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  1. An excellent few days in Leith Norman – many thanks. BTW I can confirm that I was perfectly content with the old bed. The new bed is comfortable too.

  2. Hi Norman
    Cousin Chris here. Following her discovery of the music of Runrig Katrina recently expressed a desire to visit Lewis again. In doing a bit of digging about our past I discovered your website. You stated that the driver for this was to act as a link between your past life and the present, so here am getting in touch with you from way back in the past ( It must be nearly 50 years since we last spoke). I hope you are well and if you want to catch up on the present you now have my con tact details

  3. Hello Norman, I was told I could find you on the internet by our mutual friend/relation Mairi Macleod Sterland (Portvoller and Derbyshire) who thought you might be able to help me. I’ve just been appointed to carry out some historical research about Bayble Shop and Post Office and would love to talk to you about it. Would you be able to contact me via to discuss whether you are able/willing to contribute to the shop’s life story? Thanks and best wishes, Annie Delin

  4. Hello Norman, I came across your blog when googling ‘Burncrook’ in Bayble, I grew up in Burncrook with my family from age 7 till 12 I had very fond memories there and remember we purchased it off the Mackenzie family. It would be good to get in touch, I now live in New Zealand.



    1. My, what a surprise! I can’t actually remember when we sold it. So you would be only the second family to own the property since it was built.

  5. Finally caught up with your blog. Some nice reminders of bright moments over the lockdown period – thank you.

  6. Norman can you contact lorna re Iris sorry only way I could find to contact you

  7. What happened to the good looking wee guy? Pamela suggets “same trousers”?