonist. I’m not doing that until the angiogram is sorted.

A call from the garage: car problems, wheel bearings, handbrake and fuel leak. Fuck.

I was still feeling sub-par, with the runs.

I watched Inside Japan’s War on PBS. Ironically, I ordered a Chinese. Of which I ate little. Now I’ve got a temperature. I think it’s gastroenteritis.

Monday, 01 July 2024

Grey. I feel that way too. Hope it’s not Covid, as Monty’s has it. I took a test which was negative.  Some paracetamol improved matters. But I stayed in bed for most of the day.

Sunday, 30 June 2024

I put KN on a tram to the airport after breakfast; probably for the best. His 71st today too.

Then, Sainsbury, laundry, and relax, before going to the Malt for Elaine F’s  birthday bevvy.

Jacqui McM came along too; always nice to see her. And Alan Massie; quite a crowd in the corner. Rhys also.

The next big event is a Day disco at the Dockers. TBA.

Fergie and Pamela have booked in for August. I went home, diverting to the Over to Shore after 5. Sharon enjoyed her MAP night.

I have just realised, watching TV, that there has been a change in focus in advertising to the male body. It makes me realise the unreality of having hot women in every ad. Amusing. Home after 6.

Covid is increasing.

Saturday, 29 June 2024

To Morrisons, Teuchter’s, Malt and Hops (Imogen is the new barmaid).  Then back by bus to Morrisons to pick up KN’s dry cleaning.

Spiers is now the Goldenacre

Operation Dry Cleaning completed successfully, no casualties. 21 and 16 to Teuchter’s. Nigel, Tash and Danny were in. Danny went home to watch Glastonbury and the Sugababes with chocolate. Tonight, Shania Twain. Who knew!

Ho Ro Raven’s Wing was playing in the bar; nice.

Friday, 28 June 2024

Windy… Annie is coming down on the 13th July. I booked a National Gallery event on Gaelic and its influence on art.

Teuchter’s with Bill, KN and Bruce.  It transpired that Bruce knew Jim Gardiner and John Pettigrew well.

Later, to the Shore where unusually Gerry O Halloran was eating lunch at the bar. And we ran into a new chap, Angus fae Kirkcaldy.

Home for dinner, Kenny was boozy.

We watched YouTube, a favourite occupation for KN, to listen to music.  I selected the Flashmob of Ode to Joy which always brings me to tears. It’s the love and, of course, joy.

Thursday, 27 June 2024

A fine morning, started with fresh Herring cooked in oatmeal, food of the gods.

We went to visit Alisdair after shopping.  I see no change in him since my last visit.  He has no word of getting out.  I fear he is getting institutionalised.

Then to see Alan Justice in Malt, where there was much dispute in the staff. After;  Kenny to Teuchter’s, me to Shore.

Early night!

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Grey. KN’s flight was on time. So some shopping and Pints Of View pickup.  KN arrived around 2,  with black pudding (Willie John Macdonald, for a change). We went to the Shore with Bill, and after an enjoyable afternoon, had a Welch’s fish pie for dinner.

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Good news this morning: Assange is free. Contemptible UKGOV. Continuing, breakfast was good, the weather ok, mostly low cloud but dry.

I decided to repeat my route of yesterday due to the amounts of roadworks on the A82 and feedback from Liz. So I drove via Aonach Mor centre to take a look but it was too early as it hadn’t yet opened.   Home for 12:15.

One thing, not that many election posters around; mostly SNP. Anyway, the car got a good run, petrol consumption has improved for it.


S friend discovered a Facebook impersonator of me. I reported it, posted a note on my page and changed my password just in case. I was hilarious how the fake ads crowded in!, promoting a genius who would sort it all out for me. Blocked, reported, and deleted the lot.


The rain’s on. The temperature has dropped by 10°  I’d say. Kenny arrives tomorrow from Glasgow, after his Scan. Monty has Covid.

Monday, 24 June 2024

In the pink, literally, this morning from overlong in the sun yesterday afternoon.

FTW here I come. I drove via the A9/86 as Google said A82 was closed. Turns out it isn’t! Still, a pleasant drive to the hotel and the roads were not busy, surprisingly; few RVs even.

I stopped off for a coffee and pee at the Stronlossit inn. If has real ale and is in the guide, but I’d never heard of it. Alas no beer allowed… Drizzle and low cloud in FTW however. Typical Scotland, like the football last night.  I parked at the hotel, it was too early to check in, so I awaited the Hintons, and we arrived at the station and got parked in ample time.

My birthday present to John was champagne on-board. Very nice.

Pleasing that our loco was a Black 5 rather than a diesel. The coaches are a mix of old BR standards.  There is a lot of on-board service, and much made of Harry Potter souvenirs.

We started on time, and the weather improved as the day went on. Crossing the Glenfinnan viaduct, there were hordes of people taking pictures from the trackside.  We stopped at at the station for 20 minutes; there is a café there.

We arrived at Mallaig on schedule, and strolled down to the quayside.  The Armadale ferry was in and Liz bought us passenger tickets!  At the other side, the ferry just turns around and returns within 10 minutes.  Still, an experience.

We got back just in time for the return trip.  Passengers swopped sides on the return to see different views.  The scenery really is lovely.


For dinner, we went to the Grog and Gruel where I has a great steak pie and a couple of  Lost in Mosaic. Back to hotel for a seat outside and nightcap before Hintons left for home about 22:00! Very peaceful and warm.

Checkout 10:00!!


Sunday, 23 June 2024

Shopping on a lovely day.

Pamela Scott called.  She’s going out to buy a rug.  Her new desktop is an all-in-one Dell Inspiron 27. 

To the Malt, where Alan Justice was back, Jacqui and Neil were there, and Geoff and guts arrived.

I left 14:30 for Shore, which was busy outside, quiet inside. John’s birthday tomorrow, he’s off to the VandA Dundee.

I messaged Bill who came along and we sat outside with an acquaintance Mike (not from upstairs, from Rennie’s Isle).  Hot!

After dinner, I watched the football. Cruel, but so Scottish, unlike Glasgow Warriors.

Saturday, 22 June 2024

I ordered a curry from Kahani, & completed my PV.

Great result for Glasgow.

Friday, 21 June 2024

Bruce and Bill at Teuchter’s

At home, my PV had arrived. The candidates on offer made it very easy to vote for Deidre.

News from Annie. 

“ Tom is doing OK. Looks well and is feeling better. He’s on a diuretic to get rid of fluid which had gathered in his lungs. Result of that is that his heart is working more efficiently. Paula has yet to see any medic so this info is coming from Tom himself and likely to be incomplete.

So, cautiously good news but I’ll keep you all in the loop. Cheers X”  And

“Off the oxygen.Getting out teatime. His letter will reveal all.  Being  referred to 2 clinics,apparently.  Cardiac  and ans  other.”

Thursday, 20 June 2024

I logged on early for Book festival. At 10:00, I was 1945th in the queue!

Then to the surgery for bloods, and when I got back, I’d just arrived at the front of the queue.  Two events sold out, the rest bought or attending online. 10 plus Grit; August the usual  busy month.

Back to the surgery; my BP was better.

I attempted to visit Alisdair, but couldn’t get parked. It’s not supposed to be drizzly, it’s midsummer! 

A message from Annie: Tom G is in hospital, not unlike myself a few weeks ago. Fingers crossed.

Donald Sutherland has died at 88.

Wednesday, 19 June 2024 

Lovely day.

At Welch’s there was fresh herring! I bought some to salt.  There was also a cruise ship in the roadstead, its tenders tendering.

I have whittled my Book Festival list down to 9 personal attendances, plus 1 remote (time clash). I must log on early tomorrow, one of my other selections is already marked as sold out.

I paid for my Autumn Test tickets and caught up on all my paperwork.

Kenny called; he is coming down for CT Scan and then going to Spain!  Sunday 30th back a week later, staying at the Gran Hotel Flamingo in Lloret de Mar.


And I received an appointment for the liver chap. Cut down!

I’m considering how best to get to Forth William for the Jacobite trip on Monday. I decided to stay overnight returning. Tuesday.  Options on getting there are driving or train!

So, a busy day today.

Tuesday, 18 June 2024 

Breakfast, before getting my prescription of a Peak Flow meter, and heading to the Guildford, where we met Lawrence and George.  Peter M is in Germany, but with whom we know not. Bruce arrived despite his viewing which he though was not going to happen only to discover it was!

Anyway, a good catch-up with the guys before Fergie caught his train.


On the way home, I hid in the Malt from rain, with Julian.  But did not have another beer!

A good result for Andy Murray, followed by a fascinating program about AI on PBS.

Monday, 17 June 2024

Definitely felt jaded.

I drove to Armadale for my dental appointment with Heather, taking Fergie who got a great welcome from herself.

After returning, we headed off to the Natioanal Gallery, but I took us on the wrong bus, and so we ended up at the NMS.  There were no particular exhibitions on, so we had a wander round and took coffee at the NLS,.  I showed Fergie Le Bistrot, before we had beers at the Bow and Abbotsford.


Fergie took me for dinner at La Casa in between showers.  He enjoyed it.  Then football and bed.

Sunday, 16 June 2024

Wakened by musings on style, character and class. A raddled dockside trollop hoping that a bit of cheap paint will conceal the years is the  Malt and Grot. Characterful.

Style has become debased to be equated with new bright, neon. But, the Central is like an old woman come on hard times but whose few good clothes are worn with pride and head held high.

Class, the Café Royal. Fur coat, nae knickers.  Here endeth the lesson!


To Sainsbury on a grey dampish morning.

I phoned Annie to find out if she was further on in considering the autumn.  No, and  ittle news, esp Catriona.

Fergie arrived as planned; I picked him up at Calton and we headed for a boozy afternoon at the Malt and Hops, celebrating Alan Massie’s birthday.  The Fortunae were there, along with Churchmichael pére et fils, and Jacqui. Julie and Jacqui speaking again! A very enjoyable session but we left early for dinner, via the Shore.

A few wines after…

Saturday, 15 June 2024

Off early to do the shopping. Followed by the laundry and other catch-ups’

The Yellow Thunderstorm warning came to naught, and with the Redmonds off to the Lakes tomorrow, I met Bil at the Shore for a glass.

A curry for dinner.

Friday, 14 June 2024

After breakfast, I checked out and left my case.

I headed to the new National Gallery / Museum, which opened in 2022.  It’s superbly situated, and my tram stop outside, built on the old West Bahn Station.

There is an audioguide you can download, so I did.  In fact there are various exhibitions, each with there guide.  I decided to do Art from 1500 to 1900, plus Munch.  That took more than 2 hours alone.

It’s a bloody marvellous place, worth coming back to Oslo just to see more.

Time was moving on; I checked out the Lannister due to propinquity and various recommendations; arriving, it was not worth it. I ended up having a Punk IPA.

My SM feeds were awash with Scotland in the Euros. Am now really glad I didn’t do a cheapy to Cologne. My sole wish is that we are not shite.


Anyway, back to the hotel, picked up my case and got a tram to the station. I lunched at the Royal Gastropub, which is quite nice, opulent even. It’s in the shed of the old station. The short ribs was a much bigger dish than I anticipated; US proportions!  The beer was fine.

Then it was time to head to the airport.

I had a struggle to get through to airside, with a slow security section and a lot of people. Two of my 3 trays got pulled for checking! In one, my toothpaste was too big, the other, who knows? A visit to DF for Ridley, and this sweaty blob finally got up for a beer. Flightradar told me the plane was late. It’s coming from Longyearbyen via Tromsø. A 737 in Svalbard seems excessive. ETD 20:26.  Fifteen minutes later, it was formally announced.


A couple of beers and a free piece later, and I wandered down to the gate, having monitored the aircraft’s progress. Once the plane landed, the replacement driver was late. Rollback was 55 minutes late, we took off on the north left runway: our course became SW after we did a 270°, breaking through cloud I hadn’t noticed earlier. Actually it was the best weather of the week. Passing over Stavanger: cloud 8/8 again.

We arrived 21:10. Took a look at the football score. Oh dear.

Ready for bed before 23:00.

Thursday, 13 June 2024

Today, I donned a T-shirt.  Mind you, I also took my rain jacket, which has been a constant friend.  Neverthelesss, it was reasonably warm.

After breakfast, my decision for the day was the Akershus Festung (castle/fortress). I walked down to the complex, which has various parts to it, a bit like Edinburgh.  First, I went to the museum for the Norwegian resistance during WW2, on the ramparts.  These provide a superb view of the bay area, demonstrating the importance of the Castle.

Anyway, the museum was very interesting, with a bit about the Shetland Bus.

Then onto the castle itself which was quite the warren, with tunnels and narrow stairs; not wheelchair country!  Very interesting also, just for that, as well as the views and halls.  Like Edinburgh, it’s a working castle and state dinners are also held there.

I spent over 3 hours there.

Tired, I wanted a beer and food.  I selected the Hopyard, which is in a market-mall.  I took a tram there (I bought a 24 hr pass).  The barmaid was from Lossie; she’d come to Oslo to study (she’s a musician, and plays the Tuba. Great place, great beer. After a few, food beckoned. Pinxtos, in Oslo? Yes!  They were bloody good, especially washed down by a couple of glasses of red.

On the way out, at one of the butcher’s stalls, I bought some Porchetta. Hope it lasts.

I got a bus and tram back to nap in late afternoon.

In fact, so stuffed was I, I just stayed at the hotel.

Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Breakfast and away. Goodbye Stavanger, hello Oslo. My train is a, “Go Ahead”, one of the other rail companies. It’s actually a UK company.


We left on time, on the Sørlandet line for the dog-leg journey to Oslo. The joint of the leg is Kristiansand. We headed south, to the west of a fjord spur. Stavanger as a terminal station has a lot of sidings and stabling. Our first stop (of 26) is Jåttåvågen, a few minutes in. The first 3 stops are boarding only.


I saw a movement under my table. A pigeon!


Stavanger has quite an urban sprawl, set narrowly along the fjord as far south as just beyond Sandnes, where our track becomes single. Heading almost due south, brought us to the west coast at Vigrestad. This area is flat and pastoral. Then, rock and tarns. But with trees. At Egersund, we turned inland again, before heading to Kristiansand.


The train reversed here, as its a terminus. Quite a lot of people got off. Perhaps to get the ferry crossing the Skagerrak to Denmark? It’s warm here. People will be on the beaches.

As we trundled along, I put some music on, occasionally taking in the scenery.

The Scotland squad for the summer tour has been announced. Interesting!


The sky became increasingly threatening. Then, about an hour from Oslo, the threat materialised, and the rain started. Leaving  Kongsberg, we entered commuter territory, and it stated to lash down. And so the afternoon passed until we arrived in Oslo, with the sun as company.

I walked to the hotel, further than I thought it was; checked in and schemed.

The upshot: Røør for beer and Hereford Steakhouse across the road, both a short distance from the hotel.


I had a flight plus 1 in the pub. They had a few beers from Cloudwater and Brew York, which I didn’t taste. One from Uiltje in Haarlem which I tried last year, but a wee bit strong!


The Hereford Steakhouse is a bit like the Fish and Cow, a large (more upmarket appointments) with  a limited menu. But they had lamb, which I ordered. Wines not as approachable or available by glass as the Fish, though.


The spicy prawn starter was not as I suspected, prawn cocktail, but cooked hot prawns with a tasty dressing. Too much warm onion overpowered the prawns I thought, but good nevertheless.


The lamb was said to be a rack, but it was 4 chops cooked individually. But they were very tasty, and the accompanying veg worked well (you get options for the potato). 

The sole red wine by the glass, a Chianti, was OK.


Home, James.

Tuesday, 11 June 2024

Sunny intervals, warmer; my first non-fleece top day.

I walked down to the Port for my tour bus. There’s a big cruise ship on, Aida perla; the town will be busy.

There are two companies running the buses, and they look the same: confusing.

It was an enjoyable tour, heading from one side of the peninsula to the other, taking in the

Swords in Rock, commemorating the Battle of Hafrsfjord. And at the concert hall, apparently they have a Mighty organ.

There’s a mansion at Ledaal, near Lervig, tempted but I stayed.


I got off back at start and gave into temptation : a fjord cruise! 3 ½ hours. Expensive at  nearly £60, but WTF.

It wasn’t that busy. Probably the Aida cruisers want to stay on dry land. German and North American accents mostly. I’m packing a fair bit in today, although less walking. Energy levels better.


I sat at the front of the main cabin. As we crossed under the Grasholmen bridge, to the east rose all the mountains in the distance. Our current heading: roughly ENE, before taking a starboard turn towards Frafjord and Lysefjord.


It was fairly spectacular, stopping off at Pulpit Rock, with much mention of Tom Cruise and Mission Impossible 6. Then to the amazing waterfall. We headed back after that. The cloud became thinner, and ahead, the sea was sapphire, with just enough breeze to create a lick of white contrast. We detoured around Høle, before arriving back.

As we approached, a lovely piece of Mill artwork. “Will work for food,” Unfortunately I didn’t have time to snap it.

Aida looms like a cliff.

I strolled the long way round the harbour to the Bøker and Børst. Outside was full of people taking advantage of the sun, if not the warmth. Mind you, some girls don’t need much excuse to get into what I am led to believe is a crop top. Perhaps they’re Aberdonians?

Damn good music as well. Speugs were having a feeding frenzy.

Despite it being gusty, I eventually went outside to sip.


I went back to the hotel to chill before dinner. Eventually I decided to give Fish and Cow a go. It’s quite big, and was very busy, surprisingly for a Tuesday. A limited menu: 4 X 4 X 4 it seemed.

Despite the throng, I was seen reasonably quickly. I wanted Lamb but the waitress explained it was like a terrine, so I opted for the Entrecote. An Albarino to go with the scallops, a Pinot with the steak.

Scallop(!) was delicious. Wines fine too: a surprisingly good Pinot.


But excellent for people-watching. There are 2 languages on display: oil and English. Given the attendees, few females speak them. The few here are not on display.

I’d forgotten the bullshit talk with which people try and impress meal companions. Interesting to re-encounter it here.

Very good service.


At the end, I’m feeling much better than my first day. Hotel before 10,

Oslo tomorrow. For which the forecast suggest thunderstorms and 15°. So, pretty much as all week and a waste of carrying T-shirts! Achweel. 

Monday, 10 June 2024

An early breakfast, indecisive. Eventually, a shower and stroll through the town to Lervig Local, a microbrewery of the main one. I had to cast around to find it as it was on the other side of the address.


Anyway, it’s a nice big Scandic bar, with a glass conservatory keeping it bright and warm.

A flight selection include a 10% triple IPA that I would never order a glass of. Dick would have enjoyed it, but not the walk up.

The barmaid was from Hull, returning from the T Swift gig in Edinburgh! The sun made an appearance to warm things up further. So I had a second flight, before ambling back to the hotel.


Tomorrow; a bus tour I think. Just now, the remains of last-night’s Chinese. Delicious. (Booked Hoponoff bus for tomorrow.)


Later, to the Bøker og Børst, a very attractive bar with nooks, crannies, and pavement seating. Sixteen assorted beers on draught; I had Lakeside IPA, and tasty it was. It’s popular with non- drinkers too. Not so much a gastropub, more like High Tea with beer. Very relaxed. Norwegian Scrabble ignores the diacritics, I discovered by observing a couple of girls playing.

Across the road is the Valhalla bar: no connection with the Valencia one, I’d guess.

After my one beer, I headed for a recommended Turkish place, but on the way, I was seduced by curry smells, and succumbed.


The Curry Heaven has only been open since Easter. It has a limited but adequate menu, alcohol served, around 20 covers. I had a King Prawn Tawa starter which was delicious, followed by a Lamb Karahi which came with lots of rice.


I walked back to the hotel. Sunny.

Sunday, 09 June 2024

Up earlier today, for my departure from Bergen. It’s overcast and I had a poor sleep. The coffee here is excellent, and will help.


The bus to Stavanger takes about 4.5 hours, and at nearly £50 isn’t cheap. But it does include 2 ferry trips! The road is the A39.


As I left the hotel, Bergen was shrouded in cloud and rain. The forecast for Stavanger is better.

Across the road, the train station sidings. Bus terminals are such depressing places. I found my platform, and the bus arrived. It’s one on these coach-style double-deckers and I have a single seat at the top. The company is Nor-Way.

In fact, 2 buses drew up, but there are few people getting on the one. I think the second one is the slow bus, stopping everywhere.


Anyway, 40 minutes later, we are on the first ferry, crossing over to Stord Island, driving down it, crossing on lots of bridges, and in tunnels, before taking a second ferry to the mainland. My seat is on the left, which as the road is to the east of the island, offers the best views, although a bit wasted on this dreich day.


The ferry is a nice vessel, with a café, comfortable enough. It’s a 40 minute journey.


Ah Norway, proud independent country with your lovely forests, whilst we have landlords with deer forests and grouse moors: ecological and democratic deficits. Every time is see The Norwegian flag, I dream of the Saltire.


Then the second ferry, only 20 minutes this time. Sufficient time for a hot-dog though. There’s a second deck, below the main. Not seen that before.


Onto Stavanger, the second tunnel was closed due to congestion (?). A frequent occurrence it seems. As a result, a traffic jam all the way to Stavanger. Pretty much on time though.


I walked along to my hotel, checked in and mused on the options.


And the Cardinal won out although I popped my head around a couple which were disappointing. Indeed, as was the Cardinal, simply because it was so “British”. Dark, lots of wood, surly barman . But a good beer selection and they did a flight.


I decided to eat and finally decided on a Chinese close by. Not too much  and a small red. Decent dinner and ½ left to take away. Of course I now have cutlery in my luggage these days. Leaving at the back of 8, the rain had set in, but it was a short walk to my hotel. Inside, a couple of guys were playing a game that looked like curling on a wooden board. Must ask about it. (It’s a shuffleboard.)


Anyway, back to the hotel for an early night. That shit Liam Fux was on the telly. Why???

Tomorrow, DV, museums. And the forecast is better. 

Saturday, 08 June 2024

Forecast for today? Showers, unsurprisingly. Options are travel of various kinds; either a train to Voss (I was there briefly in 2017), bus, or tram. Hmm.

First, breakfast. No bacon 😥


Having looked at the Hoponoff bus, I’ve been everywhere it goes, so pointless. And so the vote went to the train to Voss, taking just over an hour, over a line I did in 2017, and last year, but I’ve never stopped off there. The train is the one to Oslo. Roomy and comfortable with a window seat, and not that busy. It left on time. I’d forgotten about going in and out of the long tunnels along the beautiful Søfjorden. Nice and sunny too!


We left the fjord, and headed to Voss, NNE. The views changed to the right side of the train, as we moved to the left along the deeply incised walls, then switched over again.


Voss lies beside lake Vansvatnet. Not only is it a ski centre, but in the next few weeks, it hosts its annual Extreme Sports festival.

I had a wee walk around before taking the Ski Gondola as the rain arrived again, it’s a while since I was on one, and I was alone.

At the top, I had a wee wander around before having lunch and a beer at the ski centre, 800M above the town. Quite a few people were doing the same. At this time of the year, there’s a lot of hikers.

Returning, I caught the R40 back from Myrdal. Lots of people got off, fewer got on, most had luggage. This train takes slightly longer; it has more stops.

Goodbye Voss. I sat on the left again, for a different view. Apart from the many tunnels. On time into Bergen, hopped on a tram and made it into the hotel as the rain was starting. Cooler and wetter than Voss.


I booked my bus for tomorrow for 10:40.

Hard luck Bath. Glasgow did well. 

Friday, 07 June 2024

Edinburgh seems to have gone demented over Taylor Swift. Meanwhile, in relatively sane Bergen, it’s sunny at present, but hail showers forecast!


Today’s plan: Fløibanen viewpoint via the Funicular. And so it transpired.

The differences between this and the Cairngorm one: 1, it works, 2, housing all the way up, 3, forest etc all the way; Ok, a 700m altitude difference, and much shorter. There is even a windscreen wiper. And it’s pissing down!


I went and hid for a coffee, along with many others. Then “The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained.”

And the views, as KNS said, are great.


After wandering around and seeing the goats and taking a few pictures, I went back down and hirpled over to Apollon. I’d forgotten what a great bar it is. The barman had lovely scarlet nails…

I made a new friend on Untapped; Glenn.


I went back to my hotel to rest and plot. The rain hadn’t restarted. 

And that was me. 

Thursday, 06 June 2024

Up early after a poor night’s sleep (usual before travel). Packed, ticked everything off, and headed for a tram, and ran into Ian Barclay. He of course had been to Stavanger and Bergen whilst sailing. He was off to Storrie’s.

A lot of young females outside Murrayfield. Too early for Swift surely?

At the airport, checkin (or bag drop) wasn’t open for 1/2 hour. A waste of drinking time😡

Then it was chaotic, 2 desks, one operator, v slow, next to BA desks which were encroaching. Nearly 45 minutes BB (before beer). The barman (pleasant chap) asked me where I was going. He thought I’d said Berlin and asked me if I was going to the Euros. He had been going but his flight was cancelled. What a kick in the balls (pun intended).

In the Premier lounge, unfortunately breakfast was finished, so it was Sechuan Chicken for lunch instead. And that’s the last of my lounge accesses until renewal in September. But I have no planned trips where one could be used. Anyway, down to the gate (used to be 13, now 17) in time and it wasn’t open. Loganair are not doing well.

It wasn’t long though, but it was a bus at the bottom, opposite a Qatar A350. A bit bigger than an E145… We boarded at stand 32, quite a bit away from the TB. The flight was almost full. I think the last time I flew in this type was with BMI. The ‘plane has lovely tartan head rests.

We were 15 minutes late rollback and then onto the old runway. Cruising at FL370, surprisingly. Unsurprisingly, only tea or coffee on  offer, but Heather was nice We arrived on schedule.

Bergen is a large airport terminal but it’s not very busy. And another airport tram to my hotel, to check in around 18hrs. It’s on the waterfront, nice, modern, comfy.

Lots of Pride flags: I discovered it’s festival time! My first visit here was spoiled by a bike festival, so 2/3 IS bad.

Anyway, beer at Pingvinen (Penguin), followed by their version of Labskaus, before getting the tram back for an early night.

Wednesday, 05 June 2024

It would appear that a rain jacket will be the only outerwear required this trip to Norway; even though in Oslo it’s likely to be 20C.

On the way to pick up prescriptions, a call from Liz, anxious about the Jacobite trip on the 24th. I told her that AFAIK, it was still on but I would confirm when back from Norway. They are off down South, inter alia to move my godchild to a new flat on Birmingham, along with her buddy/bidie Angel.

Back from the chemist, to the Shore to meet Bill.  His birthday tripfor Anne to the Borders went well, and they liked the Salmon. His copy of the Book Festival brochure has arrived, so mine will probably await me on my return.

I had a wee rant about the use of Deprecate instead of delete. John was sitting our side of the bar, sipping a Furstenburg.  Danny on duty was replaced by Keith, looking a bit cheerier than last week. And there was a couple of Norwegians in the bar, flying to Bergen on Thursday!

Then there was Sunny.  It’s a new cask beer from Pilot, with a fair bit of Citra and busrting with flavour, even at 3.8%. After the wine and Bill left, I had a pint! Then it was sunny outside after hail.  Home before 18:00 in between showers.

David Scott journalist has died.

Tuesday, 04 June 2024

The forecast for  Bergen and Stavanger, cool and wet. For Oslo, warm and sunny, so more clothing required.


I got a call from Dr J.  She said bloods are required sooner rather than later due to meds change. No lecture! Interesting I had no asthma in hospital without Symbicort.

Better weather than expected.

I downloaded Blue Rose Code’s latest.

Monday, 03 June 2024

Another summery day. This prompted the Holiday Haircut.

I popped over to visit Alisdair, as I shan’t see him for a couple of weeks. Little has changed for him.  There’s a meeting coming up with OH and Nicola.  His vision is improving he says. But his highspot was getting out for a haircut, to Newhaven.  Nicola took him. Excellent for morale.  I told him about Justice foaming at the mouth over Joana yesterday (I may have exaggerated slightly😁) Anyway, he enjoyed the story

Sunday, 02 June 2024

Sunny shopping. And so much for Macduff, Stevie!

Two the Malt, two Alan’s plus Julian. Followed by a late appearance from Fortunae and Joana, Julie’s 3-week lodger from Portugal. It got very busy. Julie has been unwell, but now feeling better.  Elaine is sleeping better after Joana has had her drinking some herbal tea!  Justice was fair taken with Joana.

Joana flies home around the same time as I leave for Norway.


Almost inevitably, the Shore on way home, which by this time was quite quiet.  I spoke to a nice couple who are almost neighbours. A bit younger than me but only recently married (second time, obvs).

Saturday, 01 June 2024

Summer starts with a bang; or at least warm sunshine.

A message from Iain Cumming for info re their forthcoming Bordeaux visit.  I provided some feedback. Still tempted by Köln…

Otherwise quiet.  I ended up basking on the balcony after dinner with a Sauvblanc. Tits out, earbuds in.

Friday, 31 May 2024

Looks like a spell of fine weather…

A full house n Teuchter’s today; Bruce, Bill, George and Lawrance. No McFarlane, so no message from Seath! I briefed Bill re Keith. He hadn’t (unfortunately) told others of my episode.

I had 2 pints to finish up, after earlier abstinence but fell by the wayside in the Malt.  No Justice but other Alan in good form and confirmed OK with Fergie coming along for his 42nd  birthday (Everything life universe), but Andy Chung arrived so perforce had a chat and 2 beers!  Lovely upon departure and people sitting out.

Home before 5, and chill, or warm.

Thursday, 30 May 2024

A dry and cool start to the day, and the WoL is placid, with all the stoor from yesterday gone. As a Brucie bonus, I got an email saying I was no longer required for jury duty, settlement having been reached.

I popped over to the Malt to reassure Alan I was still alive; he was quite pleased to see me!  He’s had his ears syringed, with a substantial amount of wax removed; result, his hearing is much improved.

I had a long call from Stevie Seath, who’d noted my hospitalisation.  Much going on with them.  His younger daughter Rihanna is engaged and the elder, Rachel, pregnant expected in September.  The Seaths; grandparents, how times change. Stevie himself has had back problems; slight scoliosis.  They are hoping to come down in July.  His Derby tip: Macduff.

Trump guilty.

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

I really enjoyed a shower and clean undies this sunny morning!  It’s pleasant to have a pristine perineum.

Seemed cool on the balcony so I put my fleece on for shopping; a mistake, it was sunny and warm.  Not for long though according to the forecast.

I brought my life up to date.

Still warm, but getting overcast. There seems to be a pulse of weather coming over from 15:30 for 2 hours.

I arranged to meet Bill, in my absence from Lithgae, at the Shore as per. He wasn’t best pleased that I hadn’t told him about my hospitalisation, but appreciated my reasons. As we sat, the rain started. Anyway, a pleasant couple of winey hours, he on white, me on red (for my heart, obvs).

Keith and John were this side of the bar, rather glum. The Shore had problems last week with the cellar flooding (like the Malt).

And to further celebrate survival, a nice bloody sirloin steak for dinner.

There was a rather interesting program on PBS (again) called Italy’s Invisible Cities.  Tonight; Venice. Next programme; Florence.  Must watch. (I am recording the second program on Berlin.)

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

I slept reasonably well. Woken for BP (normal), followed by a light breakfast. Currently dry outside, rain promised.

I had an early visit from the consultant (Dr Gibson). Still unsure, as the only test out of kilter is the Troponin. He doesn’t think it was a heart attack.  Another test today plus ECG, if both OK, home with statin and Aspirin, possible scan follow-up. He made the obvious remarks on weight and alcohol intake.

I called the surgery to follow-up the bloods, and passed on the news. So, we’ll see…


Lunch was soup and a sandwich, augmented by ice-cream and an apple.

Then I was moved out of my room to a 4-bed ward as they needed mine for infection control! (Ward 54 is mixed cardio/respiratory.).

Then pishing rain.

A message from Willie to see if I was OK for the trip to Linlithgow.  I gave him the story!  As a former heart sufferer himself he was concerned and knowledgeable. Maybe next month we’ll see each other.

The doctor came round to see me. The Troponin was down but still elevated. I was to get out, but a CT scan TBA. So I eventually got the paperwork etc and out for 19:05. Looks like Norway will be OK, and no I didn’t ask!


I went to see Alisdair. He wasn’t so great but is hopeful of supported accommodation in either Comrie or Perth in the not too distant future.  He appreciated the irony of my visit when I explained the timing!


I got a taxi home, and ordered a Chinese before returning Pamela and Fergie’s earlier calls, and make my confession. Jim Bannerman has died, funeral today.  Craig is also on statins; he’s in his fifties!  Last time I saw him he was a youth.

Monday, 27 May 2024

I was taken in for more tests around 23h00: bloods and ECH. Then second bloods at 02:00. Long long long. BP down to 138/74 👍

Second blood not so good so I had to stay in until later. The AMU is not the most comfortable place…. Another ECG, spray, anti-coagulant jag, tablets, chest X-ray

Still here…  At 07:20: OJ and coffee prior to transfer to Base 1 ward and staff  changeover.

BP up again. Erratic.


Saw the Medical reg, followed by cardiologist. Troponin elevated, all else OK. Tentative diagnosis, angina, but stay in overnight for obs. Possibly an angiogram (RIE), and a transfer to cardiology ward 54.


Split pea soup and an egg mayo sandwich was a nice lunch. So here I am, sitting in a small room just like Alisdair in the next building. Ironic.


I waited and waited and eventually turned lights out at 23h00, so of course they then came to move me to W54. Settled in at 23:37, in another single room, this one with en-suite. Still no Symbicort.

Sunday, 26 May 2024

Dreich, and two Yellow warnings! In tune with my feelings about the pre-election period.

It was quiet in the Malt, with few randoms braving the weather which wasn’t that bad. No witches, and Justice the only warlock. As I was sitting, I had a chest pain, upper left quadrant.

Justice left, and I was not long in following him as people started flooding in.


My chest pain got worse, and  after 5 hours and some research, I called for an ambulance. It came in about ½ hour: 2 girls one from Bo’ness, other across the WoL, they did the tests, seemed OK but BP through the roof. Taxi’d to WGH AMU for more tests. 13 in front of me in the waiting area.

Saturday, 25 May 2024

A call from Kenny to tell me that Don Macpherson died.  He was a former next door neighbour, in his fifties.  He had Pulmonary Fibrosis. What a shame.

I went over to Teuchter’s to watch the EC final. Chris,  Nigel and Tash were there and we were joined by the Hunts.  It was very busy. An absorbing match but little flowing rugby to be seen with no tries in regulation time.  In the end, Toulouse ran out worthy winners, and better game managers, despite a man down.

Thursday, 23 May 2024

I had to remind myself it was Thursday, a slight discombobulation. 

We were supposed to go for a curry in Linlithgow, but after much wasteful chat, we cancelled due to weather and fear to being stuck there. (In the event, there were no problems.)

Yje WoL very high and fast though.

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

I got the shopping done early before the promised deluge, and China Red.

It was dry to start, and I picked up Is and Don and had a very enjoyable catch-up.  Don doesn’t drive any more, either club or car.  He has Alzheimer’s but seemed pretty good to me. Is’s knees are nae sae guid, possibly vascular.  She wants to move, he doesn’t.

Mel and Ron are looking out for them of course.  Ron has one bathroom showroom which he shares with a pal who does kitchens, a good arrangement. (Boscolo.) Mo Baxter is still on the go. A good lunch but it was raining when we left (as forecast).

I dropped them off.  They’ve extended their conservatory, a lovely job.

Home for 15:00, and the Sunak GE announcement. The enjoyable irony of being soaked and drowned sonically.

And David Wilkie has died. A Scottish icon.

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

An early breakfast but late checkout, and an X19 to La Bonne Auberge to meet the Garrabost cousins. Hot!

I was first in so I had a chilled white at the bar. When John M and Chrissie arrived, it transpired that Mairi had been sitting alone for some time!

Anyway, good catching up.  JM told me all about Blochairn market, which I’d never hear of.  Very interesting. A hugely enjoyable time with my cousins, as always.

Glasgow I love you.

Home around 7:15, some soup

Monday, 20 May 2024

Grey, but I’m off to Glasgow, and the sun came out, but still a cool easterly as I took a tram to Haymarket, just in time to hop on a train to GLQ.  Sitting across from me at a nest of 4, was a young female(?), concealed behind a mask, long hair and a hood. What is the story I wonder?

As we crossed the country, it got greyer, contrary to expectations. Hopefully warmer.

It was. I walked to the Bavaria Brauhaus for a great afternoon with Iain Cumming.  He is juggling his shop and job, which is wearying.

To the Red, where I scored a wee upgrade. I didn’t fancy an Indian or going anywhere, so unusually, an inhouse pizza which tbf was very good, and just what I needed. To the Sky  bar for a nightcap  in the sun. 

Sunday, 19 May 2024

Haar down again, but not too cold at Sainsbury this morning.

At Bill’s invitation, I joined them to meet Llinos at Teuchter’s.  Mark joined us too.  They ate, I’d lunched already.  Nice to meet up.

Afterwards, a brief visit to the Malt to conform Bill’s assertion that  briefly Tyneside Blonde was now £5.  He was right.  Billy Hicks et al will be ragin’

A swift on in Shore before dinner.

Glasgow tomorrow.

Saturday, 18 May 2024

A quiet day of recovery. The cygnets have hatched, and there are far too many curious people lurking close to the nest.

Key to success is luck.

Friday, 17 May 2024

To Waverley, to get the same train I got to Berwick a fortnight ago: Newcastle this time, and the Royal Scotsman was again sitting at platform. John J joined me and we headed off to the Centurion.  Unusually, Colin was early.

I started off on coffee, but we moved over to the Newcastle Tap which was enough to set my feet on the wrong path.  Then the Forth, before going back to Las Iguanas for a very pleasant late lunch enjoying the nice weather.

Colin had little good news about our former drinking buddies Jim Harrow and Ray.  Age and alcohol has taken their toll. Finally we went our separate ways. Our train home was going to Stirling, so I stayed on at Waverley and got the tram home from Haymarket.

Thursday, 16 May 2024

Haar again.

I went to (local) Sainsbury’s on the way to the surgery, and ran into proud grandpa Walter Smith. His boy has signed for Glasgow. He himself seems little changed, although he shrugged his shoulders when I asked.

At the surgery, BP 142/98, weigh 128 kg.  Not going to be a happy call from Judy idc.


It became Lovely in Leith once the haar burnt off. On the way to meet Tom et al, I stopped off at the Tolbooth for a nice Bitter and Twisted. It was full of Yanks. Only May and all the tables reserved. There were various tour buses every few minutes down the Royal Mile Then to the Bow where I had a pleasant few ½s and a most enjoyable encounter with a Dutchman, before walking up to meet Tom at one of his new charges, an Aparthotel.

A very nice suite, and we had a nice Thai dinner with Alison and Isla in fine form. A pleasant evening with lovely views down the Mound and along Princes St.

Home by taxi for 23:30 after far too much wine.

Newcastle tomorrow!

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

The haar burning off, and I was able to park and visit Alisdair. On the way, a van with the name on the back “Paddy O’Doors” amused me.

He’s had cans, on meds, no stent, erraticadouble vision, but his writing is much better. His bad news was that there is a 6/7 months waiting list for sheltered housing in Comrie. He has a meeting with SW, Occ H, and his sister Nicola etc, to discuss way forward.  He’s been out at the café and front of building, which is also progress.

Car Parking queue was horrendous on departure. Not my problem though, and the sun’s out.


I met Bill and we sat outside the Shore, more wine than intended, talking (intellectual of course) nonsense.  Pleasant when the sun shone, bearable when it did not.  Anne’s friend Llinos is up this weekend with her daughter, so maybe see them. Home for 17:30.  The haar thickens adain…

Is and Don next week.

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Cooler. Damp, and my effort to visit Alisdair ended as no parking at WGH.

Still, a bit of washing… and bike

The big excitement today was the commencement of quayside fence painting.

Monday, 13 May 2024

A call to Mairi. I told her I’d be in Glasgow next week. She was at a funeral for Iain T’s sister Mary at Mortonhall, but hadn’t made Murdag’s (John Murdo and Chrissie had, however).

Fergie call, he’s down in June if he can get a suitable booking. I got mixed up with the winds he and Pamela had in Nerja. Levanters, not Grégale.

Sunday, 12 May 2024

Another fine start to the day; I hope the Dons continue it. (They did.)

Over to Teuchter’s to meet Ron before he went to Easter Rd.  Bill came over too, very happy with the result yesterday. After they departed, I had a pint with Kippax et al.


At the Shore, Kenny and Brian were joined by a Trombonist, who was really rather good. They had Stewart’s Citra Blonde on and 80p cheaper than the Malt! The return of the Fergs, from Nerja has been annpunced…

A message from Accies; Brian Archer has died in hospital! He’d Facebooked on Thursday to say he’d had a successful operation with 4-6 weeks recovery.  We played prop together.  Shocking.  Too many people… The downside and reality of ageing.

Saturday, 11 May 2024

Another pleasant day.

I started playing with Liz’s old Pentax PZ-10.  I was tempted to go over to Teuchter’s to see how busy, but instead I went uptown to Lakeland on a v busy tram.  Stupid; anyway, tram and town heaving and hot, Girls in their Summer Clothes the only pro. Cu-nim around. I did my shopping and returned via the Malt, where we were joined by Lee Forrest. 

A couple sat next to Alan, one of whom was obviously espousing the “Free the nip” cause.  Rather amusingly, he didn’t notice.

I returned via the Shore where I resisted the  temptation to remain after 2 wines.  

Home 17:45, eventually. No rain, balcony seat now out,  curry stuffed.  And the quayside full of people.

Friday, 10 May 2024

Another fine day, sufficient for me to wear a T shirt for my first visit to Teuchter’s for a while. Sitting down, I was shortly joined by Lawrance Reilly! And then Ian Lindsay, who had in fact been instrumental in leveraging Lawrance’s attendance apparently. Bill, when he arrived, was equally astonished.  Bruce was returning from a river cruise, and George was having a biopsy, hence just the 4 of us, and I shall be in Newcastle next week.

I was mostly on softs, but I had one Jarl to finish.  Bill left relatively early, a new couch was being delivered. Iain talked about a fine curry house, the Gurkha Musselburgh, so I’ve marked that down. It’s close to Staggs (in fact, now that I think about it, next to the bus stop home).

I stopped outside the Malt, where Alan (who’d visited Alisdair earlier), and Geoff with his son and daughter(Gemma and Steve) to celebrate his 60th. Lunch at Teuchter’s with children looking unlikely!  Julian joined us, confirmeing he was keen on the Fyne trip.  Elaine, Kenny (Mr & Mrs), Levi, Jim Gig also, in due course. Lovely and warm but I left after 2 pints, no stop-offs, and the entire Shore busy.  It will be worse tomorrow.


“Sell in May” is not looking such a good nostrum, presently.


Washing outside. Shorts on, and still warm at 23h00

No aurorae, but the “…new muin  late yestr’een in the auld muin in her airm…” was very lovely; hopefully no “deadly storm”.

Thursday, 09 May 2024

Sunny and warm today, I hope.  With my various doings this week, I’m a bit out of order with my days!

A call from Kenny: he saw the consultant yesterday who was pleased with his progress and is arranging another MRI in Glasgow. He had details of his recent episode. And it was sunny and warm.

Wednesday, 08 May 2024

A message from Annie; she got home at 00:45!  It’s supposed to be warm, looks like the May Window may have arrived for us.  If so, Teuchter’s will be heaving at the weekend.

Off to Kay’s to meet the Aitkens for the afternoon.  There was no sign of Fraser. A couple of Jarls and wine, before we went to the Wally Dug, which I haven’t been to for many years.  It had only just opened. Had a pint of Mór, which you don’t usually see down here. Then to the Cumberland, which only had 3 beers on.  We sat outside on the pavement tables, before heading to our final destination, Rollo. Now, although I chose this, I’d never been before, but it turned out really well.  It’s a nice place, mor a restaurant than a pub, but the food and wine was very good and the service ditto.  A very good way to finish off the afternoon.

I phoned my GP to postpone bloods til next week!

I left the Aitkens at 20:00 to catch the tram home.

Tuesday, 07 May 2024

Annie away to Glasgow gig mid-afternoon, she’s driving home afterwards, the fool!  I went to see Alisdair.  Continuing improvement, and he sees a Social Worker tomorrow about assisted living.  Nicola will be with him.  He sees an Optometrist next week about his double vision. He was cheery and glad to see me.  

Home, for the day.

Monday, 06 May 2024

Pishing rain today!

I got an email from Radisson to say my tier points were expiring, so I booked an overnighter in Glasgow. Just because.

Teuchter’s was very busy as I parked my car there, after being to Aldi, and meeting Richard H on the way home via Shore to book a table for tonight. Of course it’s May holiday weekend. It dried up and is much warmer, later on.

Annie arrived around 4, I cracked open a bottle of fizz, which we finished before heading to the Shore. A very pleasant dinner, Annie finishing with Affogato, and fizz in the bar before going home. Music, and bed before midnight.

Sunday, 05 May 2024

Over to OT to pick up stuff.  There’s a lot of changes going on. Pure Gym has taken over a ¼ of the 1st floor, and building works going on in much of the rest of the place.

The sun came out finally, and Bernard Hill has died.

Annie P arrives tomorrow, and I stayed in for the rest of the day.

Saturday, 04 May 2024

Jacqui missed the bus she was supposed to join me on, and so she got a taxi to meet me at a very busy Deacon Brodies, before we went to Le Bistrot.  A fine lunch.  I started with a Quiche Lorraine (generous portion), followed by a ragout of beef. Very tasty. Jacquis dessert was sub par and we were not charged for it, but she enjoyed herself nevertheless.

Afterwards we walked down the Mile, failing to gain entrance to the Advocates Library on the way, and she buying a pendant in the craft market in the Tron Kirk.

We sat outside the Canon’s Gait for a drink. Then to the Kilderkin, which was my first visit since James Nesbit surrendered it. I had a  lovely Oakham.  Finished in the Malt and Hops and home 17:30, stuffed. 

Friday, 03 May 2024

The start of a busy weekend.  Today, Berwick on Tweed with the Geordie lasses and Jim; tomorrow, lunch with Jacqui R at Le Bistrot.

We caught the 10:30 (I get that one in a couple of weeks with John J to meet Colin in the Toon).  Jane Hudson was with the girls too, at the Leaping Salmon. I hadn’t seen her since I retired.

The Leaping Salmon is no longer a JDW, but had changed not at all. After a couple we went to the Atelier which was a fantastic wee place. Decent beer, interesting food menu (which we didn’t have), and good service.  Like Macarthur, I shall return.

Our next visit was the Curfew, a micropub across the road.  This too was a great wee place and we sat outside in the warmth of the day, sipping away.

Out final pub was Foxtons, which was also fine but the first two had spoiled us.  We went for lunch to a Turkish restaurant next to Curfew and had a very good meal there before heading for the station and going our separate ways. 

Home before 8pm, weary

Thursday, 02 May 2024

Sunnier, and even warmer today, as I did my shopping.

Lawrence and I went to see Alisdair. He’s talking about Sheltered housing in Comrie.  Although it’s out of hospital, I don’t see it as a long term solution; hopefully he doesn’t either.

After we went to the Malt and Hops and met Justice.  I took a call from my GP.  Fortunately it was only to discuss my Omeprazole dosage, which we agreed to reduce (a good thing) and I made an appointment for bloods.

Thereafter, a dalliance in the Shore till 18:15 – dangerous.

I watched an Eric Burdon documentary on iPlayer which was good, thanks Jim.

Wednesday, 01 May 2024

Happy Beltane. Also, Mayday, and haar!  So plenty of dew for maidens to bathe their faces in. However, I was off to Glasgow to meet Anne C, where it was supposed to be warmer. So I decided to wear a jacket and shirt, and when I stepped out into that cold damp wind, wondered if I’d made the right decision. I took a tram to Haymarket.

These days, I think there are more cafés than bars on Leith Walk.

I got a coffee at the station, and got on a relatively quiet train to GLC. The haar started to lift around Livingston. A chap sat beside me seeking help. He was supposed to be going to Camelon. I told him to get off and switch platforms at L South and get back to Haymarket, platform 2 not 4! Fortunately there was a train due for him.

My train is timetabled to stop at Shotts for 7 minutes, god knows why.

WhatsApp message from Annie P suggesting lunch at La Lanterna, a place I’ve never been to.  Meeting Anne a GLC, she preferred the Italian to the Bavaria Brauhaus!  And in fact it was very good.  It’s been a family-run business for years, authentically Italian,. My lasagne was a huge and very tasty main, along with a bottle of wine.

Afterwards, we had a wee glass in the Champagne Bar, as Anne awaited her train. Jack is not as great as he used to be; but that’s Father Time for you.

She got her train, I missed the fast 16:04, and got the 16:19 which was a full Stopping Train emptying as we progressed. I listened to the latest Mark Knopfler album.  Quite good.

Return of the haar.  I did not stop for a pint in Ryrie’s, home for 18:30.  Great day.

Tuesday, 30 April 2024

As April comes to an end, so do other things.  Kenny’s awa’ (to Aberdeen to meet a chum); the worst spring I can remember comes to an end…

There’s an interesting series on C5 about Great Rivers of Britain.  The  Clyde was first.  Worth a watch.

Monday, 29 April 2024

I saw there was to be a statement from Humza Yousaf.

Lawrence and I visited Alisdair in his geriatric ward.  He is improved. We didn’t stay too long.

I dropped off KN at Teuchter’s wanting to avoid the inevitable. I went home and brought paperwork up to date, and I finished my photo gallery from Wales, before going over myself for a coffee. I managed to restrict myself to that and a visit to Aldi, before  dragging the lad home for dinner. First strawberries of the season (Scottish) were ok, but forced.

And so Yousaf is going.

Sunday, 28 April 2024

Well, we’re both awake! I went off to Sainsbury, and after stowing the shopping knocked the balach up and was pleased to hear a grunted response.

Jacqui R called; she’d spoken to Alisdair, she said he sounded dreadful. However, I’d need to see him myself.

After breakfast and KMD watching trash TV we headed to Teuchter’s so I could pay my tab from Friday. George was in with his family, but no Lawrence. Then, Malcolm, Deen’s son arrived at the bar!  He’d heard us speaking in Gaelic and remembered me from Celtic Connections. He’s done the Newhaven 10K with his cousin. It was great to see him.


Later, to the Malt to see the coven, Lawrence (just hours back from Turkey) Jacqui, Justice and later Jim. Good craic. Jacqui and I arranged to go for lunch on Saturday, hopefully Le Bistrot. And Lawrence is organising a Fyne ales trip.

Saturday, 27 April 2024

Fergie called, about to depart for Glasgow and foreign climes for some warm sunshine.

Kenny’s flight landed 1/2 hour early, but about 2 hours later I got a  call from Teuchter’s to say he’d arrived  He fucked up the 200 and got 100/16 instead. So I went down and we watched the rugby with Tash and Nigel. Scotland lost, but Edinburgh and Glasgow won. Teuchter’s was heaving.

We went home and dumped his case before going for a wine to the Shore, followed by a curry at the Kahani. 

Friday, 26 April 2024

Once again, I woke to Sunshine on Leith. A quick visit to Welch’s, before Teuchter’s.

George made it and his daughter Debbie picked him up.  It was busy on the bridge even if cold.  I stuck to Slime, but got caught by Julie at the Malt and had 4 pints.  Could have been worse, I didn’t stop off at the Shore.  A call from Kenny, he’s coming tomorrow.  An astonishing amount of mail when I checked, including a hilarious card from Pamela Scott.

Thursday, 25 April 2024

The last leg.

The SNP Greens coalition over. Interesting times…

Is this April the coolest for ages? Certainly feels like it, even dahn saf.


My first train, to Crewe, is on time; it’s a Class 197 from Carmarthen to Piccadilly. Not too busy, plenty of seats. The second, to home, is delayed due to a network obstruction  near Milton Keynes , so my 40 minute wait is looking like 60+.


Eventually it arrived, and the Pendolino was busy in cattle class, but my seat was OK. Music on. Piles of people got on at Preston. Standing room only for some.


We arrived Haymarket just under 30 minutes late. I avoided Ryrie’s, & hopped on a tram, clenching my bladder. It seems strange to be back. Princes St, blue sky and cherry in full bloom; lovely.


Home for 15:15 and after a much-needed pee, headed out to food shop, and after, make a Delay Repay claim. 

A washing on, and opened the balcony door to let fresh air in; it’s quite warm in the sun and out of the breeze.

Dinner, early night, and a rest for the liver. I see Everton beat Liverpool last night. Bill will be ragged tomorrow.

And a message from Jim A; Liz Webb has died.  

Wednesday, 24 April 2024

In the breakfast room, there were  some great ship models and prints. Afterwards, I walked downhill to the station.

As the track is single, I decided to take the train down to Fishguard Harbour (terminus) to return. That worked fine, so I travelled the whole line. It was a class 150 to start. 25 minutes on single track with no PLs, so not a busy section. It doubles at Clarbeston Road.


To the maxim that “It is better to travel than arrive”, should be added the caveat “so long as there is decent catering and toilet facilities”.


Our first stop was Whitland, a junction station for Pembroke Dock, then our terminus, Carmarthen, which is in fact the end of the line. I crossed to the other platform (unusually, an at-line crossing) for the train to Llanelli, which was a Class 197 heading (briefly) back the way we came before taking the Cardiff line.


I arrived at Llanelli on time. A GWR express from Carmarthen to Paddington passed through. Having checked, it seems like my service to Shrewsbury is a single 153 arriving from Swansea! If it’s too crammed, I’ll abandon the Heart of Wales line. The capacity checker suggests it is. There is another via Cardiff on the other line.


At any rate, it was on time, and almost empty! Although a few people did get on. Nearly 4 hours to Shrewsbury, and even this clapped out train has power points and decent WiFi.  I’ll be hungry by the time I arrive.


At the last bit of double on this line, we were stuck for 15 awaiting the late down train. Then onto the single-track line tracking the rivers  Loughor, Towy and Irfon. Lovely countryside. The Sugarloaf station and tunnel were also notable.

The passenger density of the carriage remained about the same, with a few people getting on and off at the various small stations (some with passing loops, some not); locals and trippers. For the first time this trip, I had music on.


Our last stop in Wales was the strangely-named Knucklas, before passing into Shropshire and moving towards Shrewsbury.


I had a pint at the Castle Vaults on my way to my hotel (in which I’d stayed on my last visit).  After checking in, a short pub crawl before eating at the Castle Thai.

The news mentioned that there had been a school stabbing incident at Ammanford school, which we’d passed earlier.


Wales has a lot of tidal creeks and marshes. The bus connections are much better signed and organised than in Scotland. And my travel pass was excellent value.

Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Farewell Aberystwyth, hello Fishguard, I hope. There was confusion over bus times, timetables giving different info. I dived into the station Wetherspoons to ponder, and had 3 ½ pints.

The 11:10 bus was running, day pass £6.70  so the first part of the journey, to Cardigan on the A487 was OK Not many on the bus. The Wifi was not working, and the driver going like the clappers! A busy windy trunk road.

Passing Aberaeron, a pretty and busy little place with a sign for Felinfoel Brewery. Not seen any of their beers in the north. Quite a few people got on. It has a small busy harbour at the eponymous mouth. A lovely beach at Aberporth, and surf.

And the change for Fishguard at Cardigan was immediate


A nice journey to Fishguard, bit of sun, pleasant countryside. And I arrived almost as planned, but the bus didn’t go as far down as I’d hoped, so getting off, I found myself beside the CAMRA branch pub of the year, the Royal Oak. Pure serendipity. It’s where the last invasion of Great Britain was halted by the Welsh in 1797. The idiots!

Anyway, it’s got a narrow front but is surprisingly large inside, and seems popular, with families too. I had a pleasant pint whilst I awaited my steak and ale pie. Time enough to get a bus down to my hotel for tonight, the Glendower. Felinfoel Double Dragon was on draught.


After checking in, etc, I took a bus back to the Royal Oak.  I sign on the tables saying

FOIK @7 threw me, thinking it was Food Only plus something. The barman told me it was FOLK @ 7!

Anyway. I ate there and it was good, the folkies arrived and they were good, and so was the Merlot I moved onto for my last night in Wales.

A chap did a  good version of Pancho and Lefty. It reminded me of that afternoon in Babbity Bowster. Nice to hear non-Scottish folk.


The buses did not run late so I took a taxi down for a nightcap to hear people arguing about Rwanda and realised why the Welsh voted for Brexit. Bed before 11 though

 Monday, 22 April 2024

A substantial breakfast at least, and I hirpled down to the Vale of Rheidol station, which is about 0.5 K down the main line. All the buildings are modern, albeit built in an old style. It was a nice morning, much better than forecast, and I was beginning to regret my sweatshirt and waterproof. Today, I’m doing a return trip.


Half an hour before departure, no train and damn few people. In the distance though, I hear a characteristic chuffing. I walked down, and Llelwyn was emerging from the train shed to water up, and collect the carriages. There was only about a score of people waiting.


I went into an open carriage, for better camera work, as some more people trickled in. Not enough to cover costs though, I’d have thought.

After travelling for a short while, I was glad of my warmer clothes. The Vale is pleasant country, the Rheidol running through it and most of the land used for livestock farming: sheep, cattle and horses. Field division here is hedge and fence.

Eventually we reached our terminus at Devil’s Bridge (a famous landmark).  After a number of photos, I walked down to the Hafod Hotel, for a pint of Butty Bach.

I sat on an enclosed carriage on the return trip.


Arriving back at Aberystwyth, I went to the White Horse. At first I thought I’d strayed into a JDW by mistake, but this similar place is a Stonegate pub. Two halves for £3.60 is good. A full pint of Hobgoblin Gold at £3.10 is even better!

However, I decided not to graze there, but go on to Bottle and Barrel again, for a couple (really), and then went for a curry (I was feeling the need) at the Light of Asia nearby.

It was good.

Back via the sea front and the magnificent war memorial and ruins of the castle of that French bastard Eddie 1 of England. Time for a beer before an early night, and my penultimate night in Wales.

Aberystwyth is a bit run down though, Welsh not so evident as in Porthmadog. And full of Shitehawks.


A message from Nicola: Alisdair has been moved to the WGH and is improved. I passed on the good news to the coven. I’ll see him at the weekend I hope.

Oh, and my OAP increase is through. The last big one probably, for what time remains to me.

Sunday, 21 April 2024

After breakfast (twice the size of yesterday’s for some reason and served much quicker), I went down for a last visit to Blaenau Ffestiniog station and sat outside with a coffee and lemon drizzle cake until it was time to make my way to the BR station.


A train was loading up with visitors and left as I sat, sipping. I took a bus the short distance to the station to catch the train to Birmingham International. Changing at Dovey. The temperature has increased today, there was warmth in the sun.


The train, which today was a 158, left on time and crosses the Glaslyn well north of the town, so just a short bridge, unlike the one at Barmouth, the famous viaduct. But first we pass along the river Dwyryd with its salt flats, very similar to Glaslyn. It’s all part of the same linked area. Farewell Snowdonia, hello to Harlech and its Men.


Behind me, a group of lads going somewhere, drinking beer and blethering. In Welsh, which was nice.

Moving south, passing Cardigan bay, we reached Llanbedr and its aerodrome. Some buildings and a windsock was all there was to see.


Barmouth otoh was amazing.

The lads got off at the small station Fairbourne, where there is a miniature railway, but I suspect that was not their destination. Down here, the sky was  overcast, although I could see blue over Llyn in the distance. Cardigan Bay was calm, but the amount of rock armour surrounding the line when it’s close to the shore implies danger sometimes. There’s a lot of small green dyke-enclosed fields with sheep and lambs. And holiday chalets, as we headed for Aberdovey, where we took a sharp left along the North bank of the Dovey to the eponymous Junction, where I changed for the train south to Aberystwyth. The line, I should mention, is single all the way apart from occasional passing loops – not at every station, many of which are requests.

The beaches vary from sandy to rocky, as the mood takes them. The sea appears empty.

Some nice wall mosaics at Tywyn, as the down train, also a 158, passes through.


The Dovey estuary reminds me of the Solway, but Dovey Junction, there is nothing! Or anybody.

The Aberystwyth connection came along 15 minutes later, I couldn’t see anyone else on  it. It only takes 25 minutes, and there’s just two other stations on the line, Borth, where 3 people came on and there was an artist painting, and Bow St, which appeared to be devoid of runners.

Strangely, no announcements in Welsh.


Time to move apps from Traksy to What Pub. Not a good start, the first selection was closed for reasons unknown, the second offered me a substandard Mallinsons, the 3rd doesn’t open until 1900 and not on Sundays.


And my room is in a garret, with shared toilet.


Off to the Bottle and Barrel, which was much better. The prices here are more what one would expect to pay, although cheaper than home! After a couple of most enjoyable paddles and chat with the bar staff, I opted for Hungarian food at Paprika. I was the only diner which worried me, but the Smoked pork knuckle with cream and sauerkraut was delicious.


Back to the Bottle for a finisher, and a call from KN. His MRI result seems good, a diminishing haematoma, with improvement. Another scan idc. He’s planning on coming down later in the week, so we’ll see.


Then, to the seaside, where the setting sun was lovely. Young people on the beach beside a lit fire, jousting. Who will win the favours? Ah, memories.


The eternal parade continues along the front. The sun sank slowly, to be replaced, erratically, by the  equivalent of streetlamps along the coast. The waxing moon moved over. Peace, peace, peace, as the pinks turn to grey and the scents of the nearby sea-food Hut fill the air.

Eventually I left the present, past, and would-be lovers to the shadow of the ruined castle.

Before bed, a nightcap at the nearby GwesTY Castell hotel. A bottle of Moho, an bed for the back of 10.

Saturday, 20 April 2024

A bright day, scanty breakfast. I decided against Portmeirion; for one thing, no bus service.

So a stroll around the waterfront to make the most of the sunshine. I went into the Australia, which was mostly empty, thankfully, at this early hour. Six Purple Moose beers on; my favourite being the Pale Ale. Nice bar. Then I walked to the other taproom, at the BR station, before walking back to Spooner’s for lunch. Some more excellent views and the smell of the smoke from the steam-coal is so redolent.


I booked dinner at my GH for 8:30: Prawns Gambas and Rack of lamb. Prawns excellent, ditto lamb.


Unlucky for the Dons, they fought magnificently. Great result for Scotland Women v Italy though and a good performance by Chloe Rollie.

Edinburgh so far, not. But the Gunners recovered. So all ended well.


And so to bed.

Friday, 19 April 2024

A grey dawn, but sun is promised. By the time I got on the train to Blaenau, it was still cold and damp. The train was busier than I expected, but not full. To the right as we proceeded along the Conwy Valley Line, the Firth of Conwy and mountains on the far side. A few snow patches to be seen. On the left, more cultivated. The river is tidal for quite a long way, as far as Llanrwst. Given the amount of rock armour surrounding the line, flooding can be a problem.


We crossed the Conwy before Betws y Coed where there was a miniature railway setup, and some old mainline carriages of mixed types. We moved in a more SW direction, still with the Conwy further below us, and Snowdonia ahead. More mountainous now, on both sides, as we are in a valley, and now follow the course of the Lledr, a tributary of the Conwy. Hill sheep country. Finally, the clouds started to lift as we moved towards Blaenau, just in time as we moved into a long tunnel, which is the longest of its type in the UK at over 2 miles. Emerging, the sight was spoil heaps of slate. Blaenau was built on slate, it’s a grey town.


I was successful in getting a single to Porthmadog on the Heritage Railway (20% off with my pass) , and took plenty of images of the train and surroundings. The train itself was not very busy, as it was early in the season. Still too many young children though.

Rockin’ rollin’ ridin’ not much suspension. Leaving a tunnel, we emerged into foothills, and more green, rather than the previous rock and water. On the right, we hug the hill, on the left, the valleys.

 Lots of well-constructed drystane walls. Slate of course.


I could see the Glaslyn estuary far below, where Porthmadog lay  but it took a winding time to reach. The line frequently passes outside house front doors. A most enjoyable experience.


The Redmonds and Llinos were waiting for me at the station (Llinos came up with them from Cardiff and will return with them to there). Spooners is a café/bar at the station and had 4 beers on tap, including from the local Brewery, Purple Moose.  Very tasty!  We had a good catch-up before they headed back to Dogellau, and I walked to my guest house

Yr Hen Fecws.  My room was on the ground floor and fine.

The Tafarn Pencei GBG bar was round the corner near the quayside, selling London Pride & Bass! Perhaps unsurprisingly, a large amount of English accents.  A nice pub though.


Onto the Purple Moose Tap, the Australia, which was far too busy, so I walked along to the

Royal Sportsman, which was a bit posh but a decent pint. I decided to eat there as it had a good menu. A very pleasant place both in the bar area, and dining room. It has a comprehensive menu, covering all the bases and pleasant staff.  There was a South African Maitre d’ in charge.

Prawn, and a nice chicken pie, a Drambuie  and back to the guesthouse, weary.

Thursday, 18 April 2024

After a substantial breakfast I walked down to the station to catch the train to Holyhead, for my first trip into Wales. The journey takes about 1 ½ hours. My Class 197 train started at Manchester Airport. They’re comfortable, if a bit noisy, and certainly better than the Sprinters they’ve had in the past. It’s good to see the emphasis on bilingual signage and announcements. Welsh first of course.


It was a pleasant journey along the North Wales coastline, passing Chester Airport (where Airbus build their wings), and a hell of a lot of holiday chalets!

I heard a couple of Scots a few seats away, but when one started talking about reading the Torygraph decided I would not engage.


There’s a large offshore wind farm in the bay. As we passed over the Conwy, Anglesey started to appear as we moved ESE. Leaving Bangor, there were two sea-crossings to come. Not many staying on for that, the train was nearly empty.

First, the Menai Strait, then Cymyran Strait. Anglesey is low and fertile: to the SE, the mountains loom greyly against the sky.


You can’t really see the Cymyran strait as you cross, it’s almost filled in, and the bridge(s) are banked. A shame. An attractive station, Caergybi, a wee bit like Wemyss Bay and for the same reason ; the ferry link to Ireland. The platform layout is unusual. I walked across the connecting bridge to the town for a pint to Gleeson’s only they don’t do beer in the summer. Bottled Conwy was nice however and it was interesting to hear the Welsh Chatter. The barmaid told me there was cheap Penderyn in Tesco, so I passed on the info to Bill FWIW. After 3 bottles (Only £3!)  I got on the Cardiff train to Llandudno Junction. The rain had started. The train was again almost empty. There was a London train waiting on Platform 1, it would be interesting to know how busy that was.


At our first stop, Bangor, loads got on, whatever their final destination was. Onwards, to Llandudno Junction, where the Old Station Hotel for tonight is just across the road. It’s owned by Lees, and there was ale on. My room was large, slightly oddly decorated in a faux African way, but comfortable.


The bar area is filled with models and other bric-a-brac, as well as attractive BR Posters; not unlike the Canny Man. Nice pint of Lees, and I decided to eat there as the menu looked decent enough. It became very busy. I don’t think it has a strong identity. The staff vary in efficiency, but don’t seem to be particularly engaging. I was hoping that nothing would be terribly wrong with my dinner, in case I had to complain. My Paté however was very good and seemed home made. My Rioja acceptable, and the Lamb rump with Bubble and Squeak really fine, as was the jus.

Amazingly they close at 21:30 as the place empties. I departed at 20:30, so….

Redmonds tomorrow I hope.

Friday, 26 April 2024

I got up in plenty of time for a pre-departure coffee. Packed, showered, and ready to go. Partly cloudy, but a snell breeze at the bus stop as I  awaited a 16.

Jacqui R got on my bus at the FOTW, so we discussed Alisdair. Her dad’s house is under offer, closure today, so she’s happy.


I bought my Wales travel pass at Waverley, from a genial Geordie, and boarded my train.  A full Scottish breakfast, coffee and juice seems like a good start. And it was, better than the Sleeper. The Avanti Pendolino seats are much more comfortable than the class 800s

Also, I think this is my first trip through Carstairs since they remodelled the junction.


I changed at Crewe and met up briefly with Tom G, who was heading in the opposite direction!  He’d had a job interview and was meeting Paula tomorrow. 

The train to Chester was a Class 197 non stop but I had a bit of a ticket stushie as I had problems in getting it bought online for the train I was on, but the conductress let me off!

Walking up from the station to my hotel (Moxy) I stopped at the Harkers Arms.  It was OK.

The Moxy a few minutes farther was a nice place with good staff and room.


After, the Cornerhouse was my first stop, a nice boozer, quite like the Fountain in Embra. Then the other efforts were not worth stopping for, so I didn’t. I ended up in the excellent That Beer Shop, for a triple of craft kegs before finishing off in the Cellar. I preferred the Cornerstone tbh.

My first Teppan-Yaki experience at Siam restaurant. Fascinating and acrobatic. Then back to the hotel before 7! Weary, on a chill but lovely evening.

Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Seems a pleasant day. I dug my case etc out in prep for tomorrow. My train is at 8:52 so an early rise.
I called the RIE to find out about Alisdair. A chap said he was now in a cardiac ward and gave me the number 0131 242 1020, which was engaged! However, I eventually got through to find it was Ward 103 Bay 7. Generous visiting hours: 10-12, 1 – 5, 6-7. I arranged to pick up Lawrence and headed up. He was a bit confused, and has physical effects from his stroke (eyesight, limb) but will hopefully recover. The first thing is to deal with the cardiac issue. Anyway, we chatted away, and although he was glad to see us, I think he was getting tired. Then his sister Nicola arrived with her (partner?) so we left.

Thelin has signed up to manage the Dons. Well, good luck to him.

Monday, 15 April 2024

An uncertain forecast for my trip to Wales, so my packing will be guided by that.

Bayern Leverkeusen delivered my wager, so I’m £90 better off, so I went for my haircut. The Cherry trees are out in Marionvillle – stunning as ever.

Later, a message from Alisdair Curtis’s sister Nicola.  He was taken into the RIE on Friday with a suspected stroke and heart attack! Hopefully I’ll get to visit him tomorrow before Wales.

Sunday, 14 April 2024

So, over to Teuchter’s, to pay my tab, I fell into bad company: Nigel, Tash, Danny and his pal Tam.  Interesting info from Tam re Siem Reap.  Nigel showed us an amusing Google review of Teuchter’s by a sad loser who complained about the smug customers (Danny, apparently!). After 4 pints I didn’t intend to have, I dodged the Malt, only to fall into the trap of the Shore, where a I ran into Stevie “nail varnish” Moan, Alec (puggy),  Kenny and has more wine that intended, deep sigh. In the end, the promised squalls did not happen. Homeward for 17:30 ….. And to cook curry first, which I did, followed by a rather awesome T-bone.

Saturday, 13 April 2024

Sad news from Fergie, one of my ex DIs, Alan Hunter, has died.

I’ve booked my final rail segment for Norway; Stavanger to Oslo, and my Grand National bet is on in Teuchter’s for the rugby.

Tim (from Dubai) arrived in;  a mess from last night! Then I was joined by a couple from Portugal; Elise (Portuguese) and Job (Dutch), to whom I chatted to apart from the game.  Unfortunately we lost!  A nice couple, on holiday from Portugal.  Then Nigel, Tash and the Hunts arrived, so it was fairly convivial afternoon. Wee Chris and Ying appeared who were going to a wedding but didn’t engage.   I eventually left after 17:45 I think!  My curry-cooking went by the board and I ordered a carry-out. A fun afternoon, if not the usual one.  I have to go back tomorrow to pay my tab.

At home, despite the summer squalls, I have changed to my summer duvet.  And two unwelcome letters: one to call me up for jury duty, and another to say my energy bill DD was going up.

Bettany Hughes in Estonia on telly tonight.

Friday, 12 April 2024

First, I booked Grit, & got a good seat.

Then, a message from Alec Nimmo about Alasdair mac Mhaighstir Alasdair, via Fergie.  To my shame, I hadn’t heard of him.

Over to Teuchter’s as George had said he’d go there to meet Bruce and me.  After a while, he hadn’t appeared and I left a message.  He called me back to say he’s started out but had felt odd and returned.  He didn’t sound great.

After a couple of beers, Bruce and I left for a swiftie in the Malt. No Justice, but there was an American who was interesting to chat to.  We sent him on with some suggested places to visit.

Later, I couldn’t ne bothered cooking so decided on Fish and Chips at Teuchter’s!  Tasha and Nigel, and Danny were there, and I sat with them for a while and it was very busy.  After a generous interval, I left for Domenico’s instead. Usual decent dinner there.

At home, Jethro Tull were on Sky Arts.

Thursday, 11 April 2024

It was supposed to be warm today. And it was, albeit breezy, as I headed up to the NMS for the Wildlife Photography exhibition.

It was excellent, but the Photo journalist section was particularly depressing. Not so much man’s inhumanity to man, as man’s inhumanity to the world.

As I was expecting a delivery which was due around 2, I left, instead of going for my planned haircut. Stopping off for a swiftie in the Malt and Hops, I was surprised to note the absence of Alan, his normal place taken by a quartet of blokes.

At home later in the afternoon, I saw a chap on the other side of the river making a very suggestive rhythmic movement near his groinal area. After a moment, I realised he was reeling his fishing line in.

There was an interesting piece on the BBC Internet about new discoveries in Pompeii. And a notification on my Facebook about a performance by the Grit orchestra at thew festival. I’ll look into it tomorrow.  Annie P is in London then.

Tuesday, 09 April 2024

Not pouring, what happened?  However, I postponed my Glasgow trip to meet Anne to hopefully a better day. I picked up my blind. 

Here comes the sun, in late afternoon.

Come on Scotland! And they did.

Monday, 08 April 2024

Dune today, Wales next week. I took the 34 up to cinema, with a young woman and a puppy, who continually chatted in baby language to the poor animal. By the time I arrived, I was near demented. As was the female, I suspect.

And so to my first time in an IMAX. I had nothing to eat or drink beforehand, and I was the first in: I wouldn’t go to the Starbucks obvs, and didn’t have time for anything else. Hardly anyone else in. I cursed myself for failing to bring my earbud to block both the female on the bus, and the adverts.

It was a  good picture, but the sound was a bit much, even for a deaf person! I didn’t like the ending. I’m a purist. Still, I’d revisit, especially for 3D.

I needed food after so headed for Wings, which were OK and the Fountain ditto, before heading home. The amount of flats being built in Fountainbridge is incredible! Waiting for the 35, the forecast rain started.

This bitter cynical old man still rails at the lies of Project Fear but the torch needed to pass to the next generation, will not be lit by that attitude.

Sunday, 07 April 2024

Sunny if cold.

In the Malt, Hurricane Jack has reached the Beaufort scale of  £6.  Justice was so exercised he spat his teeth on the floor. Rhys joined us but that was it.

In the Shore on the way home to sun on the balcony briefly, but at least the room was warm. Wee wine for a change, before the rather fine lamb chops from Linton.


Watching Attenborough’s Mammals: are we are the same, being watched as we watch? Irony.

Louise Clayton has now broken her elbow, not satisfied with her earlier wrist break!  

Saturday, 06 April 2024

A fascinating story and pictures on the internet from the BBC  OTOH, no mention that it’s the 704th anniversary of the Declaration of Arbroath.

I wandered down to the Malt and Hops. Just Justice and a lot of guys in Bumbee Tartan trews going to Moonwake!  Colin (barman) got in a fankle; the cash drawer in the till jammed, and a chap couldn’t get his change.  He accepted my offer of assistance and, amazingly, I was able to unjam it (don’t exactly know how, TBH).  Anyway, it was a hoot.

I popped into the Shore on the way home, where Pinot Grigio is one of the new wines on the list. V tasty

Linda F had been in the Shore the other day, in good spirits according to John. So that’s good.

Friday, 05 April 2024

Dreich again today. I gave Alisdair C a lift to his GP; at least he’s still alive.

Later: George couldn’t make it so it was nice to be back in Teuchter’s. The new gents is excellent. John  offered to pick up George and return him, which is pretty good of him!., Bruce showed me pictures of his new house and he has two dining tables, which will make George jealous-not.

A call from Ron B. Goggs told him the George (in Hamilton) is to take in beer again. Good news for next visit!

Thursday, 04 April 2024

My god; it was dry. A wee patch of blue, even. I got the 16 to Waverley and met Justice in the station bar, one of the worst of its type.  I had a ½ of Deuchars which was OK.

We got on a 6-carriage 385 to Dunbar, and after we stopped at Musselburgh were told the next stop was Dunbar 🥵 Wrong, fortunately. The new East Linton station is fine, typical of the standard new-build presently.

We walked down to the Crown, which was excellent, a log fire, improved weather, nice beer.  After a couple we walked to the second destination, the Linton butcher, for some of their excellent pies. I added some lovely-looking French-trimmed lamb chops to the order; Alan added a kilo of ox-tail to his, and outside he ran into a former colleague from Belhaven.

After chatting we headed down to the Linton Steakhouse, which was a disappointment.  The barman sold us two pints of cloudy beer as a favour.  On the other hand, Alan found another former colleague to reminisce with!  We went back to the Crown for a decent pint before heading back to Leith, after a most enjoyable afternoon.

On the way home, I noticed the Borough is closed!

Wednesday, 03 April 2024

Even ghastlier than yesterday, with driving rain. I wonder what number Rob McKenna would give it?  I’ll have to reread “Hitchhiker” to get an idea. NOT looking forward to shopping today, but needs must, as I’m going to East Linton tomorrow.


For today, the heavy waxed jacket I had optimistically put away, has to make a reappearance.  Smug bastard. I’m looking forward to Anderson’s sausages tomorrow though. 


Job done, but I’ve broken a cord in by bedroom Venetian Blind.  I’ll have to try and source a replacement. I contacted Phoenix blinds, and the chap called me back in 1/2 hour!  They can do it.

I have booked to see Dune 2 in the IMAX for 12:30 on Monday.  It’s not in 3D, but looking forward to it. Doubtless a wee visit to licensed premises, even if it’s not normally done on a Monday.

On TV; X Files episode 1 tonight.

Tuesday, 02 April 2024

Another bloody awful day in Leith.  Nae sunshine at aa!

I seem to be watching more TV than hitherto. On my TV I have access to all sorts of channels from Samsung.  Today I was watching Ski A&E at Val Thorens, a resort I have skied a couple of times (it’s my favourite).  All these torn bodies – I was lucky!

The new gents in Teuchter’s is complete, must take a look!


Keith Miller has left the building, for the final time.  Who’s left out of all my teams over the years?  Kenneth and Sara, for sure.

Monday, 01 April 2024

From a sunny and mild afternoon yesterday, to a bitter easterly today, is an unpleasant change. I had to put the heating on, and made hot soup.

I finished booking hotels in Wales, and  my return ticket to EDB.  By using Split tickets, I’m saving £43!

The clocks may well have gone forward, but it’s gey grey today.

Sunday, 31 March 2024

Post holiday actions today, and a visit to the market, where the Pie Dolly was not to be seen. ☹ then to Aldi prior to heading to the Malt, where there was a lot of random visitors taking advantage of the cold but sunny day.

Justice had been chatting up a Texan woman, but she left.  An amusing wee sojourn, and a daunder into the Shore for a wee tinto.  Brian and Kenny (jazz) in amazing form today. Sharon and Chiara as beautiful as ever.

I yielded to temptation to sit out on balcony with a wine and fell asleep!

Sharpe after dinner.

Saturday, 30 March 2024

I see we are flying in an 8-Max today☹️I left around 7:30 for the airport. Even at this time and on Easter Saturday, it was busy, soon becoming standing only. A reasonable transition through security to the lounge, where I grazed and relaxed until boarding. Getting through to the aircraft was a long tedious process, and that’s with so-called priority boarding. People were still trickling on board 25 minutes after supposed roll-back. We rolled 35 minutes late.

Music today: Seal.

Flying over the Pyrenees was beautiful. Then, crossing over to France we passed Bordeaux and the Garonne estuary, before flying up the Brittany peninsula with the Channel islands on my left, then crossing over to Britain and homeward.

The usual crush at EDI  but so grateful for the ease of the tram home. Although it was very busy. As Kenny Brown indicated, sunny and cool in the capital.

Arriving home, I swiftly departed for the market hoping the Pie Dolly would be there.  Alas she was not, but I picked up a pack of smoked salmon for tomorrow, before delivering DFs to Justice.  He was very happy, but Jacqui R not so much!  She had a skimpy top on, unusually.  And it was far too warm in the pub given the fire was on!

After an enjoyable 3 pints of JHB, I headed home.  A curry carry-out beckons. And an early night to rest my weary bones. Big win for the Dons.


Friday, 29 March 2024

To the seaside by Metro and tram.  It’s 24° today. This is a huge area, so despite the numbers of visitors, it looked empty. I don’t know what the water was like but few were venturing forth.

After a wee wander (no paddling), I wanted to visit the Silk Exchange. But both Google and I forgot about Easter diversions. However the bus I wanted eventually came along nevertheless, stowed to the gunwales, and I went to the Silk Exchange only to find it had closed early, so the Tyris Tap was a much needed refuge. Inter alia, I indulged in a Flama (piqueña).

Then Google suggested a bar called Buenos Onda. Best bar of the trip. The food looked great too. I got chatting to Nuno from Portugal, his wife (from Madrid) and two children, the eldest, a 13 year old girl, named Alba as they’d lived in Dublin for a while. Lovely people, which is what beer brings you. He urged Valhalla upon me.

I walked back to the hotel for a late Siesta, stopping off for charcuterie on the way.


I decided to take Nuno’s advice and go to Valhalla.  When I went down to the lobby, I found it was raining. WTF?

I got a bus to Valhalla, which is a busy little bar, with a mixed clientele, predominantly younger. It’s a wee bit out of town, so mostly locals I’d guess. I love their logo.

Then, one of the barmen showed me a picture that Nuno had taken of us earlier: talk of the jungle drums! My two favourite bars on the last day…


The Portland Ale House will have to wait for another time. I’m not that bothered about an American themed bar.

Public transport is vv busy. Needing food, I tried both Gomez’s but they were full.  I ended up in a place not too far away. Easter is so busy here. I suppose it is back home, if I think about it. And my seat is outside: warmer than home but still with heaters.

I had garlic prawns (no spoon or bread). The Paella was oversalted, so a mediocre meal really, but the staff were good. Not a great farewell, but WTF.

Straight to bed, before 23 hours. Early start tomorrow. Pamela’s birthday too. My flight tomorrow is the first inbound from EDI.


Thursday, 28 March 2024

I decided against the Albufera tour as it didn’t start until 16:30, and lasted 3:30, so dark by finish time. Seems daft to me.


Instead I went to the art gallery. It was full of religious art, my least favourite thing, although some of it is exquisitely done. A nice building, but despite the pleasant and helpful staff, lacking in guides etc. One leaflet on the temporary exhibition on surrealism was all they had. The other temp was called Fiercely Human, yet more religious art including that bête Noir S Sebastian.

The surrealism  was mostly prints, including a number by Dali, some of which were interesting, and Miro, whom I dislike. Thankfully, Google Lens translated when required. And Google translate is so useful, they are making apps like Duolingo obsolete.


The weather continues to get warmer. And my phone has a big new update from Samsung (6.1 UI), with new toys and AI. I’ll take a look later, but first, back to Bukowski, of whom I’d never heard of before. They were undertaking some very noisy repairs, but thirst trumps all. A little girl was helping her dad with these repairs; charming to see.

I had more beer than I should have, but not more than I wanted, before dinner at the Michelin restaurant next door to the hotel, El Poblet.


And so it began. A locked door allows access once someone answers the bell, and takes you up stairs to an intimate small restaurant. It’s lovely. A fino to start.

Then the food:

  • a marvellous selection of citrus, and a small glass of a meadlike drink!
  • Snails and rabbit kidney. Yuck but tasty.
  • About 10 courses over 3 hours, finishing with 2 large Drambuies. Most enjoyable and excellent value for around €200







Wednesday, 27 March 2024

By Tram to Turia on a warm but breezy day. All linen clothing today, so comfortable. A good long stroll along this marvellous stream of architectural woners, and gardens, before a siesta before beer.


The beer started off at Bukowski’s, where I met a birder from Kent called Terry. He had been over to Albufera.  He hadn’t been to the Camargue when I asked him.  Been to Lewis though!


Onto Ölhops 1, followed by 2, neither of which sold any Scandic beers (on draught). By the time I had my second beer at Ölhops 2, I was hungry (no food all day). I got chatting to an American couple and a Ukrainian chap. What do you say? He is currently living in Stockholm. Anyway, Carne, in the form of steak at an Argentinian restaurant round the corner from Ölhops.  Just what the doctor ordered, along with red wine.

Stuffed! Early night, no nightcap. Heat increasing.

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

So, after a sound night’s sleep, a Continental breakfast only. Weather seems fine. I saw that Bernard Ponsonby is retiring; he’s a loss, I rated him highly.

A Hop on off bus today. This is a beautiful city, and the best bus tour I think I’ve done. It covered a lot: Bullring, Turia gardens and all the stunning architecture. It was about 2 hours, excellent vfn.
Afterwards, to the Tyris brewery tap: a welcome stop, as many of the others don’t open until later. The Flam at 8.5 drinks like a 4. Justice would fall for it. Literally.

Time for a siesta, before Nacho picks me up. Which he did around 6. We went to the Market Beer bar where I embarrassed myself by trying out Spanish on an English barmaid. She’s here to improve her Spanish. It’s a nice wee bar.
Nacho then took me to a Tapas bar, which was excellent and cheap. We had 3 tapas each: gambas, seppia, sardines, with wine, before he escorted me back to the hotel via some lovely sights. We will maybe meet up on Friday. He’s going to try for a job in a new Marriott.
Muy Buenos y muchas gracias Nacho.
I popped next door to Gomez for a nightcap.

W P Nel has retired. A great servant.

Hotel at 22:30. Tired. But I have to come back here. Nacho has a son an his family are Castilian.

I booked the Michelin next door for Thursday

Monday, 25 March 2024
Off on the tram at 11:50. It was cold and raining. Goodbye to all that.
A decent transition through to the Aspire lounge for some lunch etc. Especially etc. There was much surface water on the runway trailing behind flight movements. My aircraft today was on its 5th flight, having started off at EDI. It’s not an 800-Max, for a mercy, but was an hour behind when we rolled back.
I noticed there are now solar panels at the end of 06. I always crack up when during the safety demo, they refer to an emergency evacuation… 😉Anyway, we arrived 45 minutes late. I picked up my travel pass from a kiosk and got the tram, which became V busy as we went into the city.
The hotel was a 10 minute walk, but thd pavement was wet and slippy!
The room is small but OK, given price. Very pleasant girl at FOH, and she pointed out a couple of places for food. I was glad for the Mediterranean habit of eating late. The restaurant, Gomez was fine.
Behind me, there was a couple of American lassies ( Nina and Jacqui) who were amusing, chalk and cheese. We engaged in convo; they are travelling to San Sebastian, so I gave them some tips.
Home before midnight, glad for my bed.


Sunday, 24 March 2024

Prepped for tomorrow, my packing done apart from toiletries. Just in time to get away from the yellow snow warning…

A call from Fergie to say fareweel. He had a story about two different people asking about Josip Campin!  A former Aberdeen colleague who was quite and reserved, but popular with the ladies.  The link was his barber Dick who is 74, dating a 30 something. A lesson for me!

I went to meet Bill in Teuchters as we shan’t see each other for 4 weeks. 2 bottles of red!  Home for 6, no stop off. 

Saturday, 23 March 2024

Good news about the EFT (Filmhouse). And an amazing story about an Englishwoman who has completed an ultramarathon.  In other sport, Warriors hammered, Scotland Women otoh beat Wales!

Friday, 22 March 2024

Bright, windy, cold.  I’m looking forward to the warmth of Valencia (but not on Monday, apparently-more Scottish)!

Once again we met at Gladstone’s in good order.  I had an arrangement to meet up with Julie, which I had no great faith in, but in point of fact she messaged me and so I cut short my (unmemorable) beer with the boys for the Malt and Hops.  I was in front of her, but  Massie was there with Justice.  I got the full story of why Jo has left the Malt. Julie arrived and gave me the story of the Wildlife Photography exhibition at Chambers St.  I couldn’t go with her because of Gladstone’s, but will go on my return from Spain.  She was impressed, but said it was a hard watch, given the impact of humanity. (On that topic, I note that the Anthropocene is no longer a thing.)

Nice to have a decent pint!

On the way home, I stopped off at the Shore and had a couple with Keith & John. It turned squally.

OMG, there’s a Royal cancer to occupy the effing MSM now.

Thursday, 21 March 2024

An extremely irritating Chrome change has happened again; the bookmark folders in the browser have become transparent instead of yellow.  Fortunately, I found a fix, otherwise it would have been a move to Edge.

The covers are off the swing bridge as it prepares for reopening. Windy.

A rumour that Avanti is to be nationalised.

I watched Dune 1 in the afternoon (at home). It’s good, but no better than Lynch’s version which I must watch again (& reread the book). Mentats importance is left out, along with many explanatories. No hoods for the Fremen suits? Ridiculous. I liked the ornithopters though.

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

A dull day cf yesterday.

There is a curse on this Hinton meeting! Their train was late, connections didn’t work, and they ended up driving through to meet at the Gyle! I returned my fitted sheet  to the MandS there. And awaited them.

In the event, they had to get back to pick up Leah, so we went for a light lunch to Cloudberry at Barnton, a place I wasn’t aware of.  It was pleasant enough; a combined café and gift shop.  Pamela S would like it.

After, they dropped me back at the Gyle and I got the tram down to go to Anderson’s and the Malt – 3 pints speaking to Calum, Sam from Pilot, Leslie S and home back of 3.

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Thgere’s a new development plan by Forth Ports to the east.  It looks like one of Stalin’s poorer designs.

I did my Wednesday shop a day early as I’m meeting the Hintons tomorrow (hopefully). I also arranged to meet Bill today at the Shore ditto. Warm today.

Annie is now in USA, New England, and having a great time.

A reasonably sensible afternoon with Bill!

Monday, 18 March 2024

My personal Black Monday clashes with the Spring Equinox. Milder.

A call from Liz C, as always on this day.  John’s had a TIA, maybe!

Pocket call from Isabel Scott, as I discovered when I returned it. I spoke to Don too, seems frailer,  not playing golf, but gets out to his club which is now at the Loch Inn!

Saturday, 16 March 2024

After a big breakfast, I headed to Teuchter’s after midday.  Not first there, a couple of girls had ensured our table was booked (not always art of the group). As the day wore on, some others joined us. But big Chris was late, having had to do housework!

An exciting first game, not so much ours, which was turgid. Ireland were the better side, but at the death we might have stolen it, especially with that piece of brilliance from Jones. He’s had a great tournament.  Christie impressed also, he must stay for the summer games.

Pishing rain as I left, home for 7:15, curry and watched the final game, which had an ironic dénouement in counterpoint to last week’s.  Doubtless lots of sour grapes to follow, from the MSM.

And so yet again, mid table mediocrity for Scotland, with the small consolation that the Dons finally won.

Friday, 15 March 2024

So we did go to Gladstone’s:  George, Bill, me and Bruce.  Bruce has bought a new house!  George was not too bad; frailer cheerier as the beer flowed. It went well.  Bill and I had a swifty in the Malt with Justice, home 16:00. Bowel kit awaiting, or as they so pathetically say, a poo kit. Grow up!

The weather improved as day went on. I decided to go over to Teuchter’s for dinner, which was fiah and chips; amazing as ever.  I joined big Chris.

On the way home I passed Elaine Campbell who was out with a couple of chums for birthday (Domenico’s and Shore). She seems fine. Home for 6, stuffed. Watched a wee bit of the U20s, in prep for tomorrow.

Thursday, 14 March 2024

Booked the first bit of my trip to Wales. My last travel commitment of the year.

Then to MandS bought a fitted sheet only to discover I had some at home.  Idiot. I made use of the rat-run to arrive at the Abbotsford for a couple.  The new manager, Craig, used to mange the Cumberland so I must recognise him.

Leaving, it was pishing rain  abd I stopped off at the Port o’ Leith for a Jarl, trams all the way.

Wikipaedia’s daily board has introduced me to Steak and blow job Day, which has been invented by some sad Yanks as an answer to Valentine’s day.  (It’s today.)  Interestingly, some woman has reciprocated with Cake and Cunnilingus day, which is on 14th April (I am not making this up!). This led me to the conclusion that the 14th March should surely be renamed Fillet and fellatio day. Or filet, as I believe the US terms it.

Wednesday, 13 March 2024

A call from Kenny, he’s dripping from his nose from the effect of the tracing infusion.

I met Bill at the Shore to welcome him home. They’d had a great time, tinged with sadness at leaving. And wondering how many more trips away.

We had a chat about the Wales trip, and agreed that we put the idea of Friday at Gladstone’s to George.

Tuesday, 12 March 2024

Bad news from Annie; lor last surviving aunt has died, albeit at 99. Good news from Julie, she has been asked to undertake some psychometric tests, which means she is past the first barrier.

Off to Glasgow to meet Kenny and Tina. There’s light rain so the  waxed jacket was donned for the first time for a while.  Bob Seger the early accompaniment. I took the tram to Haymarket, which seems to becoming my default. Passing by the new Willow Tearooms on Princes St, I wondered is that the old  Crawford’s?

The Drum and Monkey wasn’t open until midday, so I walked round the corner. Why is the beer in an iconic bar like the Horseshoe always sub-par?  After a swift beer it was back to the Drum and Monkey.

A call from Tina to say they were approaching George Sq, but I still beat them into Cafe Andaluz (see pic).  He’d had to go twice into the MRI machine, which wasn’t fun. He was an hour under the cosh.  Hopefully the results will be back soon and they’re positive. He’s still slightly deranged.  The usual good lunch in this place, and both loved it. Eventually we decamped briefly to the Counting House before going our separate ways.  It was lovely to catch up with the siblings.


The 16:15 train was surprisingly busy. Again, I got off at Haymarket and took the tram. I see Oddbins on Leith Walk is closed. I stopped off at the Shore for a glass, and refused the Teuchter’s option from Redmonds, who were over there celebrating their safe return! Home back of 6.

Monday, 11 March 2024

Quiet! A fortnight to go to Valencia. Better than the North Sea Sou’ Easterly here, one prays. It’s currently in the 20s there. Off to Glasgow to see Kenneth M tomorrow; I’ve bought my day return.

I called Iain, he is recovering reasonably well from his hip replacement.

I am so pissed off with this nonsense over a royal photy. 

I see a Boeing whistle-blower has been found dead in an apparent suicide. A new David Kelly?

Sunday, 10 March 2024

I failed to resist temptation, and went to the Malt, where I was the only member of the coven to join Alan. We were going to leave to watch the rugby in our respective houses, but first, Aland has a pint of Coniston Infinity (6%), and an Italian chap whom we’d been talking to insisted on buying us a drink and wouldn’t take no for an answer.  So Alan had another Infinity.  I then left, so what the story was…

The story in the rugby was of course Le Garrec’s reverse pass, helping France to a victory.  The only expected result of the weekend.  And the Dons beat Killie 3-1 in the cup!


A late email from my cousin Chris; his elder brother Calum has died, another first cousin gone.

Saturday, 09 March 2024

An interesting article on another grey North Sea day.

On the way to Teuchter’s, I stopped off at the Pie Dolly for the first time in a while. I was the first in Teuchter’s of the usual mob and had Warren put my purchases in the fridge.

The Greatest players ranked Jonny Wilkinson…

Julie et al were late.

What a first half! Line speed, Horne…., and then it all went tits up-for Scotland anyway.  For the neutral, a great game to watch. Julie left after, having made the mistake of turning to Vodka. I stayed for the second game, which again was an upset.

Tindal had a beer disaster, but it was a fun day for the rugby!

Friday, 08 March 2024

Happy International Women’s Day. It’s grey, cold, damp.

A message from Julie, she has reapplied to be a train driver. (I’d sent her a link that had appeared on my SM Feed).

Some interesting news about a new rail route from London to Stirling. Apparently it’s to go on the WCML but not via GLC, cutting off to north after Motherwell.

Bruce called off sick, George seems unlikely, so it appears I’ll be on my own in Teuchter’s, as indeed it proved. So after an hour or so, I Malted it.  The three ducks on the wall, were Justice, Lawrence and Logan. Lawrence  was in fine form, much recovered from his recent setbacks.

Amognst the topics of conversation were Epiphany (slightly transmuted), Ninkase, and tone and content. As in the low and high road, so the brows.

Gerry O’Halloran appeared also, later. He was in the mood for a few, but I left before the denoument.

Thursday, 07 March 2024

Our wedding anniversary today, 44 years on.

I drove to Armadale to have Heather do a dental checkup.  She’s still besotted with her granddaughter.  And why not?

On my return, I received my OAP increase notification.

Wednesday, 06 March 2024

To Dishoom for a late lunch with the Aitkens. But first, a wee exercise session and watched Hunt make a c*nt of himself at the Despatch Box 🤮. Nothing that wasn’t trailed.

We met at Tiles (where the beer was far too cold, and scored accordingly), before heading for food.

A good selection, but for me, the star of the show was, surprisingly, chili cheese toast!  Very moreish, along with the battered Okra.  And wine.

Talking about Gorgeous George’s Rochdale victory got me thinking about his Senate address of some years ago.

Afterwards, we headed to the Abbotsford for a few. I saw John, Stevie J and Bert, who had been to a tasting and were suitably “excited”. 

We left after 18:00 and I was home before 7, stuffed with beer and food.

Meantime Brewery is closing… suits suiting again, no doubt. 

An email from Marguerite; Iain M has had his hip op done in Montreal, and is getting home soon.  Must contact him.

Our 44th wedding anniversary tomorrow. 

Tuesday, 05 March 2024

It was Ron Buchan’s birthday today. I sent him a congratulatory text.

On the bike, accompanied as usual by Iain Anderson.

Two positives today:

  1. I cleaned all the windows, as the fine weather continues
  2. I got a call from Dr Judy, who said that my results last month were improved a little.  I was chuffed, given the depredations of the festive season. She said that my cholesterol was still too high, but brightened when I said (truthfully) that I have been trying to do better on diet and exercise.  So we agreed that I would go back in May for repeat tests.

So fingers crossed, for continuing willpower.

Monday, 04 March 2024

I bought our Interrail Pass; £380 for 10 days travel over 2 months, first class. 

It was sunny, almost springlike, and the sun warmed up the lounge for the first time since last year!

I’m reading Sylvie Simmons’ biography of Leonard Cohen. I hadn’t realised that “The Partisan” wasn’t composed by him. The true story is fascinating.

A phrase from Cohen: “a sense of a lost Eden”. Is that what happened to us after the disillusionment of Blair? When otherwise? An opportunity lost.

Sunday, 03 March 2024

Sunny, as I went to Sainsbury, but with substantial rain obviously having fallen overnight. However, overcast later.

Later, a visit to the Malt and Hops where  Alan, Jacqui and Rhys were ensconced, starting off on slime and modifying later! Then, to the Shore for the first time for a while. I tried the  Pilot Little Red, which I found a bit thin. Prices worse than Malt!

A rather interesting article on the Internet!

Home around 4.

Köln lost to B Leverkusen, so my wager remains on track.

Saturday, 02 March 2024


I booked flights for self and Annie to Helsinki for 10th  September.  Another travel commitment made.

Friday, 01 March 2024

The first day of Spring dawned bright and cold. Happy St David’s Day! 

Gorgeous George has upset the apple cart in Rochdale; what larks!  Other George not in contact; so I’ll meet Bruce in Staggs today.

Annie dropped me off  at Teuchter’s on her way home, and had a coffee.  The new cask beer from Pilot, Little Red was on the bar.  John Tindal was singing the praises of Edinburgh Street Food.  I’ve been meaning to visit it.  He went there as part oof a visit to the Playhouse to see Peter Pan (gone wrong)!

I drove the car home and set off to the Honest Toun, with music on. Today’s soundtrack (with thanks to Warren) was  Afro Celtic, and Niteworks. Getting grey.

A pleasant afternoon beer tasting.  I told Bruce about my Leverkusen bet.  He said his tema were hoping to sign their manager.  I expressed surprise that Morton could afford him; apparently he meant Liverpool! Plus, he’s never hear of the Freedom Come All Ye.

Another Stuart Hogg debacle, I see.  Not the sort of comeback anyone wants to see.

After Staggs, stupidity:  I went through the rat-run at  MandS and stopped off at the  Abbotsford.  Rob, the current manager is leaving for  Holyrood 9A, Chris is taking over.

Home for 17:30, and the Gunners did win.

Early night!

Thursday, 29 February 2024

Leap Year’s day dawns pleasantly, with a call from Pamela S, who was off to the shops for yet more scarves. We discussed the abysmal fashion sense in Aberdeen.  A propos, I discovered that Fergie had gone to Pittodrie to a corporate do, in a suit and no tie. Tsk tsk.

Pamela had also had fun attending Granite Noir.

Hunt the c*nt is apparently considering abolishing Non-Dom status.  That would be a great move, TBF.

Waterstones in Ocean Terminal has closed suddenly, I find. Deeply displeased.


There’s a strong Gunners team to play the Ospreys; they should win with something to spare.

I parked my car over at Teuchter’s and left my key with them to move it later, in advance of Annie’s arrival tomorrow. I got a free Days AF beer voucher from John (probably costs more than the real thing at full price). I’ll try it next week.


Annie arrived on schedule, and we discussed the putative autumn amble for the next few hours, going to La Casa for dinner.  This was my first visit and it was excellent. Fergie and Pamela would enjoy it I think.

Whilst there I got a call from KN.  I’ll hopefully meet him on the 12th.

We got the tram back, and bed after 22:00 after more discussions on Autumn Amble.

Wednesday, 28 February 2024

After shopping, I spent time reviewing flat correspondence. And got a wine delivery – small bottles for cooking!

I finished booking Norway. I had a problem in booking a Radisson in Oslo, online at the  paying stage.  I phoned and got it cheaper! So that’s two trips booked, two in planning.

The Chop House Leith is closing and being replaced by a chef from the Dean Banks stable.  Could be good.  The Chop House was never favoured.

Oh dear, the Dismal Dons.

Tuesday, 27 February 2024

I arranged for Annie to stay Thursday to discuss our putative trip.

The only other event was attending the Block residents meeting at the Mal, which took 2 hours, with far too much discussion on dog shit, and not enough on budgets and future liabilities.

Sunday, 25 February 2024

A great day yesterday!  Still glorying in Scotland’s victory.

A quite day of retreat, methinks, after a much-needed big breakfast.

I rewatched the Scotland game before turning to the France game. France dominant but too many unforced errors. And injuries. A poor game, but how exciting, especially at the death.

Saturday, 24 February 2024

I shouldn’t have driven this morning.  However, I made it home. Liz provided a big breakfast which set me up.


From home to Teuchter’s for 11:30 to secure seating.  Big Chris was in front of me at the big table! The Fortunae arrived separately, as the pub rapidly filled up. The sisters fed on chips, chipolatas and Macaroni cheese. I helped them with the first two.

I started off on coffee, before succumbing to Jarl, which was not in fine fettle.  Why, I don’t know.  We were joined by the lovely Charlotte bravely flaunting her England top, and her boyfriend (Simon?) who had an Ireland one on. He was the happier of the two, eventually.

Ireland huffed and puffed against Wales, but with the home advantage the result was never really in doubt.  Wales did well though and are an improving side.  I’m not impressed by Costelow though.

As to our game, after the first 15, we were all a bit shell-shocked, but the double whammy by Duhan settled us down, and the team waxed in strength as the game wore on.  A bonus try should have been secured, and now Ireland only have to secure a BP win at Twickenham to clinch the championship.

By the end, the pub was heaving.  Nikki and Natalie had come to join us also (Tindal, obvs as well!), although Natalie had to leave as she received the sad news that an aunt had died.

Anyway, we went over to the Malt which was quieter, and I had a few Jarls. Home for 20:15, and I cooked and watched the game again; bed after midnight.

Friday, 23 February 2024

A busy day.  First, lunch at Teuchter’s to meet former colleagues: not Bruce et all. But Keith and Kenneth who worked for me, and Gavin Macrae.  Keith retires soon, and his leaving do is while I’m away in Valencia. I only had 1 pint, along with some green cans. only. An enjoyable catch-up; not booorring at all.

Then it was off to Motherwell for a curry with the Hintons at the Bombay Cottage.  Good, but not as busy as formerly; we were last out at 10:00. 

A late night where we discussed a trip to Aviemore and the National Gallery. Far too much wine…

Thursday, 22 February 2024

The weekend starts here?  With the Lyceum tonight.  It’s a new David Greig play “Two Sisters”, preceded by a haircut and dinner, either in Dine or China Red, as the whim takes me.

Coincidentally, two interesting cultural stories in the news today.

Edinburgh’s Motorway, and a piece on Archie Hind.  I’ve never read the book.


I have decided to insert a travel plan for the Balkans into my drop-down menu of options.  FYR & Albania at least, assuming no wars.  Probably 2026, if I’m able.

KN still hasn’t had his appointment in Glasgow confirmed.


Off out then, first stopping by at the Malt to chat with Justice (didn’t have a drink), then up town for my haircut. Afterwards, a walk down to Thomson’s where I bought a pie, the first for a long time.  Still marvellous.  I ran into John Macmaster there.

Back then, to the Blazer for Earlier pubs, followed by China Red and the Lyceum. I do love the Lyceum, it’s my favourite theatre.

Anyway, “Two Sisters”, David Greig’s new play. 

It was fun, if a bit Cowardishly stilted. but I thought it enjoyable. Not entirely sure that the “chorus” was necessary.  Some laughs, but tending to the pedestrian with a predictable ending, not one of Greig’s best. The set was quite good, but the sound needs work.  I was near the front and had problems in hearing at times. 6/10

On the way home, I stopped off at the Port to check presence of beer. Jarl was good! Home for back of 11.

Tomorrow: off to Motherwell for a curry, after waving goodbye to the (shy &) retiring Keith Miller. One fewer former colleague still working.

Wednesday, 21 February 2024

Wet!  The highlight of the morning was the discovery that Pittenweem Oatcakes were back in stock at the butchers.

I see that the State Broadcaster is scrapping the “Nine”.  Never watched it so I don’t care, but interesting nevertheless.

I’ve started reading “The Golden Bough”, which mentions the Aeneid. This made me remember that I don’t have a copy. Indeed, I haven’t read it since school, I think, although I have Homer and have reread that many times. I should get a copy, but which? Would Douglas’s translation be too impenetrable? (Assuming it’s available.)

Also, I have been trying to change my Internet Domain registration, but get no response from the registrar.  I need an expert on this!

A message from Bruce, he is enjoying Pitlochry and the Old Inn.

Tuesday, 20 February 2024

I called surgery about my bloods.  I have to  discuss with Dr Judy on 5 March (she’s on leave).  Something to not look forward to.

I drove to Costco and Matalan.  The former to restock, the latter to finally buy some more joggers, as the of the ones Liz bought me about 20 years ago, only one survives, and that somewhat worn!  Success, on all fronts, and I  celebrated with one of the Costco steaks.

In the afternoon, I booked a flight to Bergen on 7th June.  That’s me committed to a Norway jaunt! And I’ve just come across Google Lens.  Wow!

Sunday, 18 February 2024

Fergie’s birthday, and a day for recovery, until Ridley summoned me to the Malt and Hops with she, Neil C-M, and Justice. A pleasant afternoon, sunny and mild with quite a lot of people sitting out. Neil has apparently spilt up with his wife. I stayed only for 3 pints and went home to cook dinner.

Saturday, 17 February 2024

So, Bennett’s, with no Rhys or Fin, but Justice (after going to the Kings Arms by mistake), Ian Barclay and the Fortunae made an excellent company

Diplomatico rum from Venezuela was my favourite of the 6 or 7 sampled, along with Jarl. Far from sober. (Gallery)

We left around 5 I think.  Justice insisted on making his own way home,  Accordingly, we got on a 16 and passed him outside the Filmhouse, still waiting…

We got off and went to the Malt, where after a couple, Barclay had an early bath.

Alan M and Natalie arrived.  She is visiting the far east.  Then Jacqui R and Neil Church-Michael arrived late from a lunch, Jacqui looking lovely with an off the shoulder number and new hairdo.

Home for 19:45

Friday, 16 February 2024

A lovely day. Labour hammering the other tories in Englandshire. The irony.


A message from John J suggesting a trip to the Toon to meet  Sinclair, a suggestion I was very happy to fall in with. We fixed on the 17 May.

Justice’s mum has been sent home. I met Bruce only, at Teuchter’s; no word from George. Later, he suggested a daunder to the Malt and Hops and he liked it.  No Justice, but  Gerry O’ Halloran came in and chatted.  He still goes on about how I helped him with his phone years ago!

Later, a call from KN. A scan at the Golden Jubilee has been scheduled and he is awaiting a letter.

Chris Hoy has cancer  ☹

Thursday, 15 February 2024

I discovered I have been very wrong about my thoughts of rugby playing numbers.  I thought England had most.  It’s RSA. That’s for all players of both sexes. For males, it’s France, followed by Wales.  I was right about Scotland though.  We have the smallest number of players in the 6 Nations. Edinburgh’s team v Zebre is very strong!

Anyway, it’s Curry Night.

I forgot to mention that I have been rereading Asimov’s Foundation series. That is the entire Universe of work. I am currently on the Galactic Empire series. Absorbing, even if the plots don’t interact very well, and neither does the science, which is unsurprising given the first book was written in 1952. Still, they are well written and entertaining.


Annie is showing some interest in some of my Europe plans.

Going to the Malt, I ran into Frankie, Dick’s pal. In the pub, I noticed a beer badge from Sleeman’s.  How did that get there I wonder? Thence to the Harbour Inn to meet John, Willie and Stuart for a couple of beers before a most enjoyable curry.  One of the best and for a chain, very pleasant service. I had excellent Austrian wine and a doggy bag too! Home for 22:15

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Wet, and my first visit to Asda for some time, where I finally sourced frozen garlic and chilli.  Short shop!  Much scaffolding around the problem tenement in Lindsay Rd.

On return, I spotted Daffs emerging outside in our garden; a joy to see.

Another call from Alisdair for more drink!  On delivery, I stopped off at the Shore as a result.

Under careful questioning from Keith, I was forced to concede I had to decline the multiple Valentine invitations due to my inability to decide between them.

I suggested some Valentine songs!

Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Another 2024 travel destination rescinded; Greenland/Canada has been deferred to next year.  It’s looking like Europe for the Autumn Adventure.

I got a message from Alisdair C, asking me to go to Sainsbury for him, which I did.  It turns out he’s damaged his big toe – looks nasty, he insisted on showing me! So then I phoned Kenny to see how he got on today.  OK is the verdict.  He says he passed the tests (cognitive function I assume). They’re sending a stroke nurse(!) down next week.

Lawrence has taken a fall and hurt his knee. If it’s not one thing it’s another.

Monday, 12 February 2024

To Teuchter’s for lunch, where we both had the Anderson’s Pie which was braw! And each had AF beer. No George (or word).

After Fergie’s departure; housework.

A call from Kenny: he has an assessment tomorrow

Sunday, 11 February 2024

Haar, and shops early.

After breakfast, I took a close look at the Nic Berry decision at the end. I’m not angry, wasn’t then, nor now.  The decision was almost inevitable given his on field comment. The fact is that we should have had the game won.  The old Scotland habit of lack of ruthlessness.

Later, the Malt and Shore, followed by dinner.

Saturday, 10 February 2024

We had a Big breakfast for the day ahead, and eventually went over to Teuchter’s and Tindal, who left shortly thereafter for his hospitality gig.

My plan to get a tram from my stop worked, as we only just manged to get seats, and not even together.  From the Shore stop, ot was standing room only, becoming more crushed as we went on, until it looked like Tokyo at rush hour. I saw that Steyn had been replaced by Paterson.

We were in nice time for the game, which proved to be absorbing rather than engaging. At the end of the first half, I hoped we didn’t regret the 3 points at the end. As it happened, we did.

We secured a 30/16 transfer (pause for 50/22 joke) and were in Teuchter’s relatively quickly, with about 15 minutes gone on the clock for the Twickenham game.  Things were looking good for Wales. And we were joined by Neil Evans from Inverurie.  Good to see him.  He has a season pass.

Eventually home for 7 after the Welsh disappointment.  With standing for so long, my knees were in considerable distress.

Friday, 09 February 2024

Wet, and Wine replacement post Tom and pre Fergie, who arrives today.

A call from George, who is ill in bed and can’t make it to the Guildfor, maybe Monday. He sounded frail. It’s unusual for him to call, so that was a blessing, albeit mixed.

Fergie’s train was on time, as was Bruce. The pub was busy but we secured seats.  There were plenty of French about.

Later, we stopped off at the Malt and Hops for a visit.  Alan was still there, and the reason for that was that Geoff was there 🙂  Then the Fortunae arrived.

I dragged Fergie away, and we stopped off at the Shore for a quickie, as predicted by Elaine, who then arrived with Julie!  Fergie and I eventually sat down to dinner for 19:30.

Home after and music until 00:30.

Thursday, 08 February 2024

Tom was away early for meetings. 

I got a call from, KN. Still mixed up IMHO.

And Lindsay Rd has  reopened; yay!

Wednesday, 07 February 2024

It was cold and sunny, as I went shopping.  I ran into Calum Mackay in Aldi, said he’d seen Tindal! As Lindsay Rd continues to be closed, I didn’t negotiate the mayhem to get a fish pie.

I visited the nurse for bloods to check my Cholesterol;.  I told her of the Adam Macnaughton song, which she found, played, and said she was going to share on the group chat.  Hope I don’t get in trouble from Judy!

Its Scott Fairbairn’s 70th today.

Later, I went to Teuchter’s to meet Tom.  He’d brought his pal Nacho(sp?) who is from Valencia and in fact will be on the same flights as me! He seemed to approve of my proposed schedule. I was also introduced to the music of Passenger who was good.

I’d cooked, as Tom was staying over. A late night! 

Tuesday, 06 February 2024

I took a look at the Blaenau Ffestiniog section of my planned Wakes trip.  I can get a single but not pre-book.  I wished the lassie good luck for Saturday.

We are now getting full-on royal nonsense from MSM.  Pass the sickbag, Alice.

Monday, 05 February 2024

I booked a Jacobite Train trip, thanks Hintons. Mind you, it was almost entirely sold out! Also a new David Greig play at the Lyceum. Apart from shopping, a stay at home day, recovering from the weekend.

Sunday, 04 February 2024

Given I’d nothing to eat yesterday since breakfast, breakfast this morning was welcome. However, as I was meeting Tom at Gost for lunch, I didn’t overdo it.

Leaving the hotel, I went first to the Horsehoe, which only had Stewarts 80/- on.  I had a can of Punk AF instead.  By a circuitous route I ended up at the Drum and Monkey for a quick pint of Citra before meeting the cousins (Tom, Alison and Isla).  Lunch was pleasant: roast beef for me, but I wouldn’t hurry back.  A lot of their beef is ex dairy, which when I was taxing farmers, was not thought of as suitable for the premium beef market.  Perhaps things have changed?

After a very pleasant lunch,  Isla and Ali went homeward, and Tom took me to the excellent Bavaria Brauhaus.  This was a real find. It’s owned by one of the Codona family, and must have cost a packet to create.  It has a true Brauhaus feel, with a wide selection of German beers. The theme continues with the food menu, and had I not been stuffed, would have tried a Currywurst. No Dirndls though! Having had wine with lunch, I continued with the theme, selecting on the excellent barman’s recommendation, on a (German) Pinot Noir. Braw brau, but too much.  A good blether with Tom.  Also,  call from Kenny. He is still inhibited I feel, and somewhat depressed.  I wonder if I should go up?.

I took the 17:30 train; home for 7pm.

Saturday, 03 February 2024

To the Malt and Hops to deliver POV.  Ian Barclay arrived, along with Alan. 3 pints is not a sensible start, before getting a tram to Haymarket for Glasgow. Plus I forgot my ear buds so no music 😢Part of the original plan was to meet the Fortunae and Marion to watch the game, but I got a message from Julie to the effect that she was hammered and home. As to what happened to the other two, history does not relate, and I doubt there exists any contemporaneous evidence.


Anyway, I checked in, and headed to Babbity Bowster.  It was heaving, with one telly, and no seats to watch the game.  This time I wasn’t so keen on the accompanying music! So, after watching Itlay almost beat England, I went back my hotel room to watch our game.

Dear God, how did we nearly lose that. Shades of 2010.

Afterwards, I walked to the City Halls for the gig. I don’t think I’ve been there before.  I secured a revivifying glass of Sauv Blanc before going to the auditorium.  It was a good seat, and a fantastic gig, with brilliant female singers (male instrumentalists, surprisingly).  I was beaming from first to last, where they finished with the “Freedom come aa ye”  (see gallery)Throughout, there was much joining in the choruses.  There were a number of songs I didn’t know.

When I left, it was raining; a nightcap in the hotel.

Friday, 02 February 2024

Whilst Jim went to Waverley to pick up Wendy and Rachel, I took the tram to the

National Gallery, arriving in Contini shortly before them.  I had a second breakfast, and the others had a first.  The girls had wine, the guys, coffee.  It will get Messi. We did not tour the galleries; instead, we walked up the steps where the Ensign Ewart appeared on our right, as if by magic. 

We spent a wee while there, chatting and sipping.  The beer was good enough to have more.

In due course, we walked down Castle Terrace into the teeth of a light gale, with Wendy cling on to avoid being blown away. The Blue Blazer was quiet but welcoming.  To my consternation, they no longer have their former superb rum list, which means I have to replan the Rum Day I have planned with other pals. Anyway, they had a Verdant beer, being sold in 1/3rds at vast expense.  It was so good I had to have a second. By this time, Messi was scoring freely, and we walked down to Amarone for dinner. Did we go to Tiles before or after?  After, because the ruby was on.  I’d hoped to be home to see all of the France v Ireland game, but in th event…  The proximate cause for this was that the girls had been told their train had been cancelled, or late.  When we eventually went down to Waverley, Traksy told me that the train was not only running, but had departed.  Fortunately, there was a TPE one waiting on a platform so they clambered aboard and departed.

I got the tram home for 20:15, and wearily turned on the telly to find a surprising  rugby score. Later, a message to report safe arrival at Newcastle.

Thursday, 01 February 2024

A quiet AF (that’s alcohol free, BTW) day, as the Redmonds depart  on their first leg to NZ, Frankfurt. And we waved an unreluctant farewell also to January.

The Scotland team for Saturday was announced. Kinghorn  was added to Graham on the injury list, which weakens three-quarter line-up to what is a must-win fixture. Also surprising was Watson’s omission from the squad. I put a small bet on Scotland to win the 6 nations at 12s nevertheless.

Tomorrow, Jim and I meet the Toon girls (I resisted my love of alliteration to insert the obvious noun.)

Wednesday, 31 January 2024

Amongst the usual Wednesday chores, more beer duties to pick up and distribute Pint of View.  I navigated the obstacles to secure a Welch’s Pie, before spending the afternoon cooking for the freezer.

Then, to the Shore to bid fareweel to Bill. There was a big temperature difference between arriving and leaving Shore, and blue sky too.  I should save some money whilst Bill is away!

Yet again I resisted the Teuchter’s temptation suggested by Bill, who was going there for dinner en famille.  Mark has still to decide if he’s joining them in NZ.

Tuesday, 30 January 2024

I went along to OT to get a 36 only to find that Henderson Street has reopened! Stiil, a quick dive into Boots meant it wasn’t wasted, before getting the bus to the Stockbridge Tap (GBG Survey). A nice day for it, and some great beers. Good to catch up with Neil H. Contrary to expectations I got the planned 36 down the road to my next destination; Carrier’s Quarters. I did mu survey, and chatted to  Richard H (Beardie, per Dick) 

Home. And not a good performance by the Dons.

Monday, 29 January 2024

Quiet day, considering trip options. A call from Kenny, he’s happy being at home. His assessment continues. Still a bit mixed up I think.

I have begun reading “The bookseller of Inverness”,  gifted to me by Annie P.

Sunday, 28 January 2024

Rhys’s last shift at the Malt today.  Before going over (and after the usual shop) I listened to

Graham Nash on Desert Island Discs.  An unusually good and revealing episode.

It’s 20° in Ullapool!

In the Malt and Hops, Justice was there, scoffing sausage rolls that Sali hade made.  And very nice they were too. Later Jacqui arrived (who had bought him a drink yesterday!!!).

Waves of randoms, a number of whom put their tables far too close to the fire.  Interesting to note the number of people wanting to know about the beer.

Sara arrived to look after Ali. As I left, she  suggested I might visit the Shore. Where did she get that from? As it happens, I did, but really?


So much for the yellow wind warning ; practically calm.

I had a good catch-up with Iain and Marguerite on Netmessage.  He too has hip problems so awaits developments. I think finally he has decided that retirement is the best thing,  Correct!

Marguerite was busy doing acrylics. They are thinking of coming over this year, hopefully whilst I’m not away.

Saturday, 27 January 2024

Kenny has got home, and Mairi Macmillan improved per Tina.

I went up to Teuchter’s West End to see Ron B (and Mike) who were going to the  Hearts Dons game.  Their chat has inclined me to visiting Cologne whilst Scotland are playing there!  (A check later soon proved the unfeasibility of this!)

Stevie Staggs going to game with Jambo pals, all good. Very pleasant session.

Tram Jackson from  Staggs was there with chums; he is a Jambo, so a bit of banter. Things are going well with him. When we all went our separate ways, I got a tram home.  A  protest in the centre was causing delay westbound. It was a Palestinian one, so my feelings were  with them. Dons lost after  goal chalked off ☹

I popped into the Shore for a beer, unusually.  On emerging, I ran into the Redmonds who were off to meet some chums.  They tried to inveigle me to accompany them.  I’m pleased to report they failed (for once).

Friday, 26 January 2024

A good breakfast, before getting the 10:15 to Haymarket and onward tram.

Then, Teuchter’s, without George but with Steve Macfarlane, and subsequently to the Malt to contribute to Rhys’s leaving.  AF, I’m pleased to say.

I have decided that South America is not doable until I get my joints seen to. My two trips to Glasgow convinced me. A difficult decision, but the right one.

Listened to Long road out of Eden.  Trumpian. 

Thursday, 25 January 2024

I phoned Tina, Kenny is still a bit confused, and there is Covid on his ward. I called him at the hospital, he sounded OK, and confirmed the Occupational Therapist had been to see him to discuss a package. And that he wasn’t allowed to drive. He’s feeling the time long, as who would not. I told him I’d met Deen Roddy.

A couple of Slimes in the Malt. Justice’s mum has been moved to the Western for rehab, which is obviously better than Livingston. And to complete a gloomy trio, Melanie (Brand New Key), has died.


I got a tram to Haymarket, and a Southern Summit at Ryries, before the Glasgow train at 15:20 which got me to my hotel less than an hour later.

The AC at George St is very nice, I was impressed. Nice welcome from staff too. Hooks for jaikets needed, otherwise…

I dined at Hazel (the hotel restaurant): a Haggis Bon Bon Amuse Bouche, v nice, a Cab Sauv blend ditto, Padron Peppers before the slow cooked short rib. All very good, and better than expected for a hotel dinner. So, happy Burn’s nicht!

Then, off to the RCH for the gig.  Many Highlanders yes, but behind me, German speakers.  They were from Frankfurt, come over explicitly for CC.  That Is pleasing.

First up; Gnoss frae Orkney, who made much of their Viking connections, but they looked like Celts to me: no blonds.  They were good though.


Next up, Odyssée.   This was an ensemble collection of superb Celtic musicians from all over, singing in their native languages.

The blurb: “The star-studded collaborative show Celtic Odyssée returns to the festival, bringing together internationally renowned artists from the eight European Celtic nations. Led by virtuoso French piper Ronan Le Bars and his all-Breton band of Liam Roudil on guitar, Pierrick Tardivel on double bass, Aymeric Le Martelot on keyboards, and Thomas Bessé on drums, 17 artists will take to the stage, including: Annie Ebrel (Brittany), Bec Applebee (Cornwall), Dónal O’Connor (Ireland), Ewen Henderson (Scotland), Icía Varela (Galicia), Jose Manuel Tejedor (Asturias), Kim Carnie (Scotland), Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh (Ireland), Martin Tourish (Ireland), Patrick Rimes (Wales), Rubén Bada (Asturias), and Ruth Keggin (Isle of Man).

In support is Gnoss, whose signature sound is a rich tapestry of acoustic layers. Outstanding musicianship, deep traditional roots and contemporary compositional flair combine to create songs brimming with character. Triple Scots Trad Music Awards nominees, the band have built an invested following through the warmth of their live shows. “


A great gig, and back at hotel for 22:40to much relief, and West beer.

Wednesday, 24 January 2024

Jocelyn is subsiding.

I see that the far-right in France is whipping up anti EU sentiment amongst the farmers.  This of course is the same type of neo-Nazi that made Brexit such a success for the UK

The weather has improved as I headed out to the shops.  Then I discovered that Lindsay Rd is closed!  Apparently there are issues with a building.  (Later, I discovered that a tenement has perhaps become unsafe, possibly as a result of the tramworks.) Whatever, it caused some problems in getting to Welch’s and the traffic was all snarled up.


To the Shore, with Bill, where I expounded my bicycle wheel theory of moods and behaviours!  Only 3 extra glasses!

Anne Chapman cancelled our meet, due to the train problems.  To be rescheduled. 

Tuesday, 23 January 2024

For the first time this year, I woke up to see daylight. A day of catching up with stuff, and coorieing in.

I am rethinking South America, as my experience in Glasgow inclines me to think that my legs would not be up to what would be required of them. And of course, I might well be called for surgery around that time.

I completed my reread of Macbeth. There are 3 murderers, not 2: that, I’d forgotten. And indeed, the weird sisters are much less in view. As I read, the wind outside noises increasingly, almost as the play increases in its violence. Atmospheric (pun intended).

I wonder how Julie and Elaine enjoyed Jekyll and Hyde.

Monday, 22 January 2024

After breakfast I retired to my room to consider. All routes to Edinburgh were blocked at 10:00, so I had to wait and see.

At 11, the Edinburgh to Bathgate opened, 🫰for the rest of it. I’m going to gamble on a later train. Hopefully I’ll get home before Jocelyn hits.

And so, to Babbity Bowster, where the barman was from EK but sounds like Buckie. A few beers as the line reopening progressed. And eventually, they did. And a lot of musicians trickled in to jam, many/all from CC. Eventually it became a live music venue serving alcohol. I finally dragged myself away for 5 for a train which was on time. Amazingly, hardly anyone was on.

Jim Reid is my track which would be much to Jim Aitken’s disgust. I got a tram straight away from Haymarket. A quiet day tomorrow, methinks.

I was tempted by a Chinese, but resisted, and brought the microwave into use.

Dinner at 7, and an early night.

Sunday, 21 January 2024

I noted that Dick Gaughan performed as part of the John Maclean opening.  That’s the equivalent to Joni at Newport.  So pleased he was able to do it.

No shopping today, and the weather warnings are burgeoning.


Julie sent me a photo of the new co-captains, Russell and Darge. Interesting.  Both captained the team for one occasion last year.

I went via the Malt and Hops to Haymarket (on tram as buses still diverted). No Alisdair again.

Milder but wetter than when I left the house. It’s supposed to be tipping it down in Glasgow.

I decided that a pint in Ryrie’s was a good idea. It was pretty quiet, with a strangely chatty Asian type and a woman of apparently easy virtue being the highlights. Certainly they worried the bar staff! I got the train1/2 hour later than originally planned. Many trains to the south cancelled.


I played some Chris Isaak on the train, which although quiet, was busier than I’d expected. Someone was emitting a series of stenchy farts.


I had a short stroll to my hotel (Ibis) in the increasingly wet weather, and I’d forgotten my inhaler.  Then, next door to the Spanish Butcher, where the smell of cooking beef was enticing. As was my dinner: scallops to start, a sirloin steak for main. Glasgow women are so much more stylish. The men, not so much.


Then to the Lally Palais, so many obvious Highlanders, leaving aside the voices, accents and language. Moving but appropriate, given the topic of emigration from the Hebrides on the Metagama and Marloch. And the performance too was moving, excellently performed as a two-hander, with the history spoken by Donald S Murray (whom I remember in school) and who has a book on the topic out, and the ineffable Dolina Maclennan; the music played by an ensemble cast, headed by Willie Campbell.  The performance of Eilean Fraoch had me in tears.


At the interval I had the joy of running into an old schoolmate from Bayble. She was looking good; she’s certainly lasted better than me. 

On leaving afterwards, the weather was not that bad.  I was thirsty, so had a couple of beers in the hotel before bed.  I did not eat the free Irn Bru or Tunnocks teacakes.

In the room, the wind was noisy, but so what.

Saturday, 20 January 2024

That’s the pleasant sunny and crisp days gone.  Back to Atlantic fronts, and a series of weather warnings. The WoL is slowly de-icing.

A call from Ron B.  He’s down for the Hearts game next Saturday.  I may or may not meet him; I have a CC gig at night.

At the Malt with Justice and the Spartans  crowd for their big game against Hearts, home after 3 for my Methi Ghost I’d cooked earlier.


I’m wondering about travel tomorrow given the warnings. Scotrail are already cancelling evening travel so I’ll have to leave early and stay overnight. However I’ve booked a ticket and hotel and hope for the best.

Friday, 19 January 2024

Another failed weather warning; no snow.

Annie dropped me off at Teuchter’s, I met Bruce and Bill and left after 1; a short shift, to take the car home and rest before Macbeth.

Annie reported her safe arrival.


In the event, we all met at Teuchter’s West End, I got the tram.

After a swiftie (the others were anxious to depart), we took the 100 bus and walked to the hall.   Three racks of seating surrounded a plain stage.

TBH, I didn’t enjoy it as much as I though I was going to.

There wasn’t enough movement, there was a lack of naturalism, and some of the line delivery was wooden. Fiennes was very good, but in the second half, as he was attempting to convey Macbeth’s breakdown into madness, his stance reminded me irresistibly of Rigsby.  Indira Varma was an excellent Lady Macbeth, but from the photos, much whiter than I expected. (That’s an observation, not a criticism.)  The assassins were excellent. All in all, an fine cast let down by the production. 6.5/10

Are the Weird Sisters really as ubiquitous in the original?  I shall get my copy out tomorrow and reread.


Bus back, changed for one of the last trams at Haymarket. Idiots not putting luggage on racks on the bus.


Home for 23:30 and a notable weather change: wetter, milder, a harbinger of the latest storm. I was glad to get home.  I switched on the electric blanket and tucked into a midnight snack of crackers, cream cheese and smoked salmon

Good rugby results for the Scottish teams.

Thursday, 18 January 2024

Ice is thick on WoL.

After a good breakfast, I headed to the Malt to meet Julie and her pal Marion to take them along to my car park to get picked up by Annie for their Macbeth (matinee). I had time for a couple. 

A call from Kenny. He is hoping to get out in a few days. He’s not on any meds, and feels OK. He said he was assessed today.


Later, I went to the Shore to meet the girls.  4 women (Elaine had joined us), talking about cats and bitching. Kill me.  They thought Macbeth was fabulous, which is a good omen for my visit tomorrow.

I’d booked dinner, and Annie and I sat down  at 8 rather than 6:30. The 3 girls headed Maltward. It will be messy.

After a good dinner, we went over to the Redmonds as arranged yesterday.  Champagne and dry martinis! Home for midnight though, not too damaged.


Wednesday, 17 January 2024

The WoL mostly frozen today; must have been cold last night.  No snow though, the forecasters admitted they got it wrong. Amusingly, it diverted to England.

The morning spent on shopping and a trip to the dump, and cleaning for Annie.


I called Mairi, who is hibernating. Her knees are worse than mine by the sound of it. She told me to ask GP for a sputum test and an x-ray!


I parked my car at Teuchter’s and left my leys with John.  The staff party went well, no major incidents or walks of shame.

I met Bill as usual, and after our bottle, Annie arrived.  So Bill phoned Anne, who came over.

Too much wine and late to bed.  Quelle surprise.

Tuesday, 16 January 2024

A bit of the WoL was frozen over; the first time this year I think.

The credit card bills have been checked, and scheduled for payment.  Ouch!

And the 6-nations squad has been named. Nothing startling, except to Hamish.  No captain named.

Headed off to meet Jim and Frances in the Gulidford. Great craic including a 1/3 pint of Dark Island Special Reserve!  We left at 6pm!

No snow.

I spoke to Linda about travelling to Macbeth.  No consensus yet!

Annie has changed her schedule; she is coming down tomorrow.

No snow; useless weather forecast.


I’ve been rereading Ulysses (the poem). “Old age hath yet his honour and his toil.”

Monday, 15 January 2024

Ooh, BA is starting flights from EDI to San Sebastian…

A call from Kenny. He seemed tired, no news.

A message from the Gunners re trip to S Africa for URC games. Maybe  next year as part of a wider trip?

Sunday, 14 January 2024

Cold and crisp 

Another call form KN.  He’s still confused as to his location.   Western GH ?

So I phoned Glasgow and Edinburgh hospitals; NT. His sister Tina called, returning my message.  He is in the Western Isles Hospital!  He had a brain bleed on Wednesday, at the mill, collapsed and knocked his head.  He was found right away, and carted off.  He’s fine physically so hopefully will make a full recovery.  The relief!    Monty called also.  I gave him Kenny’s pal Colin’s mobile no. We’re all relieved he seems to have got away with it.

Malt mayhem with the Massie family, Alan and parents Kenny and Ann. Confusion with Kennys.  I was telling them about KN, and some thought I was talking about Sharpn’s Kenny.  The presence of a third one, and alcohol didn’t help.  Lawrence is not as good as Alan suggested. No A Curtis.              

Home via Shore for 17:30   

Saturday, 13 January 2024

Kathleen had to cancel. I booked my hotel for Valencia

A message from Justice, things are better with his mum. I went over to the Malt, he was ensconced, and in fine form as his mum had had her op, and come through it very well. Fine news.

Ian Barclay joined us briefly, on the way to visit his brother, then Jacqui R arrived.

Her dad has been sent to a home in Edzell and she is fuming as there had been no discussion with her. And Edzell is not she easiest place to get to. Still, at least he’s safe..


Julie and Elaine are Malting tomorrow. Apparently Alisdair was unhappy that I hadn’t come down last Sunday.

Justice and I left before 4, and the bar was getting very busy. Sunny, cold, with a raw edge.

The first attractive sunset of the year, and after 4pm too!


A call from Kenny late tonight from AandE Glasgow. He’s had a stroke! He doesn’t know what hospital he’s in but was lucid. WTF??

Friday, 12 January 2024 

To Teuchter’s. George in bed with a cold, Bruce at Murrayfield tomorrow to watch Greenock Wanderers. I started with the best of intentions, but eventually caved in and had a couple of Jarls.


About 15:30, I dropped into the Malt, not ecpecting to see anyone, but Justice was still there! Lawrence had been in, and moving much better, so that’s good. OTOH, A;an’s mum is in hospital. Having fallen and broken her femur.  To pile Pelion on Ossia, she needs a joint replacement, and were due to do it yesterday but she had an elevated heart rate so it was postponed.  Perhaps today?  It’s a big procedure for someone of that age.  He’s desperately worried, as is Wendy his sister.

Going home. It was cold, raw, GCH on!


Annie Nightingale is the latest celebrity death.  Astoundingly, she was 83!

 Thursday, 11 January 2024

Off to the OCP to meet Kathleen.  Only to discover that at her time (11:15), it was closed. As was the Starbank nearby! We ended up an Zizzi’s in OT. Nice to catch up.  She had two short spells in hospital but seems fine now.

She wanted some help with her new phone, and we arranged a meet for tomorrow.


I was going to do a couple of GBG surveys, but in the end, decided not to.

Wednesday, 10 January 2024

Shopping and Bill.  Too much red wine! A couple of customers came in and sat down.  Later the man came up and asked me “A bheil Gaidhlig agad?”

Màiri is originally from Sheshader and partner Robbie, live most of the time in Geneva, wintering in Leith! (They don’t like snow.)

More than a bottle; a 2 ½  hour session.

I’m meeting Kathleen tomorrow for coffee.

Tuesday, 09 January 2024

A call from Annie to discuss next week for Macbeth. She’ll come down on the day, and go direct to the matinee, then stay overnight here. We’ll eat out.


Off to Heather for teeth. She has been a granny to Holly for 5 months now.  Pictures shown! She told me some details about the murder at the Anchor.  Apparently the actors were a couple of junkies hired by a Glasgow gangster involved in the murder of a chap called Hamster.  I asked her if she meant Gerbil.  Cue collapse in laughter!  (All these details fed to her by a mutual advocate acquaintance).


Home for a  late lunch, and the start of detailed planning for S America.  This is looking like the most complex trip I’ve ever taken, due to distance and infrastructure. And age 😢 I’m not yet sure I’ll undertake it.

Monday, 08 January 2024

On the bike today, the Iain Anderson show my customary accompaniment.  Thus I leaned about Randall knives, from a Guy Clark, and another great song, Lang may your lums reek, by Lainey Dempsey.  I haven’t heard of her before, but this was a lovely piece of a capella.


A bad day for sport: Beckenbauer, Der Kaiser, has died, along with JPR Williams.

Must start detailed planning for South America.

Saturday, 06 January 2024

A call from Fergie. Pat Sutherland’s funeral went well, but not a huge Revenue attendance as few people knew. Apparently she died of an intestinal haemorrhage. She was 72. Pamela, like myself, is looking at a trip to Spain.

Julie didn’t get home until 9pm…

I went to the Market for pies, followed by the Malt for beer.  Ian Barclay was there.  His terminally-ill brother has perked up.  Nikki was there also, lovely as always. She and Ian were away to Tapa for lunch. Alisdair and Julie arrived, as well as Jacqui who bought a drink for Julie. Justice left at 15 30. I headed home, escorted by Alisdair before 4: it was  still light.

Friday, 05 January 2024

I’m still coughing – what’s needed is a break in a dry climate. I haven’t been to Valencia which is one of the driest places in Europe.

Fame for Pamela, an STV Vox-pop appeared on its website.


To Teuchter’s, where George appeared, the first time I’ve seen him in some time.  For me, alcohol free.

Arriving home a letter from the Post Office to suggest I buy the new stamp collection “celebrating” the Spice Girls.  Naw.


Then, I’d arranged to meet Julie to discuss Macbeth etc, in the Shore after she’d seen Hopkins in One Life, but in going there discovered it was closed for a private function. 

Instead, we met in the Malt at 15:30 and it went tits – up afterwards. Alan J was still there. We briefly had our meeting, which went unminuted, and he left to be replaced by Lee (Forrest), whom I thought had a hair problem. He happily informed me that he was about to have it cut and departed for a while. By this time it was getting busy. I had abandoned my AF beer for Jarl, and we were joined by Elaine and a shorn Lee. The sequence is not exact, but I got home around 18:30, after leaving the others in an advanced state of inebriation.

Fortunately dinner was quickly and simply cooked.

Thursday, 04 January 2024

I’m looking at Norway post Easter, and before Wales.  Stavanger-Oslo-Bergen.  I asked Neil Evans for info on Stavanger pubs; being an Oilie and beerhound, he’ll have the info. (He did.)

It’s fun, planning new trips, which is probably why I go.

Wednesday, 03 January 2024

The Wednesday shop was disappointing. Not surprising that there were no fish pies, but the butchers was closed today. Oh well.

And, as Rod Fitzroy said the other day, I need a haircut.

So off up town I went and got one. After a session on my bike.

There are loads of people still attending the xmas market. (Passing the North Bridge, I noted that the refurbishment won’t be completed until spring next year.)


After my haircut, no stop-off at the Blazer or Hanging Bat!  However, arrangement in lace to meet both Jim Aitken and Anne Chapman (on separate days)! And the Boundary Bar refurbishment appears to be complete. Must visit.


More sensible in the Shore later with Bill; one bottle plus a glass. Looks like end of April/beginning of May for Wales.


At home, I couldn’t be bothered cooking, so an excellent fish and chips in Teuchter’s!

Both the Shore and Teuchter’s are having their staff do on 15th. Shocking lack of coordination 😁

Tuesday, 02 January 2024

A call from Issie in Adelaide, where it’s a glorious 31°. Like myself, she was in bed before the bells.  She also has had some losses recently (not close family).  I cracked her up by saying it wasn’t a competition, and hoping it wasn’t infectious.

It’s getting to be the time to be fine-tuning major travel plans and starting long-lead flights, for the best prices. In this case, Buenos Aires and Lima.


Some people have personalised car number plates.  In the continuing absence of beer mats in the Malt, I’ve decided to go down the route of personalised mats…

Lawrence is still knackered with his back, but at least his sister is out of hospital.

Good result for the Dons. Consistency though…

Bad news about one of my favourite English breweries.

Monday, 01 January 2024

We’ve arrived, for better or worse.

I called various pals, before heading to Teuchter’s via Aldi.  Which was closed, Teuchter’s was stowed, so I fled to the Malt, which was slow upon arrival but rapidly got busy.

Chris, Nikki, Fortunae, Jackie and a shower of what Julie contemptuously described as interlopers! The Anchor shooting was a major topic.


On the way home, the Shore was not too busy, but I didn’t linger.

A Chinese for dinner; it took 2 hours to arrive! I was ready for it.

The more I see the Big Bang Theory, the more I think Leonard is such a sad fuck.

Sunday, 31 December 2023

A crisp bright winter’s morning at Sainsbury.

In the Malt early, and amusing time with Rod & Linda, Alan, Jacqui R and Julie. No stiffie but tongue and hands

Leaving for home, I darted into the Shore where I was chided for ignoring the prominent “closed” sign but was allowed in.  Big bookings. Good music from Danny’s playlist and home for 17:30, not sober.

Later, I couldn’t summon up the energy to step out for the bells, and went to bed.  Age does indeed wither me.


Well, we’ve come to the end of a difficult year. We’ve lost people: too many, but we still have each other. Here’s to a braw new year.

Sunday, 31 December 2023

A crisp bright winter’s morning at Sainsbury.

In the Malt early, and amusing time with Rod & Linda, Alan, Jacqui R and Julie. 

Leaving for home, I darted into the Shore where I was chided for ignoring the prominent “closed” sign but was allowed in.  Big bookings. Good music from Danny’s playlist and home for 17:30, not sober.

Later, I couldn’t summon up the energy to step out for the bells, and went to bed.  Age does indeed wither me.


Well, we’ve come to the end of a difficult year. We’ve lost people: too many, but we still have each other.

Here’s to a braw new year, and I love you all.

Saturday, 30 December 2023

A tale of two games; the Old firm one, and the 1872 cup.

I headed to the Malt to meet Bill (closer for him and trams).  It was very quiet. 

We headed off about 2, and even down here, the tram was very busy, and from the next stop to Murrayfield, standing room only.

I ran into Alec Bowman (Leith Accies) and his daughter Amanada, who were going to the game.  The very idea of the Alec I remember having an attractive young daughter felt slightly discombobulating.

At the game, our seats were very good, and we had an excellent view of Duhan’s try.  A good tussle, Edinburgh deserved winners, but they never looked likely to get sufficient points to win the cup. Edinburgh had the flair, Glasgow the defence.


Aftermath, a tram down to Leith where I took Bill to the Port, only to find there was no Jarl.  So we toddled to the Shore. A good craic, but too much wine!

Friday, 29 December 2023

Later, to Teuchter’s, no George. No Dick to tell people to stf door! But Bruce succeeded and we chatted away.  He was supposed to be up at Pitlochry, but Gerrit defeated his best efforts.

Later, and American couple came about, Gilles and Norman, father and son. An engaging couple of guys, and we had a good blether.

I overstayed, at Teuchter’s, finally going to the Malt and Hops for one at the back of 5.

More than I hate xmas, is Hogmanay described as New year’s eve.

Thursday, 28 December 2023

A bit of sunshine to start the day of Dick’s funeral.

Bike exercise, first since Hamburg.

It’s bad enough to see repetitive adverts for Bingo with sad people acting like cartoon characters, but this new formula milk advert pollution is creepy.

As I got showered etc ready to go, the sky darkened, and the wind rose.


Heading to the funeral, I gave a lift to Alan and Jacqui Mc, approaching at the end of a particularly sharp squall. The crem was full, many people I didn’t know. George and Bruce were supposed to be there but I didn’t see them. It was a well-conducted funeral, a celebrant I’ve come across before. Rather than the usual ½ hour, it was almost double, with many tributes. It seemed rather surreal, to be sitting there, and Dick dead; he was such an alive cove. Lawrence arrived assisted by Katrina, obviously in pain. So much so that he didn’t come to the wake.


A quick exit afterwards, I dropped off Alan and Jacqui outside Teuchter’s, and returned after parking the car. John T and co had done an excellent job, as had Domenico’s with the food, with a free bar: my kind of wake.  Dick’s too, he’d have enjoyed it.

Ben Macpherson was there too, and Lisa and sister, Molly, Calum and other friends not seen for a while.

Linda lasted very well.

I left at 18:15 & fell into the trap of the Shore for one, but home for just after 7. Weary.

Wednesday, 27 December 2023

Off to the shops quite early, on a rather unpleasant if not actually awful, morning.  I bought a rather huge T-bone steak in Anderson’s which will certainly do at least 3 meals for me!

I contacted Linda to get streaming details of Dick’s funeral which I passed on to interested parties.. Then, time to coorie doun.

Annie reported that the weather at home was appalling, reinforcing her decision not to travel tomorrow.  Fergie reported similar (and Pamela is down with a chest infection to add insult).  Alex Nimmo gave him a book by Alisdair Moffat “In search of Angels”.  I couldn’t remember which Moffat because they both live in the Borders, but later clarified it was not the painter (Alisdair, not Sandy)!

A call from Mairi; she was shocked to hear about Clare and Dick.  She herself continues to improve, which is good. But still unsteady on her feet.  Linda bought her a red walking stick for xmas!  She spent xmas day with Hannah’s folks in Cambuslang; they were 11.  She is dog-sitting for the Anderson Macraes tomorrow.

Storm Gerrit is creating a fair bit of havoc to the transport system.

Tuesday, 26 December 2023

Well, thank gods that’s over for another year.

Bill and grandson (Josh, 11) birthdays today.

I have tidied up from yesterdays assorted debris and am back to normal. Ish.

I have sent off the Pre diabetes referral form suggested by my GP, so will expect to get an acknowledgement next week.

Otherwise, a do-nothing day.

Monday, 25 December 2023

A late breakfast.

I bought a new electric blanket online. Then time to open some lovely presents from my chums.

A card from Isabel Scott (former neighbour). Don has Alzheimers 😢 And the usual card from Andy Goodbrand. All is well with him and his family, which was good to hear.

I called Annie P who was in the throes of prepping  dinner. She hasn’t finally decided on what to do for Dick’s funeral.

Off to the Malt: Fortunae great company as always.  I had a chat with Julian, the ½ Leodhasach barman, who is currently writing his dissertation on the NC500. It sounded very interesting and I hope he’ll let me read it.

A call from Fergie, home from Westhill before heading out to Linner at a Chinese. Than a call from Calum Cumming who was in reasonable form.

Leslie Smith arrived, with escort.  H I hadn’t seen him for many months but he looked OK.

I returned around 4 and became hungry but had to wait until dinner cooked!

After, I was so full I didn’t put on the Xmas pud.

Sunday, 24 December 2023

Early to Sainsbury, not too busy! The highlight was my upsetting a litre of milk onto the floor. A heavy shower passed.


Pamela Scott and the expensive candle: a title for an Enid Blyton story for adults?

Kenny was  off to Keose; his sister makes xmas dinner on xmas Eve.

Later, to the Malt,  where I found Alan Justice, his unbounded joy on my arrival from unwanted attention form a well-refreshed customer a comedic turn to appreciate.

Jacqui arrived, typically unprepared fir the morrow, Ali, Kevin and Jo all in good form.

Eventually to the Shore, where I had liquid thanks from Keith adding to my port from Danny earlier in the week, with a xmas wine. Not too busy in either place.  A chappie to my right well refreshed but was interesting company on Spain.

Home  for 17:30.

An evening watching Otis Redding, Farlowe and Burden on YouTube, after a fine steak dinner.

My electric blanket is broken.

Saturday, 23 December 2023

To the Market and Malt: sausage rolls in the first, beer in the latter, with Alan J, and Jacqui R, joined later by the Fortunae.


I watched the last episode of Yes Minister (the one in which he transitions into PM), and was struck by the fact that beside the current lot, Hacker appears like a Titan.

Friday, 22 December 2023

I got a confirmatory email from Virgin cancelling my booking next month, so booked another hotel while I had the chance.  It’s actually more convenient (and I get points)!

I went to Spartans to pick up food for my delivery round today.  Only 5 calls, but I could not find one number whatever I tried, so had to go back to Sprtans with it.  Annoying for all.

After dinner, I headed over to Teuchter’s, uncertain as to what I was going to find there.  In fact it wasn’t too busy, and I ended up at a table with most of off-duty staff like Warren, Lee, Christie et al. And Natasha, Ruaridh (hadn’t seen him for a long time: apparently he now has the caoram.)  Most of them were heading to the  Dockers to see the Fife brothers.

In the event, I stayed on to watch the rugby, but the signal failed in the deep into the second half.  Irritating, but the company made up for it, and of course the Gunners lost in the end anyway. Not too many revellers for Black Friday.

Thursday, 21 December 2023

I went to the Malt to surprise Alan Justice with his unexpected bonus of tobacco.  The joy on his face was something to behold, if inappropriate.

He told me that Lawrence’s problem was in fact a slipped disc, from which he is suffering much pain.

I popped into the Shore on the way home, and had a chat with Stevie Moan over a glass.

Wednesday, 20 December 2023

A busy morning, first a visit to GP, BP up at 148/88, so not too good.  She’s suggested a referral to a Diabetes Prevention forum, to which I’ve agreed. (No breakfast this morning as appointment for 09:00, so a wee calorie bonus!)

Then to Welch’s, for fish pie, Aldi (small stuffed turkey joint). butcher and Boots.  The promised heavy rain had not materialised by the time I got home.

I am considering slotting in Iceland-Greenland-Canada for next June.  I have wanted to visit Greenland for some years now, and with the advent of an air service to Canada (and a service from Halifax to EDI) next year, it seems a good possibility. About a fortnight, so not too long and expensive.  Much will depend on how the South America trip planning (& costs) go.

Tuesday, 19 December 2023

My post trip washing done, some shopping done, normality in progress.

At Sainsbury,  good deal on Monopole Blue – £18 if one has a Nectar card; I bought 3!

John Hinton came over to exchange gifts.  They are spending xmas at home with Rose; Kate is going to her dad’s with Leah.  He was in decent form, and left to pick up Liz after I made him a restorative coffee.

My xmas gift from Seonag arrived: Salar yes, but this year cold smoked, pre sliced.  I will have some later!  Also, no need to buy any Welch’s for some time to come.

As he left, I checked my mail.  No speeding tickets, for which much thanks! 


Otherwise, a day of recovery.  GP tomorrow.  And Bill afterwards, to commend or commiserate.

Tindal sent me a pic of the front page of Hotel Scotland, a trade magazine.  Tom jnr is the front page, with an interview inside.  Big time! But later I read that the hotel has closed without notice. So WTF??


Reading the book about Miniatur Wunderland; I’ll need another visit!

Monday, 18 December 2023

Claire’s dog Max is dead, Bill will be devastated, even though he was old and hirpling.


For me, the first order of the day was packing and breakfast. So far my aircraft is on time, having left EDI for Wroclaw and return, before heading to Hamburg to pick me up. It’s a 737 Max, so a bit unhappy, not over the name, but the aircraft type.

And so to the airport. The day is as grey as when I arrived.

An easy if convoluted traverse through to airside. For once, I bought some DF: Kraken and tobacco, the last obviously not for me. Curiously, they didn’t have Marlborough lights, and did have tobacco, so Justice wins.

Looking at the time, I saw that I had a bit less than an hour before going to gate, so didn’t use a precious lounge pass, instead, I went to where Dick and I had some wine last year. After a couple of drinks and baguettes, onto the gate area where I found the flight was delayed around 30 minutes. Not to worry; another wine there, if not as good as the previous one.

In the event, rollback was an hour late, into  pissing rain.


The flight briefing didn’t mention it was a Max🙄😁

Eva Cassidy was the soundtrack for the flight; it’s been a long time since I listened to her.

Arrival was an hour late too. Quickly through however, and on a tram. Joy.  Home before 8pm.

Sunday, 17 December 2023

Culture today. The Maritime Museum first, via a service bus.

Spread over 10 levels, this is an exceptional museum. Privately owned too! I started off at the first public level, 9, which contains an amazing collection of miniature ships 1:1200 scale. Then down to floor 5, the warship section, equally interesting.

However, the knees were giving me gyp and after a couple of hours, it was time to retire to Nagel’s for some Labskaus.


There was a lovely sunset as I departed for Miniatur Wunderland, sated with food and drink.

We were there last year but the knees gave out half way through, so back again. It’s a fabulous attraction, I’d go back again and again.  And it’s nice to see the enchantment of all the visitors faces, even women whom I would not have thought would like this kind of thing so much.  The most impressive part is the airport model.

I liked it so much, I bought the book. Loads of images taken too. Dick would have enjoyed it.

Eventually I left and got a bus to ÜberQuell for beer and pizza. I wasn’t up for a big dinner after Nagel’s. Fortunately, it’s not feeling a lot like Xmas 😁

Getting off the bus, it was about 3oo metres to the pub, down two sets of very poorly lit stairs.  There was a number Blacks just standing around, seemingly doing nothing. It felt insecure.  If I’d been female….

After my repast, I reversed course and ran the gauntlet safely enough.  I found myself on Herbertstraße, which a cousin (also Norman) had indicated was like Amsterdam, vis-à-vis ladies of the night.  It wasn’t: it was full of streetwalkers, lined up touting for custom.  A couple caught me by the arm.  They must have been desperate!

I turned into the Reeperbahn which was relatively quiet. But still obviously selling sex, only behind doors.  I got the S1 to Hbf and a stroll to the hotel. It was the best weather of the trip so far.

Many EV cars here. And their chargers work.

Saturday, 16 December 2023 

A late start. Nix Cuxhaven today, or any other day in fact, as there is no direct train from the Hbf. Instead you have to take a train to a station south, to travel north again.  Bugger that.

I finally went out for a wander near midday. It was grey on the Altersee, visible from my room. Unfortunately, my room is on the fifth (top) and the single lift was kaput. I hope they have it fixed for my return. (They had.) I got the S Bahn to Altes Mädchen for a few beers. Then the U to Rathaus and Xmas market for nougat for Linda. Grafitti abounds. I love travelling on a metro.


(How can Georgia be a candidate for the EU? It’s in Asia. Türkiye has more right.)


The weather got increasingly wet and Scottish, but not as raw.

At the  Rathaus and the market, purchased made, including a hot Bratwurst at ½  the price of the one in Edinburgh, as expected.

The city and market is abuzz with people, and many small children, seeking festive fun.

I fled to Nagel’s, for beer and plotting. Later, I decided to dine at the Atlantic Hotel which is a 5*  member of the Marriott group, but I’d decided it was too expensive, hence my residence across the road!  They didn’t have a table immediately, but suggested I have a drink at the bar.  So I had a delicious Riesling.

It’s a lovely hotel. There was a woman pianist playing an Eva Cassidy number. It’s been too long since I played her.

It’s a well run establishment, majoring on excellent service in sumptuous surroundings. The food from the open kitchen is less complex. From a reasonably broad selection, I went for the 3-course menu with matched wine.

  • Very nice Bread butter and herbed oil
  • A riesling (not as nice as the first) with the prawns
  • A superb mix Venison
  • A nice dessert (the Venison was the best).

An interesting mix of clientele. Some dodgy customers or I miss my guess.

After, back to my hotel to use my free drink voucher, then bed.


Friday, 15 December 2023

Up a wee bit earlier; to pack, breakfast and leave. All relevant traffic systems appear to be green. An easy transfer to airside and the Aspire lounge for snacks and wine.

EDI is as busy as ever, even at a normally quieter time. At least the lounge isn’t as busy as LHR Terraces at T5.

In the distance, I could see the inbound aircraft for my flight (SDR) lining up for finals.

Heading for my flight I noted that yet more retail being built to create even more choke points.


At my gate, a lassie tried  checking in for an  Easyjet flight (this is with Ryanair)! Rollback was a few minutes early. I always have a wee chuckle when the refer to an “emergency evacuation”.


That empty seat next to me across the aisle….


We arrived on schedule, straightforward S bahn into Hbf and Nagels, an hour after landing. “Moin…” is the standard Hamburger greeting.

I ordered a Schwarzbier of course.

Prosit, Dick.

This is going to be more poignant than I anticipated. But Nagel’s is so homely.


After 3 beers, I went to check in. I have a nice room, top floor, and a free drink. But first, I walked across the Alster for dinner to the Hofbrauhaus, where the WiFi remembered me.

Approaching, there was a crowd outside. I was relieved that they were smokers rather than queuers.

Bloody hot inside, even with one layer. They had snow recently, but unlike last year, no trace remains.

Dick liked the currywurst in here, almost as good as the Gaffel am Dom he thought.

It was heaving, I was lucky to get ein tisch.  House bier, cold roast beef, and back to the hotel for 22:00. Getting in the door and poised for a pee, Kenny interrupted me! I don’t think he realised I was sitting on the pan…


Anyway, he has been begged to go working full-time at the mill, to which he has graciously acceded.

Bed for me, with no decision made about tomorrow.


I read that Brewdog are planning on opening a bar in Waverley. Good news.